ESP Flashcards
The set of values a person acquires becomes the moral foundation of his/ her _____.
Since the _____ begins like a blank space, a person has to learn how to know and understand himself/herself.
is one of the greatest mysteries in life. It is the seat of thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions, perceptions, and memories.
The Human Mind
Developed the idea of self-concept
Charles Horton Cooley
Year of Charles Cooley’s Life
Other people act as the mirrors for the development of the self
looking-glass self
highlights that every individual learns to identify himself herself from and through the eyes of others beginning from the family where he/she belongs.
looking-glass self
explained further that knowing what is right is doing what is right. Along the way one’s use of intellect and will is challenge. If one has knowledge of what is true but ignores to do it. Then one is succumbed to do evil.
the acknowledgment of other people’s rights, feelings, and existence.
the selfless, unconditional help one can offer to other people, such as family members, friends, neighbors, and other members of the community.
Service to others
putting oneself in the shoes of another. This means understanding other people’s feelings.
recognizing that one is neither superior nor inferior from another no matter the nationality, gender, economic background.
According to the ____________, over _________ people die every year due to smoking. In the Philippines, over __________ Filipinos smoke, and the estimated ______________consume more than _________ sticks of cigarette every day.
WHO, 5, 17, 14, ten
According to studies, ____________ is the most common cause why teenagers engage into smoking and drinking.
peer pressure
usually comes from the people who surround you such as your classmates and friends in school.
peer pressure
may influence you positively or negatively.
peers or friends
an Italian philosopher, developed a moral philosophy that states a natural order that one should adhere.
Thomas Aquinas
is the branch of philosophy that contemplates what is right and wrong.
Moral philosophy
A theory of ethics in human nature and the search for human happines and fullfilment.
Natural Law
“Nothing else than an ordinance of reason for the common good, promulgated by him who has care of the community.”
Thomas Aquinas
forms man’s conscience.
The Natural Moral Law
______ viewed conscience as one’s practical intelligence at work in a form of judgment about the rightness or the wrongness of actions. Hence, if a person has formed his/her judgment corruptly, he/she tends to do wrongly. If one has formed his/her judgment according to what is right then he/ she is doing the right thing.
Thomas Aquinas
___ emphasized that if you use your reason to reflect on your nature, you realize what your purpose in life is, and you strive harder to reach your goals.
Thomas Aquinas
Is a divine model which professes that god created the world and that the world is ruled by Divine Providence or Divine Reason.
Eternal Law
_________ emphasized that human beings are the same.
__________ stressed that good actions you perform enable things and people to flourish, but the bad things you commit are destructive and that they should be prevented.
______ instills in everyone the idea that man has in his/her heart a law designed by God-his/her conscience. This is his/her most secret core and his/her sanctuary.
Likewise, it is taught that _______ is a judgment of reason by which a person weighs his/her actions.
Conscience is believed to be a “_______” where the human person can hear God’s voice. Hence, man is free to follow or reject what his/her conscience tells him/her, whether to do good or evil.
place within
The development of one’s _________ is a life-long process. It is influenced by his/her experiences, family, society, and other factors. It is also shaped by the teachings of the church leaders, and the sacred Scriptures. Hence, it is your duty to follow your conscience in making decisions and in translating your thoughts and emotions into concrete actions.
______________ is a valuable blessing that each Filipino possesses. This gives one all the rights he/she needs to achieve his/her dreams and aspirations in life, and to dutifully perform tasks as a citizen of the country.
Freedom or Independence
The founders of a socio-economical ideology called Marxism
“freedom is the right and capacity of people to determine their own actions, in a community that is able to provide for the full development of human potentiality. Freedom may be enjoyed by individuals but only in and through the community.”
_____________ also means deciding on things without fear and inhibition after thorough scrutiny and consideration._
Possessing self-identity or independence
is one’s ability to respond to the call of his neighbors who are in need, those who have less in the society. It is giving service not only to his family, but also to his fellowmen and his country in general.
does not mean doing anything you wish to do whenever and whichever way you want to do things. genuine freedom is measured by one’s ability to choose the good in all areas of human life. People must exercise their freedom and live in accord with their own objective nature.
Genuine Freedom
Praying for your enemies instead of wishing them harm is one example of using ____________ because you choose to do the good instead and to love your neighbor and your enemy.
Genuine Freedom
Furthermore, giving alms to the needy, clothing the unclothed, feeding the hungry, giving shelter to the poor, and visiting the prisoners are good deeds that can manifest the use of _____________. One can only say, “I am free at last” when he/she has already done his/her share of goodness to country and its people.
Genuine Freedom