Essay 06. Civil Procedure Flashcards
Issue Overview
Civil Procedure
- Subject Matter Jurisdiction
- Personal Jurisdiction
- Venue
- Erie
- Pleadings
- Discovery
- Summary Judgement
- Trial Procedure
- Post-Trial Procedure
Subject Matter Jurisdiction
Civil Procedure
- Federal Question Jurisdiction
- Diversity Jurisdiction
- Supplemental Jurisdiction
- Removal
Federal Question
Civil Procedure
- The federal issue must be presented in the plaintiff’s well-plead complaint
- A federal defense is not sufficient
Diversity Jurisdiction
Civil Procedure
- Diversity
- Amount in Controversy
SMJ > Diversity
Civil Procedure
- Must be compelte diversity between the parties
- Individuals = domiciled where they are present with itnent to remain indefinitely (ONLY 1)
- Corporations = domiciled where incorporations AND where the principal place of business is located (LIMIT 2)
SMJ > Diversity
Amount in Controversey
Civil Procedure
- Must exceed $75,000, plead of the complaint
- Injunctive relief CAN have monetary value assigned
- Multiple defendants = can aggregate dollar amounts if jointly liable
Supplemental Jurisdiction
Civil Procedure
Court may exercise supplemental jurisdiction over additional claims so long as the claims arise out of a common nucleus of operative fact as the original claim
SMJ > Supplemental Jurisdition
Federal Question Jurisdiction
Civil Procedure
- Plaintiff can bring state law claims that are related to the federal claim
- An additional plaintiff can bring a state law claim against the defendant if related to the original plaintiff’s federal claim
- A defendant can bring a cross-claim against another defendant so long as the claim is related to the original plaintiff’s federal claim
SMJ > Supplemental Jurisdiction
Diversity Jurisdiction
Civil Procedure
- Plaintiff can bring any state law claim related to the basis of the original claim
- An additional plaintiff can bring a related state law claim against the defendant so long as the plaintiff does not destroy diversity
- A defendant can bring a cross-claim against another defendant so long as it is related to the original claim
SMJ > Supplemental Jurisdiction
Rejection of Supplemental Jurisdition
Civil Procedure
Courts have discretion to reject supplemental jurisdiction IF:
1. The claims are complex or predominate the lawsuit;
2. The federal law claims are dismissed; OR
3. There are any other compelling reasons to decline jurisdiction
Civil Procedure
- Plaintiff files in state court and a defendant seeks to remove to federal court
- Defendant may remove so long as the federal court can exercise SMJ over the case
Additional removal factors:
* Diversity Jurisdiction = no defendants can be citizens of the state in which the claims was originally filed
* Motion for removal must be filed within 30 days of receiving the complaint
* All defendants must join in or consent to removal
Traditional Bases
Civil Procedure
- Service while voluntarily present
- Domicile
- Consent
Long-Arm Statute
Civil Procedure
Due process requires:
1. Minimum Contacts
2. Fair play and substantial justice
PJ > Due Process
Minimum Contacts
Civil Procedure
- Purposeful availment = reaonably foreseeable to be sued in the state
- Relatedness = defendant’s conduct in relation to the action
- Specific jurisdition = action arises out of the defendant’s conduct
- General jurisdiction = defendant is essentially “at home” in jurisdiction (NOTE: Corporation is “at home” where incorporated AND where its principal place of business is located)
PJ > Due Process
Fair Play & Substantial Justice
Civil Procedure
- Interest of the forum state in adjudicating the matter;
- Burden on the defendant of appearing in the case;
- Interest of the judicial system in efficient resolution; AND
- Shared interests of the states in promoting common social policies
Appropriate Venue
Civil Procedure
Which federal district can the original action be filed in?
1. A district in which any defendant resides IF ALL defendants reside in the state where the district is located
2. Where a substantial part of the events or omissions occurred, or where the property is situated
3. If neither of the above apply, venue is proper in a judicial district where any defendant is subject to PJ
Transfer of Venue Analysis
Civil Procedure
- Is there personal jurisdiction?
- Is there subject matter jurisdiction?
- Is venue appropriate in the new district?
- Is transfer to the new venue in the interest of justice?
Federal Question
Civil Procedure
Federal substantive AND procedural law will control
Diversity Jurisdiction
Civil Procedure
Court applies state substantive law and federal procedural law
Erie> Diversity
Substance v. Procedure
Civil Procedure
- A state law that alters the calculation of damages in a substantive law under Erie
- A state law regarding a statute of limitations is substantive under Erie
- State law that create evidentiary previleges are substantive under Erie
Pre-Trial Injunctions
Civil Procedure
- Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)
- Preliminary Injunction
Pre-Trial Injunctions
Temporary Restraining Order
Civil Procedure
Party seeks to maintain the status quo prior to a hearing for a preliminary injunction, and must show:
1. Immediate and irreparable injury would occur absent the TRO; AND
2. An effort was made to give notice to the opposing side (or the reason notice should not be required)
NOTE: Court may grant TRO without the opposing party present
Pre-Trial Injunctions
Preliminary Injunction
Civil Procedure
Requires notice to the opposing party and a hearing, and the Plaintiff must show:
1. Likely to succeed on the merits;
2. Likely to suffer irreparable harm in absence of injunction;
3. Balancing the equities favors granting; AND
4. Injunction is in the best interests of the public
Civil Procedure
- Service of Process (Rule 4)
- Motions Against the Complaint (Rule 12)
- Amendments & Relation Back (Rule 15)
- Standards for Filing (Rule 11)