Ethnic Inequality - Unit2 Section B (20 Marker) Flashcards
What did Barron and Norris have to say about inequality in the work place
They suggest that the ethnic majority e.g white British are found in the primary labour market (high pay, high status, good benefits) whereas ethnic minorities are found in the secondary labour market( low pay,low status, lack of benefits and poor working conditions)
What does wood et al say about inequality in the work place
He did a field experiment to examine job applications - names associated with ethnic minority background would make 16 applications before getting a positive response in comparison with a white sounding name where it would take 9
What does F word website (2019) say about ethnic inequality in the work place
Grenfell tower has become a symbol of systematic, institutional and structural ethnic inequality. It represents the ignored the marginalised, the vilified, the misrepresented and those who are often the victim of discrimination and prejudice
What does say about ethnic inequality in the workplace
Overall in 2017, 75% of the working age population of England Scotland and wales(ages 16-64) were in employment in 2017 and other white ethnic groups had the highest employment rate out of all ethnic groups (81%), Pakistani and Bangladeshi had the lowest 55%. Every ethnic minority group had a lower employment rate than white British 76% - Indian at 74% and mixed at 67%
What does the social trend survey (2017) say about ethnic inequality in crime
Black people are almost 7x more likely to be stopped and searched than white people
What does hood say about ethnic inequality in crime
Black men were more likely than white men to receive custodial sentences for offences which have fines or community punishment. This shows evidence of institutionalised racism
What does Harding say about ethnic inequality in crime
‘Street casino’ study shows that black Afro- Caribbean boys in London are more likely to be dragged into gang culture - this happens in areas of deprivation and the government need to act on this
What does The Macpherson Report say about ethnic inequality in crime
(1999) found police investigation into Stephens murder was due to lack of professional incompetence and institutionalised racism within the police force
What did Sivanandan say about Ethnic inequality within crime
Institutionalised racism is that which covertly or overtly, resides in polices, procedures operations and culture of public or private institutions- reinforcing individuals prejudice and being reinforced by them in turn
What does the Commission for racial inequality say about inequality in crime
If racist consequences accrue to institutional laws, customs and practises that institution is racist whether or not individuals maintaining those intentions
What does the lammy report have to say about ethnic inequality within crime
Over 40% of young people in custody are from BAME backgrounds (black Asian minority ethnic). BAME men and women take up 25% of prisoners. The number of BAME young people reoffending increased from 11% in 2006 to 19% in 2016. BAME prisoners also increased from 25% to 41%
What does the Barry Cadbury trust say about ethnic inequality in crime
An area I which urgent action is needed is the current criminal records regime. Lammy review recommendation 35 is very clear and relates to the criminal records regime and the cost of unemployment amount ex offenders but there is no evidence of action taken
What does the independent say about ethnic inequality in crime
Notes that the lammy report inquiry found black people in the uk were four times more likely to be in prison than would be expected given their proportion of total population. It also states that those BAME backgrounds still face overt discrimination from the police. They claim that little is being done to prevent reoffending
What does Alexander say about ethnic inequality in the media
Asian youths in east London were unfairly targeted by the police and the media. The Asian gang myth was created whereby the media reported violent clashes between black and Asian gangs. Alexander argues that the Asian boys were criminalised as a result of Islamophobia.
What does Jhally say about ethnic inequality in the media
Found that ethnic minorities are negatively stereotyped in the media which can again have a negative impact on life chances this is because other may then stereotype them based on these representations
What does Barry say about ethnic inequality in the media
Black people in the past have been negatively portrayed in the media as servants and slaves bu that this has been replaced with tokenism - where members of ethnic minorities are out into tv shows as an attempt to be inclusive
What does Hartmann and husbands say about ethnic inequality in the media
Argues the media operates within a culture that sees ‘foreigners’ and ethnic minorities are inferiors to white British people
What does hall say about ethnic inequality in the media
Basic representation - natives entertainers and slaves. Ethnicity is viewed through the ‘white eyes’ meaning BME characters are presented in the way that white people view them - white directors do not know what life is like for ethnic minorities
What does is children now’s fair play survey say about inequality in media
Fair play - 86% of hero’s are white 8/10 black characters are portrayed as competitors in sport games and 86% of black females characters were victims of violence
what does Heintz-knowles say about ethnic inequality within media
Children from minority ethnic groups are underrepresented in children’s tv shows.
what does jasper say about inequality within education
Argues that black Afro-Caribbean boys are negatively treated by teachers in schools and are negatively stereotyped as ‘non-achievers’ – This can then lead them into trouble meaning they do not achieve in education.
what does Holborn say about ethnic inequity within education
Argues that black Afro-Caribbean boys face institutional racism at school and that they are put into lower sets and entered for lower tier exams limiting their chances of success – This can again narrows their future opportunities.
what does Mirza say about ethnic inequality within education
Studied black Afro-Caribbean girls and found that they faced institutional racism and negative labelling from teachers. Although they did resist this and achieve in education they still faced these negative attitudes and potentially do not achieve as well as they could due to lack of support from teachers
what does butler say about ethnic inequality in education
Studied 3rd generation Bangladeshi and Pakistani Muslim girls and found that they wanted to do well in education however this was not supported by their parents. Butler found that they wanted their children to prioritise norms, values and roles that fitted the traditions of their country of origin – Such as taking the expressive role within the home.
what does the due statistic state about ethnic inequality within education
GCSE results with an “average attainment 8 score” were as follows: Chinese - 64.2, Indian - 56.3%, White British - 46.1%, Black Caribbean - 39.6%
what does the public health England state about ethnic inequality in health and social care
what does the public health England state about ethnic inequality in health and social care
the pandemic exposed and exacerbated long standing inequalities affecting BAME groups in the UK. Individuals from BAME groups are more likely to work in occupations with a higher risk of COVID-19 exposure. They are more likely to use public transportation to travel to their essential work. Historic racism and poorer experiences of healthcare or at work may mean that individuals in BAME groups are less likely to seek care when needed or as NHS staff are less likely to speak up when they have concerns about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or risk.
what does ons England 2020 say about ethnic inequalities in health and social care
Black men and women were 4 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than white men and women.
what does the Jospeh rowntree foundation say about ethnic inequality within health and social care
what does the Jospeh rowntree foundation say about ethnic inequality within health and social care
Black men and women were 4 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than white men and women.
what does the mental health. org say about ethnic inequalities within health and social care
Detention rates under the Mental Health Act during 2017/2018 were 4 times higher for people in the Black or Black British group than those in the White group.
what does the mental health. org say about ethnic inequalities within health and social care