Equipment and Modalities Flashcards
Orthodics: Purpose
- Support, align, prevent and/or correct deformities of a body part or to improve the function of movable parts of the body
Orthodics: Goals
- Maintain or increase ROM
- Protect or stabilize joint
- Promote joint alignment
- Promote improved function
Orthodics: Types
- Custom or Off The Shelf (OTS)
- Shoe inserts
- Heel cups
- Supra malleolar orthotics
- Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) - hinged or un hinged
- Knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO)
- Hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis (HKAFO)
Goals of Wheelchair Prescription
- Increase safe mobility
- Increase upright time
- Increase independence in ADLs and mobility (reduced caregiver needs)
- Increases access to the community
Goals of Wheelchair Seating Prescription
- Heal or prevention of skin breakdown
- Improve comfort
- Improve function
- Improve posture or prevent progressions of postural deformities
Wheelchair: Skin Integrity - Intrinsic Factors
- Thinner skin
- Decreased sebaceous glands (moisture gets into skin and breaks it down)
- Fewer sweat glands
- Decreased vascularization
- Decreased collagen and elastin
- Reduction of langerhan cells
- Redistrubution of fat cells away from hypodermis
- Decreased sensation
- Comorbities
- Decreased mobility
- Postural deformities
- Under or over weight
- Incontinence
- Smoking
- Limited awareness
Wheelchair: Skin Integrity - Extrinsic Factors
- Pressure: 2 minutes can help relieve pressure from areas to regain tissue oxygen levels
- Friction
- Shear: downward pressure of bony area combined with friction produced shearing forces
- Trauma
- Microclimate: climate of small or restricted area, below bony prominences
Wheelchair: High Risk Areas for Pressure Wounds
- Occiput
- Scapula
- Spinous processes
- Elbow
- Greater trochanter
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
- Ischial tuberosity
- Heels
Wheelchair: Methods of Pressure Redistribution
- Offloading: shift loading to tissues that can withstand more stress and away from vulnerable areas
- Immersion: Conform to the persons’ shape, surface area envelops sitting surface
Wheelchair: Assessment
- Subjective: goals, recent change in function, environment, accessibility, likes and dislikes of current chair
- Objective: postures, ROM, measurements
Wheelchair: Sliding Forward in Chair
- Shortened hamstrings
- Foot propellers moving forward to reach floor
- Can’t tolerate hip flexion
- Cushion digging into back of legs
- Air cushion is compressed anteriorly
Electrical Stimulation Agents
- Functional electrical stimulation
Thermal Agents
- Shock wave
- Heat therapy
- Cryotherapy
- Therapeutic ultrasound
- Laser therapy
Non thermal agents
- Pulsed ultrasound
- Low level laser therapy
General contraindications: Electrical stimulation
- Active DVT
- Hemorrhagic conditions
- Local malignancy
- Local infection
- Locally recently radiated tissue
- Abdomen or low back during pregnancy
- Locally tuberculosis
- Anterior neck or carotid sinus
- Head
General contraindications: Thermal
Active DVT
- Hemorrhagic conditions
- Local malignancy (cold is safe)
- Local infection
- Locally recently radiated tissue (cold is safe)
- Impaired cognition or communication
- Local tuberculosis
- Abdomen or low back during pregnancy (cold is safe)
General contraindications: Non thermal
- Hemorrhagic conditions
- Local malignancy
- Locally recently radiated tissue
- Abdomen or low back during pregnancy
- Eyes
Practical Framework
- Prepare patient
- Assemble the apparatus
- Clean and prepare skin
- Parameters
- Instructions and warnings
- Application
- Termination of treatment
- Documentation
Conventional vs Acupuncture-like TENS
Conventional: acute, strong comfortable tingle, 80-150 Hz, as high as possible without pain, pulse width ~60, on site of pain or dermatome, segmental pain gating
Acupuncture-like: chronic, strong comfortable twitch, ~10 Hz, as high as possible without pain, ~200 pulse width, side of pain, motor point, or myotomal placement, onset ~30 mins off set ~4-6 hours