Chapter 2 The Nursing Assistants Job Flashcards
the principle by which one state recognizes the validity of a license or certification granted by another state
an official record, maintained by the state, of the people who have successfully completed the nursing assistant training program
- contains following information:
- full name
- home address
- registry number and date of expiration
- date of birth
- date the competency evaluation was passed
- reported incidents of resident abuse or neglect, or theft of resident property
Primary Nursing
One nurse is assigned several patients or residents and is responsible for planning and carrying out all aspects of care for those people
Functional (modular) nursing
each member of the nursing team carries out the same assigned task for all patients or residents
ex: one nurse may give all medications and another nurse may do assessments and special treatments. One nursing assistant may be assigned to take vital signs and assist with meals, while another nursing assistant may be assigned to bathing and making beds
Team Nursing
An RN determines all of the nursing needs for the patients or residents assigned to the team and assigns tasks according to each team members skills and level of responsibility
Patient-Centered Care
Members of nursing team are cross-trained to preform tasks that have been done by other departments in the past
The Nursing Process Steps
- Assessment- the nurse gathers information, asks questions about his/her abilities,habits and needs
- Diagnosis- describes the problems and causes of the problem
- Planning- make a plan of care
- Implementation- carry out the plan
- Evaluation- checks effectiveness of plans and revises if necessary
to authorize another person to perform a task on your behalf
Interdisciplinary Care Plan
a specific plan of care for each patient or resident developed with input from all members of the health care team
Nursing Care Plan
a specific plan of care for each patient or resident developed by the nursing team
Nursing Process
a process that allows members of the nursing team to communicate with each other regarding the patients or residents specific needs (in regards to nursing care), what steps will be taken to meet those needs, and whether or not the steps were effective in meeting the persons needs.
-Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
“The Five Rights” of Delegation
- The right task- Can this task be delegated?
2, The right circumstance- what are the needs of the patient at this time? - The right person- proper training and experience to complete the task safely?
- The right direction- nurse be able to give clear instructions on how to perform the task?
- The right supervision- will the nurse be able to supervise and answer questions?
Advance Directive
a document that allows a person to make his or her wishes regarding health care known to family members and health care workers, in case the time comes when he or she is no longer able to make those wishes known
Living Will
type of advance directive that states a persons wish hat death not be artificially postponed
Durable Power of attorney for health care
type of advance directive that transfers the responsibility for handling a persons affairs and making medical decisions to a family member, friend, or other trusted individual, in the event that the person is no longer able to make these decisions on his or her own behalf
Civil Laws
laws concerned with relationships between individuals
Criminal Laws
laws concerned with the relationship between the individual and society
negligence committed by people who hold licenses to practice their profession, such as doctors, nurses, lawyers, dentists and pharmacists
Unintentional tort
a violation of civil law that occurs when someone causes harm or injury to another person or that persons property without the intent to cause harm
word used to describe a person who fails to do what a “careful and responsible” person would do in any given siuation
spoken statements that injure someones reputation; a form of defamation
written statements that injure someones reputation; a form of defamation
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
a federal privacy regulation that helps to keep a persons protected health information private and secure
the repetitive and deliberate infliction of injury on another person
hurting another persons reputation by making untrue statements
-in form of slander or libel
causing a person to fear bodily harm by threatening or attempting to touch a person without his consent
touching a person without the persons informed consent
causing harm to another person by deception
False Imprisonment
confining another person against his or her will
stealing another persons property
moral principles or standards that govern conduct
a cherished belief or principle