Ethnic Differences In Achievement Flashcards
What is apart of the external factors?
Cultural deprivation
Material deprivation and class
Racism in wider society
What are the 3 main reasons ethnic groups have cultural deprivation?
Attitudes and values
Family structure and parental support
What did Beteiter and Engelmann say about language?
The language spoken by low income black American families is inadequate for educational success
What is a statistic of children who do not speak English at home compared to children who do speak English at home?
Attainment 8 scores
On average those who do not speak English at home (47.2 points) score batter than those who do (46.5)
What does Samantha Parsons say about the attitudes and values of ethnic minorities?
7-14 year olds
Minority groups had higher career aspirations
What does Samantha parsons show?
That ethnic groups do not socialise their child into low aspirations, as cultural deprivation theory claims
How does family structure and parental support impact cultural deprivation?
The failure to socialise children adequately is due to dysfunctional family
What does Moynihan argue?
Argues that many black families are headed by a lone mother, they are deprived of adequate care as she has to struggle financially in the absence of a male breadwinner
It is a cycle where the child will also become an inadequate parent themselves
What does Driver argue?
Ignores the positive effects of black family structures
They show positive role models of strong independent women
What was Sewells study called?
Fathers, gangs and culture
What does sewell see as the problem?
There is a lack of fatherly ‘tough’ love
Black boys find it hard to overcome emotional and behavioural difficulties in adolescence
Street gangs therefore offer love, anti school black masculinity
A lot of black peer pressure
What is a criticism of Sewell?
Downplays the impact of racism
Gillborn says it is more to do with institutional racism
What does Lupton argue about Asian families?
Adult authority in Asian families is similar to those that operate in schools
What is a statistic on white working class pupils with their achievement compared to ethnic minorities?
16,000 pupils found that ethnic groups are more likely to aspire to go to uni than white pupils
What is compensatory education?
Tackle cultural deprivation
Aiming high scheme- increase minority ethnic groups in higher education
What is a criticism of the cultural deprivation theory?
Nell keddie = victim blaming, minority groups are culturally different, not culturally deprived
They suffer as schools are ethnocentric
Labelling- teachers racist stereotypes
Critical race theorists- institutionally racist education
What did Palmer say about material deprivation and ethnicity?
- almost half of all children from minority ethnic back groups live in low income households
- twice as likely to be unemployed as white people
- three more times likely to be homeless
Why may minority groups be at greater risk of material deprivation?
- live in economically depressed areas
- lack of language skills
- racial discrimination in labour
What did Rex find about racism in wider society?
Leads to social exclusion
In housing, means minorities are more likely to be forced into substandard accommodation