Ettiquette Quarter 4 Final Exam Flashcards
How much to tip for dinner at a restaurant
In most metropolitan restaurants, one tips at least 15 to 20% of the dinner cost depending on the service and type of restaurant
When to order white wine
White wine served, chilled and served with fish and chicken
When to order red wine
red wine served at cellar temperature and served with red meat and red pasta sauces
The name used for the wine steward
Who pays the restaurant check?
Regardless of gender, the person who did the inviting pay the restaurant check
What utensils should be placed on the right side of the dinner plate?
the soup spoon and knife
What utensils should be placed on the left side of the dinner plate?
Salad fork and dinner fork
What direction should you use utensils?
Begin with the outside of flatware/utensils and work your way in
Where should glassware be placed on the table?
Glassware is placed to the right of the dinner plate and above the knife and soup spoon
Where should the bread and butter plate be placed on the table?
The bread and butter plate should be placed to the left of the dinner plate and above the forks
Where should utensils be placed after you have begun to use them?
Once utensils touch your mouth, they should rest on the plate, not the table
When should you put the napkin on your lap?
Rest the napkin on your lap when you are seated
How should a dinner roll be eaten?
A dinner roll is broken into small pieces and each piece is buttered
How should you be seated at a banquette?
the guest/woman should be seated and the host/man sits in the chair opposite of them
When following the maitre d, what is the order?
guest/woman follows the maitre d’ and the host/man follows.
(guest goes first)
(A maitre d is like a sophisticated waiter at a fancy restaurant)
When should you speak when eating?
Wait until your food is swallowed before taking a drink of water; never with your mouth full
Is it appropriate to tip the valet, guest room attendant and coat check attendant?
Examples of condolence gestures
- flowers, letters to the family, food, mass cards, donations etc
- they warrant a written letter of acknowledgment
What to do if you are sent a simple commercial sympathy card
- an acknowledgement is not necessary
- to send one is up to the discretion of the family
What to do if you made a donation to a charity at someone’s request
you can inform them, omitting the amount
What shape is the American flag presented to the next of kin
a triangular shape with the blue field showing
Should you RSVP even if you are not going to attend the event?
yes. RSVP on an invitation requires a response if you are, or are not attending
When to send a thank you card
send a thank you note for a favor granted, a gift, and an interview
What to do if you receive an inappropriate gift, or against company policy
graciously decline
What type of flowers to send to an office
- flower arrangement or plant
- only send cut flowers when a vase can be readily available
Generally preferred alcoholic beverage to bring as a gift
- wine, sparkling wine, or an after dinner liqueur
- don’t bring something that’s meant to be opened at the dinner
- a trained professional in a hotel designated specifically for guest services.
- can provide luxury services, give directions, arrange tours, get theater tickets and reservations
- can tip for minor things $5-10
- can tip more $15-30+ depending on the task
What expression should not be used when a client thanks you
- “not a problem”
- use you’re welcome
Is it appropriate to shake everyone’s hand
Whose hand should you shake when you’re entering a group/conversation
shake the host’s hand first
Most important thing to remember about making introductions
just do it
Order to introduce people
- introduce a younger person to an older person (Mr. jones, meet peter)
- introduce a peer in your own company to a peer in another company
- introduce a nonofficial person to an official person
- introduce a co-worker to a client
- introduce your spouse to an outsider
- in social situations, all things being equal, introduce a man to a woman
(Introduce the unfamiliar person to the familiar person) ex Charlie meet my husband Anthony
the title Ms.
Ms. is appropriate for a single, married divorced or widowed woman
Can widow’s keep their dead husband’s last name
When addressing a married woman in the workplace
Mrs. Dede Frank instead of Mrs. Terry Frank
When to use MD/PHD and Dr.
use one or the other, not both
ex. Dr. Sydney Macon or Sydney Macon, PhD
(NOT Dr. Sydney Macon PhD)
When to use Jr.
When a man has the same first, middle, and last name as his father
When to use II,III etc.
Can be used when a man had the same first, middle and last name as another man in his family such as a grandfather or uncle
Salutation of a letter
Dear Ms. Myers or Dear Sydney Myers
Complementary close
Sydney Macon
What not to do during an interview
drink or smoke
When to call an employer by their first name
wait until the empoyer suggest to you to call them by their first name
impolite phone usage
do not use your phone during class, a meeting, or a meal
The one being toasted does not raise their glass along with the rest of the group
How to introduce yourself during a business call
introduce yourself with your first and last name
When being introduced…
use your first and last name
Sexual harassment
- refrain from calling people honey or darling
- do not behave in sterotypical, offensive, or degrading ways
Gender roles in the workplace
No gender roles
- everyone must do their part.
ex. everyone makes coffee, cleans the lunchroom, pays for meals, takes notes at meetings, hails cabs, and opens doors for each other
When should employees stand?
All employees stand when being introduced to client families
What is an important part of social and professional life?
making introductions
Online Etiquette
it is okay to
- ignore friend requests
- untag yourself
- delete comments on your page
- unfriend others
- ignore quizzes, groups, and widely marketed event requests
- use privacy settings to restrict access to your page
Interview at a resturant
- Arrive a few minutes early so the employer is not waiting
- Dont ask to be seated or order a drink at the bar when waiting
- Greet the interviewer at the lobby or foyer with a smile and handshake