Estrous Cycle Flashcards
the process whereby the gametes are
formed in the gonads
(Gk. Oistros=gadfly, hence frenzy or
desire) the cyclical changes occurring in the reproductive
system of the female mammal
Estrous Cycle
___________ cyclical changes in the vagina, marked in rodents and correlated with ovarian cycle (Proestrus, estrus, metaestrus, diestrus)
Vaginal Cycle
cyclical changes in the histology of the
rodent uterus are not marked as they are in primates
(Proestrus, estrus, metaestrus, diestrus)
Uterine Cycle
(mensis=month) characterized by
monthly uterine bleeding (estrus cycle) for the primate
Menstrual Cycle
Two types of cycles in female mammals
- Menstrual Cycles
- Estrous Cycles
Identify the type of cycle:
• Humans and other primates
• Changes in the uterus = uterine cycle
• Caused by events that occur in the ovary
(Ovarian cycle)
• Integrated cycle involving 2 organs (uterus and ovaries)
Menstrual cycles
Identify the type of cycle:
in other mammals
Estrous cycles
Integrated Female Cycles
• Follicular phase
• Ovulatory phase
• Luteal phase
Ovarian Cycle
Integrated Female Cycles
• Menstrual flow phase
• Proliferative phase
• Secretory phase
Uterine/Menstrual Cycle
Follicle Stimulating Hormones
-for growth
-maturation of the
follicle – germ cell,
stratum granulosum
gametokinetic H.
Follicle Stimulating Hormones:
❖gametokinetic H.
❖-for growth
❖_________________ – germ cell,
stratum granulosum
maturation of the follicle
Luteinizing Hormone
❖____________ ______
stimulating hormone
❖stimulates theca
❖induces corpus luteum
❖together with FSH
induces maturation of
the Graafian follicle
insterstitial cell
❖maintains corpus
secretion of
progesterone by
the corpus
❖lactation of mammary
Lactogenic hormone/prolactin
Roles of Ovarian Hormones in
Estrous Cycle
• Estrogen
– Follicular hormone
– Promotes proliferation phase of ________ ________
– Stimulates oviducts, vagina, mammary
– Secondary sex characteristics
– Aspects of behavior
uterine cycle
Roles of Ovarian Hormones in
Estrous Cycle
– Secretes estrogen in 1st half
Roles of Ovarian Hormones in
Estrous Cycle
_________ _________
– secretes estrogen in 2nd half
– Produces progesterone
Corpus luteum
Roles of Ovarian Hormones in
Estrous Cycle
– produces estrogen and progesterone
– Produces placental gonadotrophin/
chorionic gonadotrophin
Roles of Ovarian Hormones in
Estrous Cycle
– Promotes secretions phase of uterine cycle
– Stimulates mammary glands
Roles of Ovarian Hormones in
Estrous Cycle
________/ __________ ________
– Secreted by pregnant women
– + test for pregnancy in urine
Placental/chorionic gonadotrophin
Differences between
rats and mice
• Are not just little rats;
• More olfactory than rats
• More sensitive to introduction of new males
Terminology for Cycle Stages
•__________ – noun
•Estrous - adjective
Terminology for Cycle Stages
•Estrus – noun
•Estrous - _______
The Rodent Estrous Cycle
• Rats and mice are:
❖_________ _______ – they do not
need the presence of male to induce ovulation
spontaneous ovulators
The Rodent Estrous Cycle
Rats and mice are:
❖4-6 day cycle – consists of 4 stages =
________, _________, ________ _ (a.k.a.
metestrus), and _________ _
estrus, proestrus, diestrus I, and diestrus II
The Rodent Estrous Cycle
Rats and mice are:
❖4-6 day cycle – consists of 4 stages =
estrus, proestrus, diestrus I (a.k.a.
__________), and diestrus II
• can refer to a stage of the cycle or to
the behavioral manifestation of
behavioral receptivity (also known as
• For rodents, the most highly receptive time is proestrus
• can refer to a stage of the cycle or to
the behavioral manifestation of
behavioral receptivity (also known as
• For rodents, the most highly receptive time is ________
Differences from Human
Menstrual Cycle
• Peaks of estrogens and progesterone
are __________ _________ in humans while overlap in rodents
• Rodents are more to estrous cycle
disruption due to sensitivity from light
zeitgebers than humans
typically separated
Differences from Human
Menstrual Cycle
• Peaks of estrogens and progesterone
are typically separated in humans while overlap in rodents
• Rodents are more to estrous cycle
disruption due to sensitivity from light _________ than humans
Determining Estrous Cycle
• ______ ________ __ ______ _______ - Simple method for determining estrous cycle stage
Vaginal lavage or vaginal smear
Determining Estrous Cycle
4 stages can be distinguished by noting _______ ________ _______that are visible during each stage
characteristic cell types
Determining Estrous Cycle
• A small amount of physiological solution is
inserted into a rat’s or mice’s vagina with
disposable pipette, removed, placed on a slide
and examined under a microscope.
• Volume: _____-____ microliters of saline for rats while 50-200 microliters for mice.
Vaginal Smear Procedure
• Label a slide with the date, time, mouse name, and color.
• Introduce a few drops of ___ into the eyedropper and gently insert about ___ cm into the vagina.
• Express the saline back and forth, 2 or 3 times by quickly squeezing and releasing the dropper bulb, then remove the
resultant fluid and express it onto the labeled slide.
• Keep the slide flat and do not let it dry.
NSS, 0.5 cm
Cell Characteristics in
Different Cycles
• __________ –presence of nucleated epithelial cells that are round; sometimes the cells cornify rapidly in mice
Cell Characteristics in
Different Cycles
• Proestrus –presence of nucleated epithelial cells that are round; sometimes the cells _______ rapidly in mice
Cell Characteristics in
Different Cycles
characterized by non-nucleated,
cornified epithelial cells
Cell Characteristics in
Different Cycles
_______ (Diestrus I)
low cell number,
often with a lot of cell debris
Cell Characteristics in
Different Cycles
_______ contains mostly lymphocytes
Diestrus II
Cell Characteristics in Different Cycles
Diestrus II contains mostly ________
3 Main Cell Types Detected In Vaginal Smear Samples
A. Nucleated Epithelial Cells
B. Cornified Epithelial Cell
C. Leukocytes