Ergonomic Review Flashcards
In a University of CA-SF questionnaire, responses indicated that ---% of the dental students from all four years experienced neck, shoulder and/or back pain. More than --% reported pain by their 3rd year.
Goals of Ergonomics (4)
Prevent: Prevent work-related musculoskeletal
disorders (MSDs)
Increase: Increase safety and productivity
Enhance: Enhance performance by eliminating
unnecessary effort
Improve: Improve the standard of care to the patient
Symptoms of MSDs (6)
❖Excessive fatigue in the shoulders and neck ❖Tingling, burning or other pain in arms ❖Weak grip, cramping of hands ❖Numbness in fingers and hands ❖Clumsiness and dropping of objects ❖Hypersensitivity in hands and finger
Cumulative Trauma Disorders
In dentistry, such disorders usually begin as micro trauma. This is microscopic damage that occurs daily to certain parts of your musculoskeletal system. Your body is constantly repairing this damage when your body is at rest
Chronic low back pain –
caused by a poor seated posture and
weak stabilizing trunk muscles.
Tension neck syndrome –
result of a forward head posture
Trapezius myalgia –
pain, tenderness
from sustained contraction in upper
trapezius muscle. Often from chronic
elevation of the shoulders.
Rotor cuff impingement –
shoulder pain from
over reaching, and a sustained arm elevation
Carpal tunnel syndrome –
medial nerve
compression in the wrist from a flexed wrist
posture, a forceful grip and/or gripping
instruments with small diameters
3 P’s to Fitness in the Operatory
❖Periodic Stretching
skipped Posture: position yourself first Maintain neutral position: (7)
❖ Head at 0*-20* tilt-ears over shoulders ❖ Shoulders over hips ❖ Elbows relaxed at sides ❖ Forearms parallel to the floor or slightly upward ❖ Slight curve in lower back/lordosis ❖ Hip angle >90*- ideally 105*-125* ❖ Feet flat on floor in tripod position
Tip for proper operator posture (4)
❖ Stand in front of chair ❖ Lean forward ~90 degrees at waist ❖ Sit down ❖ This automatically pulls the shoulders back into proper position and is more comfortable
Patient positioning to maintain neutral position (6)
❖ Recline the patient: supine for maxillary, semi-supine for mandibular ❖ Adjust headrest ❖ Adjust chair height to maintain neutral position ❖ Ask patient to move head as needed ❖ Equipment placement within easy reach ❖ Light position to avoid shadowing
skipped Operator positioning (5)
❖ Establish line of sight for direct or indirect vision perpendicular to working surface ❖ Operator position described as clock positions: 8-12 for righthanded operator, 12-4 for left-handed operator ❖ Indirect vision with mirror ❖ Change position frequently ❖ Don’t side sit
When working of the mandibular,
position the mandible — to
the floor
When working on the maxillary,
position the maxilla —
to the floor
Periodic stretching (2)
❖ Chairside stretching
❖ Microbreaks to allow repair of