eschatology Flashcards
what does the paschal candle represent?
risen christ
after the sun has set, the priest lights a fire (paschal candle)
represents the light of christ rising from the tomb, destroying the power of sin and death through his resurrection
the priest inserts five little holders, each containing a grain of incense, into the candle… (paschal candle)
represents the 5 wounds christ received during his crucifixion
the priest processes with the candle up to the altar. light from the paschal candle is used to light the candles held by everyone else in the church (paschal candle)
shows that all believers are able to share in the risen glory of christ
physical properties of the paschal candle
-alpha and omega represents that christ is eternal
-the five grains of incense represent the five wounds christ received during his crucifixion
-the candle represents the risen christ
how is the paschal candle used in baptism?
-when a person is baptised, they are given a candle that is lit from the paschal candle
-this shows the person has been filled with the light of christ
-the priest tells the person’s parents and godparents: ‘this child of yours has been enlightened by christ. may he keep the flame of faith alive in his heart’
how is the paschal candle used at a funeral?
the paschal candle is lit to show the deceased person has joined christ in the resurrected life
near to jesus are some saints who are holding the tools that were used to torture and kill them (the last judgment)
-despite their torture, the saints have perfect bodies -> reflects the catholic belief that people’s bodies will be resurrected (as well as their souls), and made perfect
-also reflects the belief that people who stick to their faith, no matter what happens to them, will be raised up to heaven
in the last judgment’s original painting, everyone except for jesus and mary was naked
this shows that in the last judgement, all people are equal before God
jesus in the last judgment
-christ is the central figure in the painting, emphasising his importance as the judge of all
-the wounds from his crucifixion are still visible, showing that jesus came to glory through obedience and suffering
people are rising from their graves (the last judgement)
showing that all people will be raised up for judgement on the last day
people are shown moving towards hell, with a sense of despair (the last judgement)
hell is shown as a place of darkness, which reflects the idea that the light of christ can’t reach people who have reiected God
large carved stone that is placed over a person’s grave, it indicates the location of the persons grave & is treated with respect
features of tombstones
often inscribed with the letters R.I.P:
-stands for ‘may he rest in peace’
-a prayer that expresses hope that the person is in heaven, enjoying the peace and happiness of eternal life
often shaped like a cross:
-indicates the person believed in jesus,
-expresses the hope they will be resurrected with jesus to eternal life
have an angel carved on them:
-reflects the belief that all people have their own guardian angel, who takes care of them during their life
-this angel will present them to God to be judged, and ask for a merciful judgement
a structure that is built to remember an important person or event
features of monuments
in the past, some rich christians were buried in sarcophagi with the chi-rho symbol on them:
-shows the person believed in jesus
-a reminder of the belief that jesus died so everyone would be able to experience eternal life in heaven
in the middle ages, monuments were often decorated with skeletons & other symbols of decay:
-reflects the belief that no matter how important or wealthy a person is, they face death and God’s Judgement just like everyone else
remembrance gardens
-an outside area where the ashes of people who have been cremated can be buried
-the catholic church insists that ashes are treated with dignity, are not scattered, and are buried in a sacred site
features of remembrance gardens
designed to be areas of peace and beauty:
-helps mourners to reflect on the peace and beauty of heaven, where the person who died is now hopefully present
quiet, reflective spaces:
-helps people to mourn for their loved ones in peace in a place where they feel close to them, as this is where their bodily remains are at rest
study of the end times
cosmic disasters
frightening events in the universe that will indicate the end of time
what will happen at the end of time?
-jesus will come to judge the whole of creation
-the end of the current world order will lead to the creation of a new one
-the reign of God will be established
what did early christian’s believe about resurrection & end times?
-jesus’ resurrection meant the end of the world would happen shortly
-all people would then be resurrected and taken up into the presence of God
what do christians now believe about resurrection & end times?
-christians realised they have to live in the life of the resurrection while they are still alive on earth
-they should follow jesus’ teachings and resist the temptation to sin -> this prepares them for judgement after death
st paul’s letter on resurrection
‘it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory’
the 4 last things
death, judgement, heaven, hell
-death is a transition to a new phase of life
-death is not something to fear, it is the start of eternal life without the limitations of the earthly body
-while the body dies, the soul continues to live on
-the soul is judged by God and sent to heaven, hell or purgatory
-at the end of time, at the final judgement, the body and soul will be reunited in a perfect form
-catholics believe that after they die they will be judged by God
-God will consider everything a person has done during their lifetime
-people have to accept responsibility for all of their actions
-jesus died so all people could be saved, so christians believe God’s judgement will be merciful
-it people are judged tavourably, they will enter heaven
-heaven is the state of eternal happiness in the presence of God
-in heaven, God’s love removes all worries
-God wants all people to join him in heaven, but he also respects people’s free will - people have to choose to accept God in to enter heaven
-if people are judged unfavourably, they will enter hell
-hell is the state of eternal separation from God
-christians believe God doesn’t send people to hell; people send themselves by not accepting God
-people in hell are aware of what they have thrown away, and exist in a state of frustration and anger at themselves
a place where sins are cleansed so the person can feel happy in the presence of God
how can the process of purgatory be sped up?
with the help of prayers from those who are still alive
how do people get into purgatory?
