ETHICS 2 Flashcards
(Bellaby, 2012: 99) mental integrity
“…mental integrity becomes an important issue when discussing other intelligence collection activities such as surveillance where the individual might become unduly paranoid or anxious about being followed.”
(Bellaby, 2012)
States that deception and manipulation impact upon an individuals ability to make their own decisions, revoking their free will.
(Bellaby, 2012)
“An important issue for liberty and intelligence collection is the question of when and for how long an individual can be stopped and detained.”
(Bellaby, 2012)
“Even if the individuals are not aware their privacy is being violated, they are still “harmed” insofar as their vital interest is wronged.”
(Bellaby, 2012: 108)
“…torture represents the most harmful of the activities, given that it violated all of an individuals vital interests…”
(Bellaby, 2012)
Justifying intelligence collection
Argues that with the just war principles acting as a base, limiting harm caused and and establishing when harm can be justified in intelligence, intelligence can be ethical.
(Bellaby, 2012)
Just intelligence principles
- Just cause
- intention
- authority
- proportion
- last resort
- discrimination
Security Services Act 1989 * Find Page*
Security agencies are tasked with protecting and upkeep states “national security, and in particular, its protection against threats”
(Bellaby, 2012)
Regarding the just intelligence principle of intention, Bellaby notes that responding to a threat to the state should use means that correspond acutely to said threat, and the basis of who is targeted and the degree of harm allowed should stem from the desire to deal with the threat. This is to prevent intelligence collection for selfish, monetary or political ends.
(Quinlan, 2007: 12)
“…in the face of that tension, we cannot say that morality must simply be set aside; we have to identify some conceptual structure for legitimising and disciplining the activity.”