Ethical AI Flashcards
THE ethical question
- what is the right/wrong thing to do?
- who should decide? (researchers, patients clients)
- legal –
- global & local policy-makers
- corporate –
- execs & managers
- designers
- engineers
- agents –
- general public (unbiased observers)
- users
- effected non-users
trolley problem
- you have to kill someone, who do you choose?
- age, gender, fitness, SES, number, species
- crowd sourcing finds what people want but not what they do
ethical theory
- moral intuition: “this is right/wrong”
- explicit morality: “one should never do ___”
ethical theory: “doing X is right/wrong because of ___”
- “AI is bad” is never good enough…
fields of ethics
descriptive (/comparative) ethics: what do people think is right?
- aims to uncover peoples beliefs about values and characteristics of moral agents that are virtuous
- meta-ethics: what does “right” even mean?
- normative (prescriptive) ethics: how should people act?
applied ethics: how do we take moral knowledge and put it into practice?
- collect facts from various stakeholders
- make informed decisions
- what does right even mean?
- epistemics: analysis of meaning of terms
- how do we know conduct is right?
- omniscient, omnipercipient, dispassionate, disinterested observer
- what do we mean when we say researcher is responsible?
- consious, autonomous
normative ethics
- the study of ethical behavior or how one might ought to act
- deontological (duty based): conflict in heirarchy
- teleogical (end-based): ends justify means
- non-maleficence: do no harm
- beneficence: do good
- justice: respect those is social groups
- autonomy: respect decisions of the individual
are corporations evil?
- corporations are vehicles for ROI
- purpose: distribute wealth
AI is evil?
- when automobiles were introduced, they had no regulations
- newspaper articles dubbed automobiles inherently evil
- same applies to AI
- though… it can be perceived as evil in a case where it is used poorly by the “AI is not neutral” argument
Asimov’s three laws or robotics
- no harm to human
- always obey human
- defend itself as long as it does not interfere with first two laws
- problems: how do you distinguish harm?
problems with ai ethics
ignorance: only 18% of datascientists learn AI ethics
accountability: lacks reinforcement mechanism
ai ethics wash: everyone creating own AI ethics rules
- but actions show otherwise (Microsoft “against facial recognition” fighting for it)
- diffusion of responsibility: developers trusting scrutiny from boss, boss trusting developers to make good decisions
ai ethics wash: everyone creating own AI ethics rules
transparency: closed-door industry settings
- costly
- privacy violation
- get funding using “advanced” models
high impact tasks
- Governent (law enforcement, free speech)
Workforce (hiring, employment, managing)
- monitoring user behavior
- docking pay for slow work
- listening to call center workers
- telling people what and how to say
- detect deficiencies (optimize business) and dock pay
- Education (admissions)
- Healthcare (medical treatment)
- Finance (loans, social credit systems)
trustworthy AI (REGReT)
- responsible: “human beings” need to exercise judgement in using A.I. (security, privacy, )
- equitable: should take deliberate steps to avoid bias in A.I. recognition
- governable: need “the ability to detect and avoid unintended harm or disruption” (a.k.a. not go Skynet on us)
- reliable: should have a “well-defined domain of use”, track performance and improve results, prove consistency and reproducibility
- traceable: should be able to analyze (transparent & interpretable) and document the systems at each step of the way to contribute improvements and have accountability.
AI for social good
communication: bring organizations together to work on breadth of problems
- cross-sector engagement: bridge gaps between social sciencists and technologists
- reskill/upskill: close the knowledge gap on AI and data science in the social sector
- data availability: increase availability of data for social sector
- scrutiny: need accountability for ensuring proper execution of technology use
- usability: technology doesn’t just need to be available, it needs to be usable and perfected for the end use case
ethical decision making framework (markkula center)
- identify ethical issues:
- what values and risks are involved?
- who are the stakeholders?
- get the facts:
- what do we need to know?
- who do we need to hear from?
- evaluate alternative aactions through multiple ethical lenses:
- what values do they prioritize?
- what harms and benefits will they bring?
- to whom?
- make a decision and mentally test It:
- what’s the ethical call, based on what we know?
- how would it hold up under scrutiny?
- act and reflect on outcomes:
- how did it turn out?
- what did we learn?
ethics in technology practice toolkit
- overview of technology ethics, lenses for perceiving ethical issues, tools for analyzing ethical issues, and cases for practicing the skills of perception and analysis using the lenses and tools
- Ethical Risk Sweeping: Ethical risks are choices that may cause significant harm to persons or other entities with moral status.
- Ethical Pre-mortems and Post-mortems: focuses on avoiding systemic ethical failures of a project.
- Expanding the Ethical Circle: design teams need to invite stakeholder input and perspectives beyond their own.
- Case-based Analysis: Case-based analysis enables ethical knowledge and skill transfer across ethical situations.
- Remembering the Ethical Benefits of Creative Work: Ethical design and engineering is about human flourishing.
- Think About the Terrible People: there will always be those who wish to abuse new powers.
