equine science exam 3 Flashcards
horse should be true to the breed and must conform to its specific function
front half should be equal to back half.
length of head, neck, topline, and hip should be equal
length of heart girth should be equal to the length from the underline to the ground
any deviation in form or function that interferes with the usefulness of the individual
abnormality that may detract from the appearance of the animal but does not affect its serviceability
hoof wall
portion seen when the horse is standing and extends from the ground to the coronary border, where the soft white horn of the periople joins the epidermis of the skin at the coronet
caused by penetration of the protective covering of the hoof by small bits of gravel or dirt
hoof abscess
occur when bacteria get trapped inside the hoof and can be caused by trauma to the hoof
laminitis (founder)
caused by overeating, overwork, inflammation of the uterus following foaling, stress or illness
navicular syndrome
inflammation of the small navicular bone and bursa of the foot
quarter crack (sand crack)
vertical spilt in the horny wall of the inside of the hoof which extends from the coronet or hoof downward
disease of the frog caused by unsanitary conditions along with anaerobic bacteria, produces foul smell
vital signs
temp: 99.5-101.5
heart rate: 32-48 per minute
respiratory rate: 8-16 per minute