Education Role and Purpose Functionalism Flashcards
What is achieved status
A status that is achieved through hard work
What is ascribed status
A status that is fixed by birth
What is a meritocracy in education
A system in which everyone has equal opportunity to succeed
What is collective conscience
A shared belief we all think the same way
What is social solidarity
Individuals feel like part of a community or a single body
What are particuarlistic standards
Rules that apply to the individual child
What are universalistic standards
Rules that apply to all people
What is role allocation
Selecting students for future work roles by assessing their skills
What do functionalists believe society is
a system of interdependent parts held tigether by a shared culture or value consensus
What did Durkhiem call a value consensus
Collective conscience
What is the education system according to Durkheim
A vital organ in his organic analogy model. Without education society would cease to function
What did Durkheim identify as the 2 main functions of education
To create social solidarity
To teach specialist skills
How did Durkheim believe the education system creates social solidarity
By socialising children into the norms and values of society teaching them the value consensus
What did Durkheim say about social solidarity
“To act morally is in the collective interest “
What are three ways education creates social solidarity
Teaching children self restraint. Teaching children to fit with patterns of behaviour and accept discipline imposed by the school. The National Ciriculam
How does the education system teach specialist skills
Cooperation. Wide range of qualifications such as T Levels
What are 2 issues found in faith schools
25% of faith schools don’t meet Ofsted required standards. Focus on indoctrination rather than education disadvantaging students.
What do Davis and Moore believe that education is
“Sifting and sorting’ Role allocation through training and intelligence levels. Schools develop human capital so each job is filled effectively
How do schools indentifiy our skills
What are differential rewards in relation to sifting and sorting
Society needs to offer incentives to fill positions that require making a sacrifice eg Higher pay. This encourages competition and therefore the most talented wins.
What is parsons theory
School acts as a bridge between family and wider society
Why does Parson believe a bridge is needed
Because families and society operate on different sets of principles and children need to learn how to manage in the wider world
What are Parsons particularlistic standards
Rules that apply to the particular child in a family. The child’s status is ascribed
What are Parsons univsalistic standards?
The laws that apply to us all, the same standards in examinations. Statues are achieved
What does Parson believe school and society are based on
Meritocratic principles
What do Marxists call the idea of meritocracy
The myth of meritocracy
What are 3 critisisms of Parson
Social backgrounds result in students being treated differently. Social class and ethnicity may result in poorer results due to lower expectations. Faith Schools. Marxism
What would feminists say about education
It reinforces patriarchal values. Role allocation is not possible as girls are limited by the glass ceiling
Whats an example of roles being ascribed not achieved