Erythroderma Flashcards
Define Erythroderma
other name: exfoliative dermatitis
generalized redness/ scaling of the skin, affecting (>80-90%) body surface area
What is the clinical persentation + complications of erythrodema?
Clinic. Pres.:
- slowly or acutely:
* Common symptoms include: fevers, chills, malaise and pruritus
* Peripheral edema, lymphadenopathy, secondary skin infection
* Ectropion, alopecia, palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, nail dystrophy
systemic manifestations:
-tachycardia, dehydration, and thermoregulatory disturbance
-Eritroderminin Komplikasyonları:
- Temperature Dysregulation
- Hem fever, chills hem hipotermi olabilir. BMR
- Fluid-Electrolyte Imbalance
- Dehidratasyon, günde 4 litreden fazla
- K artmış; diğer her şey azalmış (Na, P, Ca)
- Mechanic Barrier Disruption:
- Enfeksiyon (%90 MRSA), sepsis
- High-Output Cardiac Failure
- Taşikardi, pulmoner ödem (%30), ARDS
- Protein Loss (Negative Nitrogen Balance)
- Hipoalbüminemi, periferal ödem, kilo kaybı,
muscle wasting, kaşeksi
- Metabolic Abnormalities
- Anemi
- Demir, vitamin B12, folik asit azalmış
What are the causes of erythroderma?
- Sekonder Eritroderma Sebepleri: DİMİ
- Deri (%40-80):
- Psoriasis (20-45 %)
- Atopic dermatitis (5-20 %)
- Contact dermatitis (5-20 %)
- P. rubra pilaris (5-10 %)
- Seborrheic dermatitis (5 %)
- İlaç (%10-40):
- Carbamazepin (5-70 %)
- Phenytoin (15 %)
- Phenobarbital (10 %)
- Sulfonamides (10 %)
- Vancomycin (5 %), penicillin (5 %)
- Lithium (5 %)
- Malinite (%5-20):
- MF, SS (25-50 %)
- HL, NHL (15-20 %)
- ALL, KLL (15-20 %)
- Thymoma, multiple myeloma, HES
- Others
- İnfeksiyon (%5):
- Scarlet fever
- Scabies
- Deri (%40-80):
Blood disorders (GVHD, Hypereosinophilic disease)
CTD (dermatomyositis)
How to determine the underlying cause of erythroderma?
* Onset of symptoms and course
* Past dermatologic and medical history
* Medication history
* Family history
- Physical examination
- Skin biopsy
- Lymph node biopsy
- Laboratory tests
How to manage erythroderma?
- Discontinue potential offending and unnecessary medications
- Address nutrition, fluid and electrolyte balance
- Evaluate for signs and symptoms of cardiac or respiratory compromise
- Ointment-based topical steroids to all affected skin 2-3 times daily
- Oral antihistamines for relief of pruritus
- Warm, humidified environment to prevent hypothermia and improve hydration of the skin
- Treat secondary infections with systemic antibiotics
- Treat peripheral edema with leg elevation