Ethnicity and Educational Achievement Flashcards
What did Lawson and Garrod define ethic groups as?
People who share common history, customs and identify aswell as in most cases, languages and religion. They see themselves as a distinct unit.
How much of the UKs population are from a EMG?
What city became the first in the UK where white people were a minority?
London in 2001
What percentage of students come from EMGs?
What EMG peform the best during gsces?
What emg peform the worse at gsces?
Gypsy’s and irsh travellers followed by black caribean
What ethnic group is more likely to drop out of school and be set in lower streams?
Black caribean.
Are white or EM ore likely to go to university?
What group is least likely to continue their studies?
Black carribean boys
What ethnic group is increasingly becoming a cause for concern in education?
White males.
What are 3 examples of external factors that may effect a EMGs education?
- Cultural deprivation. 2. Material deprivation. 3. Racism in society
What’s cultural deprivation?
Some people see the underachievement of EMG as a result of inadequate socialisation in the home.
What did Bernstien come up with?
Restricted code. For some South Asian students English many not be their first language therefore they speak in a restricted code.
What did Sugarman come up with?
He argued that the lack of motivation is the cause of failure in many black children as they are socialised into a fatalistic live for today attitude that does not value education.
What did Modood argue?
Black families have a slightly higher proportion of single families headed by a single mother. This leads to a lack of a male role model. New Right thinkers have put forward a similar explanation arguing that the high rate of lone parenthood has led to the underachievement of some minorities.
What did Sewell argue about cultural deprivation?
The street gangs of fatherless boys who offer perseverance and love which leads to black boys underachieving. Many young black boys are subject to anti educational peer group pressure. Sewell argues that black students do worse than their Asian counterparts because of differences in socialisation and attitudes to education. Asian families are perceived to have an ‘Asian work ethic.’
What does Keddie see cultural deprivation theory as?
A victim blaming explanation. Ethnic minority children are culturally different not culturally deprived.
What’s material deprivation?
Poverty and a lack of material necessaties such as adequate housing and income. EMG are more likely to face these problems.
What 6 things did Palmer find?
- Emg are almost twice as likely to be unemployed compared to whites, often bei g employed on zero hour contracts. 2 . Almost half of Bangladeshi and Pakistaini workers earned under 7 pounds per hour compared to only 25% of whites. 3. Cultural factors such as the tradition of the Purdah in some Muslim houses mean that there’s only one income to support the family. 4. Asylum seekers may not be allowed to work on paid employment. 5. Indian pupils whose achievement seems to be higher are likely to be from better off backgrounds and attend private education. 6. Indian and whites seem to do better in education as they have a higher social class position.
How do Chinese girls on free school meals achieve compared to white girls on free school meals at gsce?
86% of Chinese girls on free school meals achieve a grade 5 or higher compared to 65% of girls on free school meals. This suggests that material deprivation and social class do not completely override the influence of ethnicity.
What does Mason argue about racism?
Discrimination is continuing and a persistent experience of citizens of ethnic minority origins
What did Wood find?
He sent identical letters of inquires on employment using the fake surnames of Evans and Patel. More companies responded and e
were encouraging with the white candidate. This explains why they may face high unemployment.
What’s the race relations act?
It made it illegal to discriminate against somebody based in the colour of their skin
What’s the equal opportunity’s act?
All workers should be entitled too and have acess to all of the organisations facilities at every stage of employment.
What are 2 internal factors which may effect EMGs achievement in education?
- Labelling and teacher racism. 2. Institutional racism.
What did Gillborn and Youdell find about black pupils and discipline?
Teachers were quicker too discipline black pupils and teachers held radical expectations that they would challenge authority. In turn black pupils felt that teachers underestimated their abilities and picked on them. This may explain the high rate of internal exclusions, permanent exclusions and the number of black students placed in pupil referral units.
What did Gilbourn and Youdell find about black pupils and streaming?
In the A-C economy teachers focus on students more likely to achieve a grade C and above at gsce. This often leads to black students being placed in lower streams.
What did G
David Gilborn say about the education system?
The education system is failing Afro-Carribean students.
What did Cecile Wright find about Asian pupils?
He saw that Asian students could also be victims of labelling. Students would often assume that they would have a poor grasp on English and left them out of class discussions.Asian students felt like teachers often disapproved of their customs and mispronounced their names. Asian students were not seen as a threat like black students but marginalised and prevented from participating fully in class
What did Archer find about pupil identities?
Teachers often have a dominant discourse which constructs 3 different types of pupil identities.
What is Archers idea of an ideal pupil?
A middle class white pupil.
What’s Archers idea of a pathologised pupil?
Asian pupils are often seen as deserving poor with a feminised oppressed sexuality. This pupil is seen as conformist and
culture bound, a Achiever through hard
work rather than natural ability.
Whats Archers idea of the demonised pupil?
A black or white hyper sexualised identity. This pupil is seen as unintelligent, peer led and a culturally deprived underachiever.
What did Gillborn say about institutional racism?
Ethnic inequality is so deep rooted and large that it is practically an inevitable feature of the education system.
What are the 4 ways institutional racism is locked into the educational system?
- Marketisastion and Segregation .2. The ethnocentric curriculum. 3. Assessment. 4 Acess to opportunities
What did Gullborn argue about school admissions?
Negative stereotypes about pupils influences school admissions.
What 3 things did the Commision for Racial Equality in Britain find?
- Racist bias in interviews for school places. 2. Lack of information available in minority languages. 3. Ethnic minorities often being unsure how systems work such as waiting lists.
What’s a ethnocentric curriculum?
The school curriculum which gives priority to the culture and viewpoint to one particular ethnic group while disregarding others.
What did Ball argue about the curriculum?
The curriculum promotes the attitude of little Englandism. For instance, the history curriculum tries to create a mythical age of empires and past glories.
What did Gillborn argue about assessments?
He said that the assessment game is rigged to validate the dominate cultures superiority. For example, Baseline assessments which used to be conducted as soon as children started school in reception. These were then replaced by the Foundation Stage Profile which are based purley on a teachers judgment of a student and were only carried out at the end of reception year. Almost immediately black children were seen to be doing worse in these tests.
Why does Sewell critis Gillborn?
He says that internal factors are not powerful enough too prevent individuals from succeeding. In his view, we needed to focus on external factors.
Why do some people critsis the idea of institutional racism?
There is over achievement by ethnic minorities such as Chinese and Indian. If there was institutional racism it wouldn’t be possible for groups to do this well.
What are model minorities?
Gillborn suggested that there were model minorities who were there to peform and ideological function.
What is the gifted and talented programme?
With the aims of meeting more able pupils in inner city schools, students who were seen to be more gifted in the top 5% of students were put on these programmes and mentored. It was designed to make sure that they were challenged and reached their full potential.
Why did Gillborn critis yhe gifted and talented programme?
He noted that white children were 2x as likely as Black Carribean and 5 times as likely as Black African children to be entered into this programme.
What does research show about black students and exam tiers?
Black pupils are more likely then whites to be entered for lower tier GSCE exams due to them being placed into lower sets.
What does Glborn argue about IQ?
Teachers make false assumptions about the nature of pupils ability or potential. They see it as a fixed ability or potential which puts them into the appropriate stream. Many use the outdated IQ system to test this.