- Closing the Loop: Ethical Feedback and Iteration: Ethical design and engineering is never a finished task
SMACTR audit
- Scoping: risk assesment process; auditors produce assesment of social impact and an ethical review of system use cases
- Mapping: create map of internal stakeholders; identify key collaborators for the execution of audit
- Artifact Collection: creation of an audit checklist as well as datasheets or model cards; assumptions made; intended use
- Testing: asses performance using methods like adversarial training; creates ethical risk analysis chart that identifies likelihood and severity of a failure or risk
- Reflection: auditing and engineering team evaluate the internal design recommendations; create mitigation plan
fairness vs. bias
fairness: statistical parity between two measured groups
- cannot satisfy all definitions at the same time
- bias: when specific (un)privileged groups are placed at a systematic (dis)advantage
individual vs. group fairness
- individual fairness: statistical equitability for similar individuals
groups fairness: statistical equitability amongst groups of people partitioned by protected attribute
- “we are all equal”: all groups have same abilities
- “what you see is what you get”: observations reglect the abilities of the group
fairness definitions
- equal odds: protected and unprotected groups equal rates of true and false positive
- equal opportunity: protected and unprotected groups should have equal true positive rates
- demographic parity: likelihood of positive outcome should be same regardless of protected group or not
- fairness through unawarness: only fair if unprotected attributes are not explicitly used in decision making
- counterfactual fairness: decision is fair if it is same in both actual and counterfactual world to which different demographic group belonged
protected attributes
- “sensitive” attributes that should have parity (i.e. disability, age, sex, gender, race, cast, religion)
- sometimes it may be illegal to train a model using protected attributes
- (input) privileged value: advantageous feature value
- (output) favorable label: provides advantage to the recipient (i.e. not being arrested)
types of bias
- historical: from historical data (i.e - black people discriminated in judisciary system)
- reporting bias: bias in who reports
- implicit bias: bias in people recording the data
- label bias: annotation process
- sample/representation: one population overrepresented or underrepresented (I.e - training on white males)
- feature bias: way we choose, utilize, and measure features such as sex, skin color, or age
- ommitted variable: an important variable left out which effects models predictions
- outcome proxy bias: using the wrong model (i.e. - using cost of healthcare as proxy for health)
examples of bias
- COMPAS: incorrectly labeled African-American defendents as high-risk nearly twice the rate of white defendents
- Prime Free Same-Day Delivery: rolled out same-day service to highly dense prime aread, which discluded predominantly black area code
bias mitigation techniques
protected attribute
removal of protected features: remove protected variables such as age, sex, race from data
- only works for explicit b/c features often correlated to protected features (I.e. sex to pay)
random assignment of protected features: randomly assign protected variables such as age, sex, race etc… from the data
- should mitigate implicit bias, closely linked to appearance of these variables
counterfactual assignment of protected features: assign individual to counterfactual world
- mitigate implicit bias, identifing source for future
removal of protected features: remove protected variables such as age, sex, race from data
Model selection:
objective function change: maximize models accuracy and fairness metrics
- adversarial learning: maximize accuracy of predictor on y and minimize ability of adversary to predict the protected or sensitive variable
- fair PCA: maintains similar fidelity for different groups and populations
variational fair autoencoder: remove sensitive variable
- uses maximum mean discrepancy regularizer to obtain invariance in posterior distribution over latent variables
objective function change: maximize models accuracy and fairness metrics
Post-hoc Analysis:
casual inference: graphs and models to study if change in protected variable is casually related to change in target variable
- decisions are irrespective of the sensitive attributes of groups or individuals
debiasing: identify direction of bias and neutralize it using control parameter.
- very popular in NLP where word embeddings must be debiased
casual inference: graphs and models to study if change in protected variable is casually related to change in target variable
sampling methods
- sampling with replacement: for minority group
- minority (synthetic) over-sampling: synthetically creates minority classes that are similar to nearest neighbors
- random undersampling: for majority group
AI Ethics checkpoints
- Problem research
- Solution/system architecture
- Data collection
- Model training
- UX design
- Product documentation
- Feedback mechanism
classes of interpretability methods
moment interpretation task set methods:
- ante hoc: choosing simple to intepret models (logistic regressions)
- poste hoc: accompanied interpretation after already built
model specific/agnostic methods:
- model-specific: i.e. - gradient descent methods work on all neural networks, but tree based methods cannot be applied to any other
- model-agnostic: place no assumption on the internal structure of the model
scope methods
- locally interpretable: explaining single prediction
- global interpretable: explaining whole model
interpretability methods
partial dependency plot: shows dependence of target variable from a particular feature
- must assume feature independence
permutation importance: remove feature and see impact on loss
- requires retraining, unless you use noise for feature
- present distribution as opposed to single value
shapley value: value to each “player” to demonstrate how important they are to the “team”
- have to predict every combination of every feature under brute force calculation, which is not reasonable resource-wise
LIME: model-agnostic system to explain local behavior of model around some point X using spase linear model on nearby points
- assume “local suragates” are less complicated than model
- need to asses the “coverage” of the explanation because kernels only work locally
Anchor: model-agnost system explaining complex models using high-precision rules called anchors
- precision: the ratio of n times when label hasn’t chaged after perterbation to anchored samples
- coverage: propbability anchor is present in other samples, or measure of scope covered by explanation
red versus green AI
red AI: big tech focuses on buying incrementally better results
- cost ~ (model)(data)(iterations)
- carbon emission
- elecriticy used
- money spent
green AI: researchers focus on efficiency and lowering the overall cost
- non-polluting carbon offsets
- renewable energy sources
- spend less
quantifying energy footprint: floating-point operations (FPO)
- does not apply to particular hardware
- but… other process are not accounted for