Ethics and Epidemiology Flashcards
10 year old child presents in status epilepticus, but her parents refuse tx on religious grounds
Treat because the disease represents an immediate threat to the child’s life. THEN seek a court order
Bias introduced into a study when a clinician is aware of the pt tx type
Observational Bias
Bias introduced when screening detects a disease earlier and thus lengthens the time from dx to death
Lead time Bias
Number of true + divided by the number to pt with the disease is ________?
Sensitive tests have few false negatives and are used to rule _________ a disease
PPD reactivity is used as screening test because most people with TB (except those who are anergic) will have a + PPD.. Highly sensitive or specific?
Highly sensitive for TB
Chronic Diseases such as SLE- Higher prevalence or Incidence
Higher Prevalence
Epidemics such as influenza- Higher prevalence or incidence
Higher Incidence
Cross-sectional survey- incidence or prevalence?
Cohort study incidence or prevalence?
Incidence and prevalence
Case-Control study- Incidence or prevalence
Difference between Cohort and Case Control Study
Cohort Study
- used to calculate RR, incidence or Odds Radio
- can be used to calculate an OR
Numbers needed to treat
1 / (rate in untreated group - rate in treated group)
Percentage of cases within
1 SD
2 SD
3 SD
1- 68
2- 95
3- 99
Maternal Mortality rate
number of deaths during pregnancy to 90 day spost partum per 100 000 live births
Perinatal Mortality rate
Number of deaths from 20 weeks gestation to one month of life per 1000 total births in one year
Fetal Mortality rate
Number of deaths from 20 weeks gestation to birth per 1000 total births in one year
Birth Rate?
Number of live births per 1000 population in one year
Involuntary Psychiatric hospitalization can be undertaken for 3 reasons
Danger to self
Danger to others
Gravely disabled