Escapes Unit 5 Vocab Flashcards
Negative Feedback
when the response is in the opposite direction of the input
Positive Feedback
when the response is the same direction of as the input
Coriolis effect
apparent deflection of currents and winds across earth
To alter from intended path
Sea Breeze
During the day; the localized wind blowing from the ocean to the land
Land Breeze
During the night; the localized wind blowing from the land to the ocean
Specific Heat Capacity
how much energy is needed to raise one gram of a substance one degree
large molecules of life CHNOPS (sometime K)
smaller molecules of life iron, copper
Summer solstice
June 21 when the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun and the solar maximum and
direct sunlight reach the tropic of Cancer
Winter solstice
December 21 when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and solar maximum
and direct sunlight reach the tropic of Capricorn
March 20-23 and September 20-23 when solar maxim hits directly at the equator giving every location
on Earth 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness
Solar noon
when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky
ocean circulation driven by the wind and density
salt content of a body of water
Biologic Oxygen Demand
amount of dissolved oxygen needed to sustain organisms in a body of water
Ocean acidification
reduction in the pH of the ocean caused primarily by uptake of
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
only 3% of surface water contains no salt, and most of it is contained in ice caps
water salinity between Saline and Fresh
Salt water and the designation of the world’s oceans
Saltiest of water like the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake
accumulation of certain chemicals in living organisms to a higher concentration
the net accumulation of a contaminant in or on an organism from water, air, and
group of human-made chemicals that are absorbed through fat ingestion
lack of oxygen in waters