equine science exam 1 Flashcards
drugs used to treat worms in horses
ascarid lifecycle
eggs pass out in feces, live in environment for years, eggs turn into larvae, foals eat larvae, larvae then penetrate gut into blood stream, go to the lungs, migrate up trachea, and are coughed up and swallowed back down to stomach, female lays eggs in stomach, and eggs pass out in feces
part of the large groups of parasites known as roundworms
biting louse lice
mostly found around the withers and tail base, feed on the hair and scales from the skin
blood sucking lice
more injurious, found on the head, neck, back and inner thighs
larvae of an insect, the botfly
bots life cycle
Egg, larvae, pupa and adult fly
eggs found on hairs of horse, then turn into larvae, and enter the mouth, pass into stomach and intestine and attach to the lining for several months, then pass out in feces, become pupae, and emerge as adult fly
breeding true
offspring will almost always possess the same physical characteristics as the parents
a close-knit horse, heavily boned, short coupled and muscular, but with quality; not so heavy and coarse as a draft animal
a horse of draft horse breeding
color breed
do not breed true colors. ex: albinos, paints, appaloosas, buckskin
how the horse is shaped according to type and/or breed
direct life cycle
a parasite that requires no other organism except the final host to complete its life cycle
draft horses
a large breed of horses used for work
parasites that live on the outside of their hosts
internal parasites, living inside the animal
eocene epoch
division of geologic time following the Paleocene and ending about 37 million years ago
earliest known ancestor of the modern horse
horses that were once domesticated and have become wild
food and agriculture organization
an agency of the United Nations that conducts research, provides technical assistance, conducts education programs, maintains statistics on world food, and publishes reports
foundation sires
all registered foals must have their ancestry traced back to the founding stallions