Essays: Themes only Flashcards
Assess the problems which Philip II inherited from his father
- Financial problems
- Growth of Protestantism/ Threat from Islam
- Foreign Policy
- Government
How far do you agree that Philip was an ‘absolute monarch’ in his rule of Mainland Spain?
- Ability to execute personal justice
- Existence of personal rule in a centralised state
- Absence of institutional mechanisms of government which exert some forms of checks and balances
Assess how far Philip II’s problems in governing mainland Spain were due to the Spanish administration system.
- Spanish Administration system
- Factionalism
- Provincialism
Assess why Philip was unable to solve Spain’s financial problems.
- Weak financial system
- Wars
- Inherited debts
‘The most serious problems Philip II faced in ruling Spain were economic and financial.’ How far do you agree?
- Economic and financial problems
- Factions and relations with the nobility
- Problems of Moriscos and Conversos
“The greatest threat that Philip faced to his political authority came from factionalism”. How far do you agree?
- Factionalism
- Provincialism
- Revolts
How far do you agree that Philip II was a just ruler?
- Law
- Revolts
- Considering his subjects
‘The Moriscos were the most serious internal problem facing Philip II in his rule of Spain.’ How far do you agree?
- Moriscos
- Government and councils
- Factionalism + Provincialism
To what extent was Philip to blame for Spain’s financial problems?
- Role of Philip (Inc. wars)
- Structural problems with the economy of Spain
- Inheritance
How successful was Philip II’s government of Spain?
- Centralisation
- Finances
- Factions
“The most significant influence on Philip’s religious policies was his own personal religious beliefs.” How far do you agree?
- Philip’s personal beliefs
- Heresy
- Foreign policy
How healthy was the Spanish Church in 1556?
- Extent of Heresy
- Uniformity
- Relationship with the Crown and the Pope
“The Catholic Church in Spain experienced a transformation during the reign of Philip II”. How far do you agree?
- Quality of the Clergy
- Religious uniformity
- Heresy
Assess the extent to which the revolt of the Netherlands was caused by Philip’s reaction to the spread of Calvinism there during the period 1555-72.
- Philip’s reaction to the spread of Calvinism
- Dutch defense of Political liberties
- Economic hardships
Which individuals were most responsible for causing the outbreak of the Dutch Revolt?
- William of Orange
- Margaret of Parma
- Duke of Alva
- Role of Philip himself
How far was Maurice of Nassau’s leadership the main reason for the success of the Northern provinces by 1598?
- Maurice of Nassau
- Philip’s foreign distractions + foreign intervention
- Failure of Spanish leaders
- Geography
- Nature of warfare (sieges)
- Spanish financial problems
How far do you agree that Elizabeth’s decision to openly support the Dutch rebels in 1585 was the most important reason why Spain was unable to defeat the united provinces by 1598?
- English interference
- Spanish financial problems
- Success of Dutch leaders
- Failure of Spanish leaders
How far do you agree that Philip was to blame for the failure to crush the Dutch rebels?
- Philip himself (Inc. foreign distractions)
- Spanish leaders in the Netherlands
- Spanish economic problems
Assess the reasons why the Revolt of the Netherlands lasted so long
- Dutch strengths and leaders
- Foreign intervention
- Finance
- Geography and nature of warfare