Essentials For Physics Flashcards
a physical quantity contains
a magnitude
a unit of measurement
a physical quantity is
something which is observable/ measurable
the 7 SI bass units are
M ass
E lectric current
L ength
T ime
A mount of substance
L uminous intensity
T emperature
SI units are used so tht
physical quantities are standardised allowing for meaningful comparisons to be made
derived unit
a SI unit of measurement comprised of a combination of the seven base units
4 basic rules for sig figs
1 leftmost non zero digit is significant
2 no decimal point- the rightmost non zero digit is significant
3 decimal point- the rightmost (maybe) zero is significant
4 all number become significant after the first non zero digit to the left
scientific notation in large numbers
insert decimal place after the first number and the decimal point moves to the right
scientific notation in small numbers
insert a decimal point after the first number (not zero) and move it to the left
T tera x10 power of 12 G giga x10 power of 9 M mega x10 power of 6 K kilo x10 power of 3 c centi x10 power of -2 m milli x10 power of -3 u micro x10 power of -6 n nano x10 power of -9 p pico x10 power of -12
use magic triangle and 7 step approach
SQA general marking principles
S top marking after something is incorrect N o half marks awarded F ull marks should be awarded for a correct final answer with no working