4 evaluation points for classification and diagnosis of sz
- comorbidity
- cultural bias
- reliability
- symptoms
P - a weakness of classification of sz is comorbidity
E - it is when 2 or more conditions occur together
E - Buckley et al found 1/2 of sz have depression, 47% substance abuse and 29% have PTSD
L- weakness of diagnosis and classification, question the validity because we can say that classification is wrong or too similar
cultural bias
P - classification has cultural bias
E - african-american and afro-carib more likely diagnosis with sz
E - no genetic vulnerability, but normal to hear voices as cultural belief is ancestors, irrational and bizarre
L - critic pop valid/ ecological validity, everyone isn’t diagnosed the same
P - there is poor reliability
E - important that 2 mental health professional agree on diagnosis
E - Cheniaux et al, 2 psych indep diagnosis using DSM and ICD
1 - 25 sz with DSM, 44 ICD
2 - 13 sz with DSM, 24 ICD
L - low inter-rater reliability as cannot agree, all subjective
symptoms overlap
P - symptoms overlap for different illnesses
E - schizo and bipolar involve positive symptoms and negative symptoms
E - ICD could be diagnosed schizo, but be bipolar under DSM
L - question practical application of diagnosing through symptoms