Ethics and Genomics Flashcards
Describe Genetics
-science of inheritance
Describe Genomics
-individual sequence of chromosomes
What are the risks of genetic testing
- reveal info about relatives
- psychosocial risks
- info may be stigmatizing
What are the Challenges in Genetic Testing
- automatic next generation sequencing methods have both false positives and negatives
- many detected variants are categorized as “of unknown significance”
- interpretation depends on prior probability of dz (eg if prevalence of dz is low -> increased chance of false positives)
What is the Criteria for Clinical Genetic Tests
- analytic validity (must be reliable/accurate)
- clinical validity (must predict presence/absence of clinical dz/condition)
- clinical utility (leads to net health benefit)
List the Utilization Categories of Genetic Testing
- asymptomatic pts
- symptomatic pts for dx
- guiding therapeutic choices
- specific concerns in children
- direct consumer testing
- ancestry testing
What are some of the Targeted Screenings for Susceptibility to Adult Onset Dz
- hemochromatosis
Describe Pharmogenetics
-testing that identifies certain pts w/ an increased risk of serious adverse rxn/lack of effectiveness for specific meds
How should a Clinician go about Discussing Results of Genomic Testing
- understand limitations of testing/clinical implications of results
- consult w/ genetic counselor maybe helpful (acknowledge personal limitations)
- be sure to assess pt understanding and be ready to answer questions
Describe Nondirective Genetic Counseling
- provide info in unbiased manner
- recommended method of genetic counseling
- presents all sides on issue/risk factor/dz
- do NOT attempt to persuade a pt for/against testing (likely will give some evidence based guidance)
- balance pt’s autonomy w/ beneficence
When is Overriding Confidentiality Justified when it Comes to Genetic Testing
- no definitive guidelines
- got to balance right of pt confidentiality/HIPPA regulation/beneficence/non-maleficence of relatives at increased risk
What is the Best Way to approach Confidentiality when it Comes to Genetic Testing
- be sure to discuss importance of disclosure of results prior to testing
- recommend disclosure of positive results to relatives IF info would lead to significant change in medical care
- offer to disclose results for them if necessary
- last resort consider overriding their decision
- respect that relatives may/may not want to know results
What does GINA: Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 cover
- prohibits health insurers from using person’s genetic info to set eligibility/premiums
- prohibits employers from using person’s genetic info to make employment decisions
- doesn’t apply to life, disability, or long term health INS plans
When are there Opportunities for Genetic Counseling
- premarital
- preconception
- prenatal
- childhood
- adulthood
Describe Genetic Screening Tests
- applied to large populations
- may identify increased risk/susceptibility (doesn’t dx certain conditions)
- may be used to determine higher than average risk in a person
- must have effective means to either prevent or tx illness/condition
- population being screening MUST be educated on meaning of positive/negative outcomes
Describe Diagnostic Genetic Testing
-offered to persons/families at higher than average risk of dz
What is the only Genetic Test USPSTF gives a Grade “B” or higher to
-BRCA 1 and 2 in pts w/ family members w/ breast, ovarian, tubal, or peritoneal CA