Ethnic Differences: Internal Flashcards
Gillborn + Youdell
- Black children were highest achievers in primary, but worst of any ethnicity for GCSEs (21 points below average).
- Racialised expectations - teachers expected black pupils to present more discipline problems + misinterpreted their behaviour as threatening.
- Teachers’ dominant discourse, where EM aren’t seen as an ideal pupil.
- Ideal pupil identity: white; m/c; hetrosexual; male.
- Pathologised identity: Asian; female; ‘deserving poor’.
- Demonised identity: black / white; w/c; hyper-sexualised.
- Chinese students were seen as over-achievers.
Black boys are seen as a threat, negatively labelled + excluded - achievement after exclusion: 1/5 achieved five GCSEs.
Placed in internal exclusions (PRU) with lack of access to the main curriculum.
Negative stereotypes of black pupils, so placed in lower streams.
Teachers assumed Asian students had a poor grasp on English, so used simplistic language + excluded them in discussions.
Asian girls who challenge stereotypes are dealt with more severely.
Negatively labelled black girls rejected their labels + passed.
Mac an Ghaill
Black + Asian A-Level students didn’t accept negative labels.
- Racist teachers discouraged black pupils from aspiring to professional careers.
- These strategies put them at a disadvantage by restricting their opportunities.
- Rebels - anti-school.
- Conformists - succeeders.
- Retreatists - disconnected from the school + subcultures.
- Innovators - pro-education but anti-school.
- Main reasons external factors: boys’ anti-school attitudes; peer group pressure; nurturing role of the father.
Troyna + Williams
Institutional racism - discrimination that is inbuilt into the way institutions (e.g. schools + colleges) operate.
Critical Race theory
- Locked-in inequality - inequality becomes self-perpetuating.
- Gillborn: inequality is an inevitable feature of the education system.
Marketisation + Segregation
- Gillborn: as marketisation gives schools more scope to select pupils, it allows negative stereotypes to influence school admission decisions.
- Moore + Davenport: selection procedures lead to ethnic segregation as it favours white pupils + disadvantages EMs.
- Commission of Racial Inequality: racist biases in Britain, e.g. interviews for school places; reports: stereotype minority pupils.
Ethnocentric Curriculum
- David: National Curriculum ignores non-European languages + literature.
- Ball: National Curriculum ignores the history of black + Asian people.
- Gillborn: FSP had black children ranked lower than whites, which is ranked based on teachers’ judgements.
- Sanders + Horn: tasks assessed by teachers rather than written exams widened the score gap between ethnic groups.
- Gillborn: ‘Gifted + Talented’ programme - white 2x likely to be identified as gifted + 5x more likely to be seen as talented.
- Tikly: ‘Aiming High’ attempts to raise black Caribbean pupils’ achievements, but entered in lower tier GCSE exams: maximum C grade.
- Strand: black pupils are underrepresented in entry to higher tier tests - test tiers reflect teacher expectations, leading to a SFP.
Internal Factors Criticisms
- Model minorities - overachievement of Chinese + Indian students compared to white students disproves institutional racism.
- Evans: relationship between gender + class instead of just ethnicity.
- Connolly: class + gender interact differently with ethnicity, e.g. gap between the achievements of the white m/c + w/c compared to the black m/c + w/c.