Equal Protection Flashcards
An equal protection claim arises whenever :
the government treats ppl differently from others
EPC of the 14th A is limited to
state action
EPC of the 5th A is limited to
trick question ! EPC does not apply to federal govt
what applies?
DPC of the 5th A
Equal protection under the 5th A comes from
Due Process Clause of 5th A
EPC prohibits discrimination by?
the government
so a private actors actions do not violate EPC (might violate something else but not EPC)
the only way that private actor can violate constitutional rights i
is 13th A prohibition against involuntary servitude
Equal protection does not prohibit govt discrimination but rather unreasonable discrimination - consider
- how ppl are being divided into groups
- how SCOTUS has specified we solve the problem
- Race, alienage nat’l origin - SS
- Gender + legitimacy - IS
- everything else - RBT
If a fund’lrightorsuspect classification is involved then which test applies:
strict scrutiny
If a quasi- suspect classification is involved then which test applies:
Intermediate scrutiny
If a classification doesnot affect fund’lrightor involvequasi/suspect classification is involved then which test applies:
For SS or IS to apply, govt must have:
intent to discriminate
List (3)
Intent to discriminate by the govt can be shown through:
- Facial discrimination → law is discriminatory by its terms
- Effect of discrimination enough
- Discriminatory application of a facially neutral law - OR -
- Effect of discrimination not enough need to show intent to discriminate
- Facially neutral law that has a disparate impact
- Effect of discrimination not enough need to show intent to discriminate
List (3)
Classifications are suspect if they are based on:
and what tests?
- Race - SS
- Nat’l origin -SS
- Alienage - RBT or SS
Race in higher education can only be used as a:
non-dispositive factor
Federal classifications of alienage are subject to:
aka Congress is doing the discriminating
State/local laws on alienage are subject to:
aka states discriminating against aliens
except when it has to do with aliens who participate in state govt (ie public school teacher, voting, police officer, sitting on a jury etc) → can discriminate if can show RBT
Undocumented aliens are subj to:
because NOT a suspect class
Can undocumented aliens be denied free public edu?
Classifications based on legitimacy and gender are:
Gender classifications are reviewed under?
Intermediate scrutiny
Who has the BOF to justify gender classifications?
What is the burden?
Gov’t has an “exceedingly persuasive justification”
Intermediate scrutiny test requires:
- Important govt interest
- Tailoring that is subjective to govt interests
Distinction btwn marital and non-marital children are subj to:
Intermediate scrutiny