Ethics Final Flashcards
If an argument is valid, then
If the premises are all true, the conclusion must be true
If God exists, then all is well. All is not well. Therefore God does not exist.
Valid or Invalid?
If God exists, then all is well. All is not well. Therefore God does not exist
This is an example of
a. ) Modus Ponens
b. ) Modus Tollens
c. ) Denying the Antecedent
d. ) Affirming the Consequent
Modus Tollens
If an argument is sound, its conclusion is true
True or False?
If an argument is valid, it is also sound
True or False?
If an argument is sound, it is also valid
True or False?
Ethical relativism is descriptive
True or False?
If different cultures have different moral standards, then ethical relativism is true
True or False?
If ethical relativism is true, a culture cannot advance or decline morally
True or False?
If ethical relativism is true, a moral reformer who challenges a culture’s morals is always wrong.
True or False?
If something is the case, it ought to be the case.
True or False?
Different cultures have different moral standards is descriptive
True or False?
Ethical relativism is the view that different cultures do in fact have different moral standards
True or False?
If something is valuable intrinsically, it is valuable in itself
True or False?
If something is valuable extrinsically, it is valuable as a means to something else
True or False?
Descriptive ethics is the scientific study of moral beliefs and practices. It is descriptive in that the aim is to say what is, not what ought to be
True or False?
Normative ethics is the study of the principles, rules, or theories that guide our actions or judgments. It is normative in the aim is not merely to say what is the case, but what ought to be
True or False?
Egoism and utilitarianism are both consequentialist theories
True or False?
“We want to look out for ourselves” is descriptive
True or False?
“We ought to look out only for ourselves” is normative
True or False?
We want to look out for ourselves, therefore we ought to look out only for ourselves
Which fallacy does the argument commit?
a. ) Denying the antecedent
b. ) Affirming the consequent
c. ) The is/ought fallacy
d. ) All of the above
e. ) None of the above
The is/ought fallacy
Psychological egoism is descriptive
True or False?
Ethical egoism tells us never to consider the interests of others
True or False?
Ethical egoism tells us to do always what we want to do
True or False?
Psychological egoism is the view that
a. ) We ought to do what we want
b. ) We ought to help others
c. ) We ought not do what we want
d. ) God helps those who help themselves
e. ) None of the above
None of the above
If psychological egoism is true, ethical egoism is true as well
True or False?
According to the text and the lecture, experience teaches us that there is always a self-interested motive for every action
True or False?
According to the text and the lecture, if a person will derive satisfaction or pleasure from an action, that fact alone means the act is egoistic
True or False?
Utilitarianism is the view that the right action is the one that provides the most favorable balance of good minus bad for oneself
True or False?
Utilitarianism is a non-consequentialist view
True or False?
“Pleasure alone is intrinsically valuable” is normative
True or False?
Hedonism is the view that pleasure alone is intrinsically valuable
True or False?
Mill is a hedonist
True or False?
Bentham is a hedonist
True or False?
Utilitarianism is a hedonist view
True or False?
Mill rejects utilitarianism, calling it a doctrine worthy only of swine.
True or False?
Which of the following is one of Bentham’s 7 characteristics of pleasure?
a. ) Intensity
b. ) Duration
c. ) Fecundity
d. ) How many are affected
e. ) All of the above are among Bentham’s characteristics
All of the above are among Bentham’s characteristics
When Mill says that the utilitarian standard gives moral consideration to all sentient creations, he means
a. ) All humans
b. ) Only rational humans
c. ) Anything that can feel pain or pleasure
d. ) All rational animals
Anything that can feel pain or pleasure
Because utilitarianism is a theory that makes claims about right and wrong
a. ) It is a descriptive theory
b. ) It is a normative theory
c. ) It is a consequentialist theory
d. ) It is a hedonist theory
e. ) All of the above
It is a normative theory
If a statement is normative
a. ) It is merely a matter of opinion
b. ) It is descriptive
c. ) It is prescriptive
d. ) None of the above
It is prescriptive
Which of the following would Mill regard as a higher pleasure?
a. ) Enjoying a beautiful painting
b. ) Drinking water when thirsty
c. ) Eating food when hungry
d. ) None of the above
Enjoying a beautiful painting
Bentham believes the total quantity of pleasure alone matters when reasoning morally
True or False?
Mill believes the total quantity of pleasure alone matters when reasoning morally
True or False?
If God exists then all is well. God exists. Therefore all is well
The argument is valid or invalid?
If God exists then all is well. God exists. Therefore all is well
The argument is an example of
a. ) Modus ponens
b. ) Modus tollens
c. ) Denying the antecedent
d. ) Affirming the consequent
Modus Ponens
One of the problems raised against utilitarianism concerns justice. What is the problem?
a. ) An unjust act might promote more utility than a just act
b. ) Utilitarians are unjust people
c. ) There are no actions that are just
d. ) The surest way to make people unhappy is to treat them justly
An unjust act might promote more utility than a just act
According to rule utilitarianism, the government should rule people harshly because doing so promotes the greatest good for the greatest number.
True or False?
