Ethics Flashcards
the human ability to undertake acts under ones free will and not as a consequence of the mechanical response to an external stimulus.
what do we have responsibility for
Truth, fairness, harmony and charity.
Aristotle’s Virtues
Ethical philosophy. It outlines virtue ethics and the development of good habits as a basis for moral behaviour. Virtues are qualities that help a person live a good life. His virtues are seen as the ‘Golden mean’.
Aristotle –> Courage
The deficiency is cowardice.
Excess is facing fear and risk in the right way. It is not the absence of fear but the ability to confront fear.
Aristotle–> Temperance
self control.
The deficiency being insensibility.
This involves finding a balance between overindulgence and lack of enjoyment.
Aristotle–> Generosity
The virtuous person gives to the right people in right amounts.
Aristotle–> Magnificence
generosity on a larger scale, not being stingy.
Using resources in noble way.
Aristotle–> Magnanimity
Greatness of the soul.
Having a proper sense of the ones worth. Recognise ones excellence without being arrogant.
Aristotle –>Patience
control anger without letting emotions dictate actions.
Aristotle–> truthfulness
avoiding dishonesty and unnecessary boasting.
Aristotle–> Wit
Striking the right combination between humour and seriousness
Aristotle–> Friendliness
Being Objective
Looking at things without bias influencing your judgment.
Focusing on facts, evidence and observable phenomena rather than subjective interpretations or emotional responses.
Can we be objective about Morality and values?
No definite answer.
we can reject bias, which tends to be the approach to investigations in science.
Or we can admit our subjectivity.
You have rights to have rights
Natural rights 1789 –> freedom, ownership, security and resistance to oppression.
Human Rights 1952–> Freedom Equality
A group of people who work together might form an organisation or firm of associates. But if they want the organisation to be the buyer and owner of group assets and an employer they need to create an artificial lag person by incorporation.
Becoming incorporated
Things like articles of association and regular statements of finances must be recorded.
Articles of association state the key persons like directors.
despotic anthropocentrism
Most ethical perspectives count the environment as external to human affairs.
In other words a resource to be efficiently exploited.
Responsible Anthropocentrism
human centric perspectives are flawed, so can be redressed to the need for a sustainable environment for flourishing life, and the obligation to act responsibly for future generations
the capacity for continuance more or less indefinitely into the future. The past 20 years have seen a substantial accumulation of evidence that current human ways of life do not possess the capacity, either because they are destroying the environmental conditions needed for continuance, or because their environmental effects will cause unacceptable social disruption.
Carrols 4 part model (CSR)
desired by society –>philanthropic responsibilities
expected by society–> ethical responsibilities
required by society –> legal society
required by society –> economic responsibilities
Environmental goods (extrinsic)
concern for the environment is classed as instrumental. as it is a source of resources which provide a key function in life.
Environmental rights (intrinsic)
some argue it is intrinsically valuable, in its own right, independent to its utility to human beings. This argues that ecosystems should be given rights.