Ethnic Differences: External Flashcards
Cultural deprivation theorists
- Children from low-income black families lack intellectual stimulation, so haven’t developed problem-solving skills.
- Black children are socialised to be fatalistic.
- Failure to socialise children adequately is a result of a dysfunctional family structure.
- However, C.D theorists ignore positive effects, e.g. black Caribbean families provide girls with a positive role model: strong, independent women.
- Language spoken by low-income black American families is inadequate for educational success.
- Ungrammatical; disjointed.
- Black boys speaking in Standard English were seen as ‘selling out’ to the white establishment.
- Absence of fatherly nurturing means black boys turn to street gangs that offer ‘perverse loyalty + love’ - anti-school black masculinity.
- EaL were only 3.2 points behind in GCSEs.
- Gillborn + Mirza: Indian pupils do well despite English not being their home language.
Low achievement in EM due to failing to embrace British culture.
EM students are more likely to aspire to go to university.
Black families headed by lone mothers are deprived of adequate care because she is struggling financially without a man.
High levels of lone parenthood + lack of positive male role models leads to underachievement of some minorities.
- Asians are higher achievers as their culture is more resistant to racism; black Caribbean culture is less resistant, leading to low self-esteem.
- Lawrence: underachieve due to racism, not low self-esteem.
Ultra-tough ghetto superstar through rap lyrics.
Adult authority in Asian families is similar to a teacher.
EM children are culturally different, schools are ethnocentric - biased in favour of white culture + against minorities.
- Low income + substandard housing.
- ½ of all EM children live in low-income households; ¼ white.
- EM are 2x likely to be unemployed compared to whites.
- EM households are 3x likely to be unemployed.
- ½ Bangladeshi + Pakistan worker earn <£7 per hour; ¼ white British.
Material Deprivation
- Live in economically depressed areas with high unemployment + low wages.
- Lack of language skills + foreign qualifications not recognised by the UK.
- Racial discrimination in the labour + housing market (Rex).
Material Deprivation: Asian families
- Indian pupils - above average achievements come from better-off backgrounds, e.g. ethnic group most likely to attend private schools.
- Indian + Chinese materially deprived students do better than most: 86% of Chinese girls on FSM achieved 5+ grades on GCSE; 65% not receiving FSM.
Racism in Wider Society
- Mason: ‘discrimination is a continuing feature of Britain’s citizens that are EM’.
- Rex: racial discrimination + social exclusion, e.g. housing: EM forced in substandard accommodation than whites of the same class.
- Wood: in employment, names associated with ethnic groups had less interviews.