Estrogens / Progestins Flashcards
Conjugated equine estrogens
Natural water soluble estrogen
high dose b/c readily metabolized (0.624 mg)
ethinyl estradiol
synthetic steroid estrogen
synthetic steroid estrogen
diethylstilbestrol (DES)
first synthetic nonsteroidal estrogen
not used much today
Pharmacological uses of estrogen
Hypogonadism (promote development of female sex organs)
HRT (maintain bone density / suppress hot flashes / suppress urogenital atrophy)
Contraception (negative feedback on HPG axis -> inhibit ovulation)
Acne Tx (suppress steroidogenesis / ↑ SHBG)
Estrogen Side-Effects
Breast tenderness (proliferation effect)
Endometrial hyperplasia (use progestin to challenge this)
↑ coagulation (↓ antithrombin)
cholestatis (cholesterol secretion changes)
nausea / migraine / cancer / bloating
Estrogen and Cancer
HRT (monotherapy): endometrial CA
Contraception: ↓ ovarian, ↓ endometrial, ↑ breast cancer
due to trophic effecs of hormones + ROS of metabolism
medroxyprogesterone (MPA)
Rx: HRT (w/ estrogen) / long acting contraceptive
Rx: contraception
Rx: contraception
Pharmacological Use of Progestins
Contraception (negative feedback to HPG axis –> prevent ovulation + ↑ cervical mucus viscosity)
HRT (prevent endometrial hyperplasia)
Dysmenorrhea (decrease SM contractions, prostaglandin production)
Endometriosis (↓ enometrial proliferation)
Progestin Side Effects
Break-through bleeding
Impaired glucose tolerance
Lipid metabolism changes
19-nor: acne / hirsutism
Injectable Birth Control
Estrogen + Progestin
Implant Birth Control
IUD Birth Control
Vaginal Ring Birth Control
Estrogen + Progestin
Transdermal Birth Control
Estrogen + Progestin
“Emergency” Birth Control – Levien
Estrogen + Progestin
“Emergency” Birth Control – “Plan-B”
Hormone Contraceptive Side Effects
N / HA / Edema / Mastalgia / Breakthrough bleeding (E) / Withddrwal bleed failure / serum protein changes
Breakthrough bleeding (P) / ↑ weight / ↑ skin pigmentation / acne / hirsutism / vaginal infections / amenorrhea
thromboembolic dz / MI / cerebrovascular disease / cholestasis / depression / cancer
Oral Birth Control
Estrogen + Progestin
Progestin Only