ETS 1 Flashcards
To relent is to become less severe, to soften in attitude or temper, or to give up on an intense position. (verb)
An example of relent is when a very hard rain starts to let up a bit. An example of relent is when a person who was sticking firmly to a harsh position eventually gives in. رجع في قراره, خفف
Trifling means of little importance or worth. (adjective)
An example of trifling used as an adjective is a trifling gift card which means a gift card on which all the value has already been spent.
Innovative describes someone that comes up with new ideas, concepts or methods. (adjective)
An example of innovative is the dance floor at Bar Surya in London that generates electricity as people dance to power the lights and air conditioning.
Conventional is an adjective for things that are normal, ordinary, and following the accepted way. Ho-hum.
A partisan is a person who strongly supports a particular person, party or cause, especially in politics. (noun)
An example of a partisan is a strong Republican supporter.
Partisan describes someone or something that shows support or favoritism towards a particular cause, person or party. (adjective)
An example of partisan is a left-wing newspaper which supports the democrats.
adj, n
Your Aunt Eleanor, who’s lived in six different countries and speaks four languages fluently, might be described as cosmopolitan, or comfortable and familiar with different cultures and people.
adj composed of people from or at home in many parts of the world; especially not provincial in attitudes or interests
adj of worldwide scope or applicability
adj growing or occurring in many parts of the world
n a sophisticated person who has travelled in many countries
adj. Missed, unnoticed.
adj. not taken into account
Improbable describes something unlikely to happen or unlikely to be true. (adjective)
The idea that the sun spins around the Earth is an example of something that would be described as a improbable idea. When they are calling for a 90 percent chance of rain, this is an example of a time when sunshine is improbable.
Multifaceted describes someone or something with many features or perspectives to consider. (adjective)
A person who has many different talents in all kinds of fields and subject areas is an example of someone who would be described as multifaceted.
Inalienable means unable to be taken away or to be given to another. (adjective)
The right to life and liberty are examples of rights that are described as inalienable.
غير قابل لأن تحول ملكيته لأحد
غير قابل للمصادرة و التمويل
Extraneous means irrelevant, not essential or coming from the outside. (adjective)
An example of extraneous is information in a research paper that is in no way related to the topic. An example of extraneous are issues that have nothing to do with the main subject.
Normative means relating to a standard or that which is normal. (adjective)
An example of something normative is a rule that follows regular procedures; a normative rule.
(goosebumps) pilomotor reflex: reflex erection of hairs of the skin in response to cold or emotional stress or skin irritation.
Pessimism means thinking the worst. It’s the opposite of optimism, which means assuming the best. Most people feel that too much pessimism is paralyzing — who will every try anything if they are always sure they will fail?
Socially unpolished, uncultured, or unrefinedغير مهذب
adj, n
adj done or made using whatever is available.
n something contrived to meet an urgent need or emergency
حيلة, وسيلة, ترتيب مؤقت
Something that can be used for support or help: The local library is a valuable resource.
An available supply that can be drawn on when needed. Often used in the plural. The ability to deal with a difficult or troublesome situation effectively; initiative: a person of resource. Means that can be used to cope with a difficult situation. Often used in the plural:ex needed all my intellectual resources for the exam.
An impediment is an obstacle or something that prevents action. (noun)
An example of impediment is a rain storm for a ball game.
Passage describes moving through something, being granted permission to move through something or an enclosed area that you must move through to get to somewhere else. (noun)
An example of passage is when you go on a trip and someone tells you to be safe in your travels. An example of passage is when a car moves through a restricted area with permission. An example of passage is when time moves forward. An example of passage is a corridor or hall in your home leading from one room to another
Intelligible describes something that makes sense and that can be understood. (adjective)
Simple and easy step-by-step instructions to help you use a new electronic product are an example of something that would be described as intelligible.
n, v
A compromise is a way of settling differences by everybody making concessions. If you want to stay out until 10 and your friend wants to stay out until midnight, 11 is a good compromise.
If you compromise with your lab partner over how to analyze the experimental data, you find the middle ground between your two ideas. Compromise can also mean to erode or diminish. If you never repair your brakes, you will compromise the safety of the car. If you cheat, you compromise your integrity.
an accommodation in which both sides make concessions
expose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute
Old-fashioned; antiquated.
adj overgrown with moss
Forgery is the act of making a false signature, a copy of a painting or of other document. (noun)
An example of forgery is faking your mother's signature on a note explaining your absence from school. An example of forgery is a copied version of a Picasso that someone tries to pretend is real.
Discrepancy means a difference or inconsistency. (noun)
An example of discrepancy is a bank statement that has a different balance than your own records of the account.