Which of the following are said to be problems with utilitarianism?
a. ) According to utilitarianism, moral truths are absolutes and absolutes can sometimes conflict
b. ) Violating a particular person’s rights might promote more utility then respecting them
c. ) Utilitarianism makes an arbitrary distinction between humans and nonhumans
Violating a particular person’s rights might promote more utility then respecting them
Act utilitarianism is also known as
a. ) Rule utilitarianism
b. ) Indirect utilitarianism
c. ) Direct utilitarianism
Direct utilitarianism
According to rule utilitarianism
a. ) We ought to promote the greatest good for the greatest number with each act we do
b. ) We ought to obey the rule that would promote the greatest good for the greatest number
c. ) We ought to obey the rule that can be universalized without contradiction
We ought to promote the greatest good for the greatest number with each act we do
One of the problems raised against utilitarianism concerns justice. What is the problem?
a. ) An unjust act might promote more utility than a just act
b. ) Utilitarians are unjust people
c. ) There are no actions that are just
d. ) The surest way to make people unhappy is to treat them justly
An unjust act might promote more utility than a just act
According to rule utilitarianism, the government should rule people harshly because doing so promotes the greatest good for the greatest number
True or False?
Which of the following are said to be problems with utilitarianism?
a. ) According to utilitarianism, moral truths are absolutes and absolutes can sometimes conflict
b. ) Violating a particular person’s rights might promote more utility then respecting them
c. ) Utilitarianism makes an arbitrary distinction between humans and nonhumans
Violating a particular person’s rights might promote more utility then respecting them
Act utilitarianism is also known as
a. ) Rule utilitarianism
b. ) Indirect utilitarianism
c. ) Direct utilitarianism
Direct Utilitarianism
According to rule utilitarianism
a. ) We ought to promote the greatest good for the greatest number with each act we do
b. ) We ought to obey the rule that would promote the greatest good for the greatest number
c. ) We ought to obey the rule that can be universalized without contradiction
We ought to obey the rule that would promote the greatest good for the greatest number
How are we to choose which rules are best, according to rule utilitarianism?
a. ) Rules should be selected by faith alone
b. ) Rules should be selected by reason alone
c. ) Rules should be selected by experience alone
Rules should be selected by experience alone
According to rule utilitarianism, moral rules are intrinsically valuable
True or False?
The idea that all moral knowledge comes through experience alone is known as
a. ) Libertarianism
b. ) Rationalism
c. ) Utilitarianism
d. ) Empiricism
We concluded in class that rule utilitarianism can meet the important objections raised against act utilitarianism
True or False?
Unlike ethical relativism, which has found little favor among philosophers, many philosophers have thought utilitarianism a plausible theory
True or False?
Kant’s view is a rationalist view, which means that knowledge comes through reason
True or False?
The object of On Liberty is to assert one principle. What is that principle?
a. ) The categorical imperative
b. ) The harm principle
c. ) Gresham’s law
d. ) The principle of utility
The Harm Principle
According to the principle defended in On Liberty
a. ) The right act is the one that promotes the greatest good for the greatest number
b. ) We are never permitted to interfere with a person’s liberty
c. ) Paternalistic intervention is permitted
d. ) The only reason we are allowed to interfere with a person is to prevent harm to others
The only reason we are allowed to interfere with a person is to prevent harm to others
Mill argues that the reason we are free is that we are born with inalienable rights, one of them being the right to liberty
True or False?
What does Mill mean by “utility” in On Liberty?
a. ) He means we are born with inalienable rights
b. ) Duty
c. ) He means utility in the largest sense, grounded on the permanent interests of man as a progressive being
d. ) Reason
He means utility in the largest sense, grounded on the permanent interests of man as a progressive being
Even if a controversial view is true, if the majority believes it is false, the controversial view should not be allowed because it will make the majority unhappy, according to Mill
True or False?
If a view is false and offensive to the greatest number, it should not be allowed because of the pain it will produce
True or False?
Which of the following is true regarding Mill’s view on the liberty of action?
a. ) We are only free to do those actions that promote the greatest good for the greatest number
b. ) We are free to do anything at all
c. ) We are free only to treat humanity as an end and never as a means only
d. ) None of the above
None of the above
Does Mill think we should be able to do things that hurt ourselves if they hurt only ourselves?
a. ) Yes, because Mill hated people and and hoped they would kill themselves
b. ) No, because when persons hurt themselves, even if they hurt only themselves, the amount of pain in the world increases
c. ) Yes, because allowing people to choose for themselves is an indispensable element in utility in the largest sense grounded on the permanent interests of man as a progressive being.
Yes, because allowing people to choose for themselves is an indispensable element in utility in the largest sense grounded on the permanent interests of man as a progressive being
What is Mill’s view of what he calls “experiments of living”?
a. ) They should be allowed only if they provide the greatest good for the greatest number
b. ) Experience has shown that they cause more harm than good
c. ) If people want to experiment with new or different lifestyles, they should be allowed to do so, as long as they don’t harm others
If people want to experiment with new or different lifestyles, they should be allowed to do so, as long as they don’t harm others
According to the text and the lecture, justice is about what promotes the most utility
True or False?
If a person has a negative right to something, that negative right requires that others provide something to the person with the right
True or False?
According to Mill, paternalism promotes utility in the largest sense
True or False?
According to Mill, unless a view is examined fully, frequently, and fearlessly,
a. ) It will be held as dead dogma, not as a living truth
b. ) It will be held in the manner of a prejudice with little comprehension or feeling of its rational grounds
c. ) The meaning of the doctrine itself will be in danger of being lost, or enfeebled, and deprived of its vital effect on the character and conduct.
d. ) All of the above
All of the above
“The gap between the rich and the poor is wide” is
a. ) Descriptive
b. ) Normative
c. ) Imperative
d. ) None of the above
A right is a claim or entitlement to something
True or False?
If a person has a positive right to something, then others have an obligation not to interfere with a person’s exercise of that right. They have no obligation to do or provide something for the person, only an obligation not to do something
True or False?
Libertarian theories emphasize individual liberties and positive rights
True or False?
John Hospers is utilitarian
True or False?
Egalitarian theories hold that justice requires an equal distribution among all persons
True or False?