Ethical and Legal Issues Flashcards
questions from the blue packet
Medical Ethics and Medical Etiquette are….?
- the same
- different
- almost the same
- opposite
Medical Ethics are moral principles
Ghost Surgery
situation where the patient has consented to surgery by one physician, but without the patient’s knowledge or approval, another surgeon performs the surgery
a practical rule guiding behavior or technique
Information that is in the _____ belongs to the community at large and may be appropriated by anyone
public domain
Concerns issues of right and wrong, human character and behavior
Moral ethics
The most commonly known code of ethics for the medical profession, written about 400 BC is the
Hippocratic Oath
The first American Medical Association code of ethics was written in?
The latest revision of the American Medical Association code of ethics took place in?
The principles in the AMA code of ethics are not law but…?
If a physician is involved in ____ activity, the medical society is obligated to report it
A physician is not prohibited from performing a lawful abortion according to good medical practice.
True or False?
Law requires that a physician report….
child abuse
In cases where a physician must make moral decisions, such as who shall receive an organ donated transplant, highest priority is given to the…?
patients who will derive the most long-term benefit
In artificial insemination situations, which of the following is true?
- the identity of the sperm donor is revealed
- c and d
- written permission of the mother is secured
- written permission of the mothers husband is secured
- c and d
- written permission of the mother is secured
- written permission of the mothers husband is secured
a physician does not participate in?
capital punishment
What is a dilemma that may face a physician?
balancing the cost of treatment against the advantage of the treatment
Genetic counseling and organ transplant decisions require consideration of?
quality of life for the patient
In a case involving a transplant of a single, vital organ, the death of the donor must be determined by?
a physician other than the recipients physician
A possible problem that may arise in cases of surrogate mothers is
-the mother may not want to give up the child
-the mother may decide to have an abortion
the child may have problems and neither woman wants it
A ____ is a document that states the wishes of a person in the event of a terminal illness
living will
A physician is committed to _____ life and relieving suffering
A physician cannot aid and ____ a person practicing medicine without a license
A sports physicians judgement is governed only by
medical considerations
Advertising by physicians may not be
deceptive (misleading)
If a physician accepts payment for the referral of a patient to another physician, this is called?
fee splitting
After one insurance form is submitted, the physician may charge for….?
multiple or complex forms
It is ___ for physicians to charge interest in situations of late payments
a physicians notes concerning a patient are considered his or her…..?
personal property
A physician who ______ a narcotic drug to a patient is required to keep a record.
a. prescribes
b. dispenses
c. suggests
d. recommends
b. dispenses
The willful use of force against another person is called?
defamatory words that are spoken (to ruin a persons reputation)
defamatory words that are printed (to ruin a persons reputation)
Statute of limitations refers to the length of _____ during which a matter may be brought to legal attention
The person who brings action in a lawsuit
Which of the following is not a category of professional liability claim?
a. malpractice
b. malfeasance
c. misfeasance
d. nonfeasance
a. malpractice
can a physician be held responsible for an unsuccessful result in a medical case?
what is not a kind of damage recognized by law?
When a medical practice is sold each patient is ___?
When a medical practice is sold, the records of each patient ____?
may be sent to another physician at the request of the patient
A physician ____ have a financial interest in a health care facility
What laws allow physicians and patient care technicians to render aid at the scene of an accident without fear of lawsuits?
Good Samaritan