Esophagus Flashcards
Esophagus: Location
Begins at CV6 as a continuation of the pharynx
Ends in the abdomen at the stomach at the level of TV11
During descent through the thorax, deviates slightly to the left at TV1, then slightly right at TV5 and passes through the diaphragmn on the left side at TV10
Esophagus: Location of posterior and anterior surfaces
Posterior: Related to the vertebrae above and to the thoracic aorta below
Anterior: Related to the trachea above and the pericardium below
Esophagus: Location of Right and Left sides
Right: Related to parietal pleura
Left: Related to parietal pleura EXCEPT in mid-thoracic region, where it is related to the aorta
What are the 4 layers of the esophagus?
Tunica Adventitia
Tunica Muscularis
Tunica Submucosa
Tunica Mucosa
Esophageal Tunica Adventitia: Characteristics
Related to the esophageal plexus of nerves and contains a plexus of veins
Esophageal Tunica Muscularis: Characteristics
Contains a nerve plexus consisting of both sympathetic and parasympathetic cell bodes
Esophageal Tunica Submucosa: Characteristics
Contains a Nerve plexus having similar elements as above (Tunica Muscularis) and a venous plexus
Esophageal Tunica Submucosa: Characteristics
STratified Squamous Epithelium with tunic propria
What are the arteries of the Esophagus?
Inferior Thyroid ARteries
Bronchial, esophageal and mediastinal arteries
Esophageal branch of the left gastric artery
Inferior Thyroid Artery: Point of Supply
Upper esophagus
Bronchia, esophageal and mediastinal arteries: Pont of Supply
Middle Esophagus
Esophageal Branch of the left gastric artery: Point of supply
Lower Esophagus
Where do the upper veins of the esophagus drain to?
Superior vena cava via inferior thyroid and azygos veins
Where do the lower veins of the esophagus drain to?
Portal System via esophageal branches of gastric vein
What part of the esophagus is part of the porto-caval anastomose?
The venous plexus in the middle and lower thirds of the esophagus
What nerves contribute to the Esophageal plexus?
Both Vagus nerves which contribute preganglionic parasymp fibers and sensory fibers
Splanchnic branches from the Smpathetic trunk contributing postganglionic fibers and sensory fibers