Eq2 Flashcards
What are human rights ?
the moral principals that underlie standards of human behaviour.They are commonly understood as inalienable and fundamental rights ‘to which a
person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being’ and which are ‘inherent in all human beings’ regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status.
What is the universals declaration of human rights ?
sets out 30 universal rights. They range from freedom of speech and movement to
education and justice.
What is the European convention of human rights ?
formulated by the Council of Europe in 1950 based on the UDHR. Ratified in the UK in 1951. There are 59 articles and various protocols.
In 1959 the European Court of Human Rights was set up to interpret and ensure compliance with the ECHR.
What is the Geneva Convention ?
international treaties that create rules for
war situations, especially offering protection to civilians, medical workers, and prisoners. Only applies during armed conflict
What is the Uk human rights act of 1998?
makes the ECHR more effective in UK law,
requires public bodies to respect and protect Human Rights and Parliamentary laws that are passed are compatible with the ECHR.
Has china got much political freedom?
One party government following Second World War
Highly authoritarian one party state
Human rights watch claims that it places arbitrary curbs on expression,association,assembly and religion
Prohibits trade unions and human rights organisations
What are china’s human rights like ?
Suppression of the internet and media freedom
Unfair trials - Chinese judicial system a long way short of international standards
Torture - this is the ill treatment of detainees, is widespread. It’s particularly directed at human rights activists and people detained because of their religious beliefs
Workers rights - Trade unions are illegal, workers aren’t allowed to protest about low wages, poor working conditions, mass lay-offs or corrupt management
Death penalty - China accounts for ¾ of all worlds executions
What is chinas development like?
Prohibits trade unions and human rights organisations
Economic reforms introduced in 1979 have seen china become increasingly involved in the global economy that it is now described as a ‘Socialist market economy’
An increasing willingness to trade with the capitalist world has led it rivalling the USA as the world largest economy
Chinese communist government is being challenged by china’s rapid economic development with greater wealth better schooling and access to social media.
Does china have a democracy?
unfair trials
No general elections
Local people’s congresses are directly elected with candidates coming solely from the communist party .
Political power is concentrated in the hands of the president who serves as general Secretary of the communist party
What has happened to India’s development?
India’s economic and social indicators have improved greatly since 1950, but almost 70% of the population still lives in poverty. India no longer suffers from famine, and its very high rate of economic growth and relatively low rate of population growth means that every year, there is more income available.
What are India’s human rights like ?
While it has made significant progress in supporting human rights and making sure they are upheld, there are still many issues and large amounts of corruption within the government.
violence against people of religions other than Hindu, especially Muslims
caste-based discrimination and neglect of tribal communities
sexual abuse and violect against women, children and LGBTQ people
corruption within the police force, with many people being able to pay others off or unlawful use of weaponry
Does India have political freedom?
Constitutional provisions on political rights in India include the right to vote for all citizens above the age of 18, regardless of caste, creed, or gender. The Constitution also grants freedom of speech and expression.
Is India a democracy?
It is democratic because all positions in the government are available to all people, regardless of religion, gender; they believe that even the president or prime minister of the country is a member of the public so India is referred to as a democratic republic.
Is there a variation in differences between genders and ethnic groups in some post colonial states?
There was a variation between rights of different ethnic groups in Rwandan as the Tutsi and Hutu people were treated extremely differently. This was due to the long-standing ethnic tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi peoples boiled over into a conflict between the Tutsi-led RPF and the Hutu controlled government. Colonialism reinforced these ethnic divisions through imposed discrimination
What is the difference between how south and North Korea approach human rights ?
North Korea is a totalitarian state. With only one political party. It lives in self-exposed isolation from the rest of the global community. It’s possession of nuclear weapons and violations of human rights. (Trial and execution, arrest of foreigners, no freedom of speech). Spends majority of its money on military forces and suffers shortages and occasional famines.
South Korea is very different and has embraced capitalism. It’s a high income advanced economy.South Korea has had a huge improvement on humans rights and health post war history
How has women’s rights in Afghanistan changed ?
Prior to Taliban rule it was occupied by soviet troops and women’s rights had made some progress as they could vote
During Taliban rule the law was switched to sharia law
Post Taliban rule us intervention women’s rights began its return
The gradual withdrawal of troops though has seen the Taliban regain control and thus the return of sharia law.
Overall very poor rights for women 2.4% full time workers are women and only 14% enrolled in secondary school.
How has inequality for indigenous people and gender changed in Bolivia?
Progress has been made culturally, socially and politically. For example, attempts have been made to involve indigenous people in national policy making.
Indigenous people still remain economically marginalised as most continue to live in extreme poverty .
Around 50% of Bolivian women from a variety of backgrounds have admitted to having been subject to physical abuse in their lifetime.
Bolivia has the highest rate of maternal mortality in South America. Women have little access to services such as cancer screening and sexual health education.
How has inequality for the indigenous people in Australia changed ?
In 2009 ‘closing the gap’ initiative is part of the Australian government commitment to improve the health and quality of life for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders
Between 2005 and 2012, the life expectancy gap between Asti people closed by 0.8 on the non-indigenous australians but only 0.1 by women. Between 1998 and 2012,infant mortality rates for ATSI infants fell by 64%.
20% of compulsory school age ATSI children are not enrolled in school. The previous generations have left many parents scared of education so they refuse to enrol their children.
In 2016 the Australian prime minister presented a motion to promote equal rights however the Asti people still being they are discriminated against and there are demands for better self-representation as well as the restoration of land taken from the Asti people.