-when people are judged before God, many want to accept the offer of heaven, but the overwhelming love of God makes some people ashamed of the bad things they have done in their life
-even though God has forgiven their sins, they still want to make up for the things they have done wrong
particular judgement
-happens immediately after a person dies
-when God judges someone on a personal, individual basis
-they are judged on all the actions they took during their life
-results in the person going to heaven, hell or purgatory
final judgement
-at the end of time
-christ will come in glory at the end of time & judge the whole of creation
-after this happens, the reign of God will be established and everything made perfect
-those who have been judged favourably by God will stay with him forever in this perfect creation
do all christians believe in purgatory?
no, they believe that after judgement, people will either totally accept God and go to heaven or totally reject God and go to hell
when do christians believe that final judgement happens?
all people wait in their graves for the second coming of christ, when they will be judged and sent to heaven or hell
the parable of the rich man and lazarus
-the parable tells the story of a rich man who had everything he wanted in life, he never gave any food or help to the poor (a homeless man called lazarus who lay at the gates to his house). -when both men died, the rich man went to hell and lazarus went to heaven
-in hell, the rich man calls out to abraham, who is in heaven
lessons in the rich man and lazarus
showing love and kindness to others will lead people to heaven: by not showing love and kindness to Lazarus, the rich man went to hell (he feasted sumptuously every day)
hell is a place of torment: the rich man says; he says that he is ‘in agony in these flames’
people in hell are conscious and aware of those in heaven: in hell, the rich man is aware that abraham and lazarus are in in heaven, this increases suffering for him
it is not possible to move between heaven and hell: abraham tells the rich man that there is a ‘great chasm’ between heaven & hell & it is not able to be crossed, people can escape hell by repenting
having faith in God, and following Jesus’ teachings, will lead people to heaven: the rich man asks abraham to send someone from the dead to warn his brothers that heaven & hell are real & they need to change their ways, abraham replies that, ‘If they do not listen to moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead’
cosmic reconciliation
the time when all things in creation will be brought together in harmony
explaining cosmic reconciliation
- God the father created the universe through God the Son, he made all things perfectly balanced in harmony
- sin broke this harmony, throwing the whole of creation out of balance
- as the son of God, jesus was able to destroy the power of sin and death, which had disrupted God’s perfect creation. jesus’ death and resurrection helped to restore harmony to the world
- the whole of creation will be fully restored & made perfect at the end of time, at this point the universe will be fully reconciled with God
julian of norwich
-medieval writer who received a series of visions from jesus
-in one of these visions she asked Jesus why there is sin and hell, and he replied by saying:
‘it was necessary that there should be sin; but all shall be well’
(sin is necessary because God has given humans free will, but ‘all shall be well’ because sin will be defeated & all things made perfect at the end of times)
preparing for the end time
-catholics can determine what happens to them after they die through the choices they make during their lives
-the church teaches that people should be constantly preparing for the end of time, as no one knows when this will happen
-they should always strive to follow jesus’ teachings while they are alive
lumen gentium 48
‘we must be constantly vigilant’ [about judgement]
catechism quote about the afterlife
‘God predestines no one to go to hell’
the anointing of the sick
-a sacrament centred around the action of anointing a sick person with holy oil
-there is a reading from the Bible, prayers for the sick & the ‘our father’ are said
actions in the anointing of the sick
the sacrament starts with the priest sprinkling the room and patient with holy water:
-a reminder of baptism
the priest lays their hands on the head of the sick person, calling down the power of the HS:
-HS fills the person to give them a sense of peace & strength to resist sin
-HS gives them the courage to overcome the despair their illness may have caused
the priest blesses a some oil, then he anoints the forehead & hands of the sick person with it:
-through this anointing, the priest asks God to help the person through love and mercy & provide them the grace of the HS
-the anointing gives hope of a new life (health or heaven)
commendation of the dying
a short service where the dying person receives their last holy communion, which is called viaticum
actions of the commendation of the dying
the dying person may hold a crucifix:
-a reminder they are sharing in Christ’s death
a bible reading (+litany of saints) are given:
-the reading assures the person that God is with them
-the litany of the saints asks the saints for their prayers as the dying person faces God’s judgement
the dying person receives their last holy communion:
-christ is with the person on their journey from death to new life
a ceremony to mourn a deceased person
reception of the body
- the body is taken to church in its coffin (represents the deceased person being taken to God)
- at the church doors, the coffin is sprinkled with holy water (a reminder of baptism
- the coffin is put next to the paschal candle (shows the light of the risen christ is shining on the person)
the funeral mass
- the priest holds a mass (centred around praying that the dead is now resting in heaven)
- the readings of the mass focus on the effects of christ’s resurrection: often john, which includes the line ‘everyone who lives and believes in me will never die’ (reflects the belief that christ’s death and resurrection made life after death possible)
the commital & burial or cremation
- holy water is sprinkled over the coffin (reminder of baptism
- the priest waves smoke from burning incense over the coffin (rising smoke represents people’s prayers being offered up to God on behalf of the deceased)
- as the coffin is blessed, the
congregation says/sings, ‘may the angels lead you to paradise and with poor man lazarus of old may you enjoy eternal life’ (expresses the hope the deceased will spend eternity in heaven) - a prayer is said for the mourners (reflects the hope they will meet the deceased person again in heaven)
- the lord’s prayer is said, there are prayers for the person’s eternal happiness with God (reflects the belief the deceased person was a child of God, who has now hopefully been returned to his loving care)
sanctity of life
-all human life is holy and sacred, because it has been created by God
-all life should therefore be respected & valued
-life does not become any less valuable when a person becomes ill or elderly
why is the church against euthanasia?
-it is considered to be murder
-suffering can be seen as a way to share in the suffering of jesus on the cross
-it lowers the value and dignity of life - all life should be valued and respected, even if a person is ill and suffering
-only God has the right to take away life