Evacuation Sector 201.05E Flashcards
What are three levels of evacuation?
Site evacuation- Small number, easily evacuated, short hold times 1-2 hours than return.
Intermediate Level of evacuation - Larger number, fewer than 100, 2-4 or more hours, doc more difficult, more resources
Large Scale evacuation- Larger concentrated release of haz, effects 1000’s, many hours if not days,documents becomes more important and difficult, large amount of resources needed, Emergency operation center EOC will be activated
Once long-term sheltering is identified, the Red Cross will manage shelters. Early notification is required. The
Red Cross will need up to three hours to get adequate personnel, equipment and supplies to the shelter site
Shelter sites
When developing the evacuation plan, shelter sites must be identified early. Shelter site selection cannot wait on the Red Cross. Site selection must be made by the Incident Commander at the time evacuation is ordered and sites need Sector officers assigned.
The actual evacuation process would
normally be managed in
the Operations Section as an Evacuation Branch or Sector
Sectors to be consider include?
- Public Information Sector
- Geographic Sectors (Multiple Sectors)
- Police Liaison Sector
- Staging Sector
- Transportation Sector
- Shelter Sectors
- Other Agency Liaison Sectors
- Other Sectors as necessary
Command’s responsibilities include the following items:
- Rapidly size up the situation to determine the need to evacuate
- Develop Evacuation Plan
- Request a police supervisor to the Command Post
- Determine evacuation perimeters
- Determine the number and location of shelter sites and communicate the locations to the Command
organization (Use the CAD INFO SHELTERS or the Yellow Evacuation Manual for shelters and maps) - Order evacuation
- Provide resources required
- Establish police liaison; request a ranking police officer to the Command Post
- Provide a ranking fire officer to the police liaison officer/Police Command Post
- Order the alert of other appropriate agencies
- Expand the Command organization to meet the incident/evacuation needs
- Establish an evacuation plan and communicate the plan to Branches, Sectors and agency liaisons
Police Liasion
A police representative will need to be assigned to the Planning Section and another to the Evacuation Branch
as a liaison. The police liaisons will communicate with the Police Incident Commander and keep other parties in
the Police Department informed of the plan, progress, etc.
Police liaison will be assigned to who?
Planning section
Who will be required to accomplish evacuation on large scale incidents?
Police officers
How should you be dressed when making door to door evacuations?
Be in uniform and wear your helmet
Face-to-face notification should include the following instructions:
- There is an emergency
- You are in danger
- Leave immediately
- Go to shelter (location)
- Take ( ) route out of area
- Do you need transportation?
- Consider multi-lingual need
Evacuees should be advised to take the following items:
- Wallet/purse
- House and car keys
- Money
- Eyeglasses
- Medications
- Proper/warm clothing
- Family pet
where immediate and rapid evacuation makes door-to-door notification impossible, use the following notification method:
- Use three (3) five-second blasts of the siren while on the “YELP” setting
Follow with the standard evacuation instruction over PA system (see instructions above)
Use maximum volume on PA system
Proceed slowly to maximize notification
Initiate notification at the beginning of each block and each 50 yards after that
- Use three (3) five-second blasts of the siren while on the “YELP” setting
Steps to follow for someone refusing to evacuate
Document refusal, get address.
- Be in uniform
- Wear your helmet
- Wear SCBA and facepiece (air hose may not need to be connected) when advising the citizen to leave
- Ask for next of kin and a phone number
- Write the next of kin information down
- Refusals should be noted and reported to the Branch Officer by radio
Responsibilities of the
Planning Section’s EOC Liaison Officer are:
Responsibilities of the
Planning Section’s EOC Liaison Officer are:
1. Obtain a radio communications link with the EOC (through Dispatch Headquarters on a separate
2. Obtain a cellular telephone or other communications link with the EOC (City of Phoenix EOC phone
numbers: 262-6100, 262-6664, 262-7293)
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Obtain an immediate status report from Command and provide that report to the EOC Fire Officer
Provide an immediate report to the EOC on any changes in plans, strategy, problems encountered, etc
Provide progress reports every 30 minutes unless the EOC requires more frequent reports
Act as the communications link from EOC to Command
Provide Command with direction, policy information, etc., that is communicated from the EOC