Equine Musculoskeletal QUIZ Flashcards
What gait is shown at beginning of the video and then at the end of the video?
1. Canter/Canter
2. Trot/Canter
3. Gallop/Gallop
4. Gallop/Canter
5. Canter/Gallop
- Canter/Gallop
What gait is the horse in video exhibiting?
1. Walk
2. Trot
3. Stroll
4. Canter
- Walk
What gait is this horse exhibiting?
1. Gallop
2. Walk
3. Canter
4. Trot
- Trot
What is the test this vet performing on this horse?
Specifically, how is this helpful in a lameness exam?
Hind limb flexion.
Assess if lameness has worsened or not (observe horse trots afterwards).
- Specifically for joint lameness!
Which gait is lameness best evaluated at?
1. Walk
2. Trot
3. Canter
4. Tolt
5. Rack
- Trot
A horse has a lameness in a front leg. Which of the following clinical signs is the horse unlikely to show?
1. increase in lameness when circling
2. head bob
3. decrease in limb flexion
4. hip hike
- hip hike
T/F: A grade I lameness is more evident than a grade 5 lameness
Describe what is being shown in this picture.
Specifically, how is it helpful during a lameness examination?
Local nerve block
After block is placed, the patient is re-evaluated for any changes in lameness
You are presented with a horse with obvious left forelimb lameness. What are FOUR important questions to ask the owner of the horse before the lameness exam?
- When did it start?
- Is there a history of lameness?
- Have you noticed any swelling?
- Does the horse have shoes on?
Using appropriate tests you’ve localized the lameness in the previous horse with an acute left forelimb lameness to pain in or around the hoof. Please list TWO possible causes (differentials) for acute lameness somewhere in the hoof:
Subsolar bruising & Puncture wounds in the hoof
You are presented with a 12-year-old Thoroughbred mare who has come up Grade 4 out of 5 lame on the right front leg after a jumping competition. There is obvious swelling and pain on palpation of the superficial digital flexor tendon and an obvious bulge in the tendon. (See photo for assistance)
1. What is the most likely diagnosis for this horse?
2. What other diagnostic testing might be performed next to evaluate the extent of the problem and give a prognosis?
- Bowed tendon
- Ultrasounding the affected area
You are presented with a 10-year-old Quarter horse gelding utilized for trail riding/pleasure riding. The horse went on an all-day trail ride on Sunday without problem. On Monday morning, he was reluctant to rise, sweating and not eating. His urine was red in color. The DVM suspects Rhabdomyolitis (“Tying Up”). Name two possible tests to support this diagnosis.
- Blood Tests (serum): Elevated Creatinine Kinase (CK) and/or Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)
- Urine: Myoglobin level
- Exercise test (when well)
You are presented with a 2 year old Thoroughbred colt who is in training at the race track. He recently started training hard and has become acutely lame with pain, swelling and warmth of the dorsal metacarpal area in both front legs.
1. What disease are you MOST concerned about in this horse?
2. What other diagnostic testing might be performed?
- Bucked shins
- Radiographs (possibly lameness exam, bloodwork, & nerve blocks to rule out other diseases?)
Please match the correct definition to the following equine lameness terms: