Epithelial MCQs Flashcards
Which lateral intercellular junction complexes are calcium dependent?
A hemidesmosomes and tight junctions
B only tight junctions are calcium dependent
C gap junctions and hemidesmosomes
D tight junctions and gap junctions
E adherens junctions and desmosomes
Where would you find ciliated epithelial cells in large quantities?
A ventricles of the brain and the lining of the trachea
B basal cells of the epidermis and goblet cells of the intestine
C small intestine and renal proximal tubules
D airway sacs and renal distal tubules
E small and large intestine
Which cell type in the epidermis is responsible for pigmentation of the skin?
A Merkel cell
B Langerhans cell
C basal cell
D melanocyte
E spinous cell
Both the Na+/K+ pump and the SGLT require energy to function, but they get this energy from different sources. Specifically, where does the Na+/K+ pump get the energy from, and what kind of transport is this considered to be?
A ATP hydrolysis; secondary active transport
B ATP hydrolysis; passive transport
C ATP hydrolysis; primary active transport
D energy stored outside the cell created by the Na+/K+ pump; primary active transport
E energy stored inside the cell created by the Na+/K+ pump; passive transport
What kind of cells in the intestine produce defensins and what is the function of these proteins?
A stem cell; defensins induce cell proliferation
B goblet cells; high concentration of defensins create a mucous layer
C tuft cells; defensins induce peristaltic movement
D Paneth cells; defensins are antimicrobial peptides
E absorptive enterocytes; defensins break down food particles
What chemical modification of claudins
A acetylation
B oxidation
C hybridisation
D dephosphorylation
E phosphorylation
Solutes are transported across the membranes of the collecting ducts in the kidney via two distinct cell types, principal cells and intercalated cells. What solutes do these cells transport?
A principal cells secrete and absorb acids or bicarbonate, while intercalated cells transport sodium and
potassium ions
B principal cells transport sodium and potassium ions, while intercalated cells secrete and absorb acid or bicarbonate
C principal cells secrete mucus, whereas intercalated cells absorb water
D principal cells secrete vasopressin, whilst intercalated cells secrete glucocorticoids
E principal cells and intercalated cells both secrete defensins
Each of the following membrane transport processes requires the use of specific proteins that allow for movement across the plasma membrane EXCEPT
A secondary active transport
B simple diffusion
C facilitated transport via permeases
D facilitated transport via channels
E primary active transport
Which of the following statements about tight and leaky epithelium is CORRECT?
A tight epithelium is rigid, whereas leaky epithelium is malleable
B tight epithelium refers to multilayered epithelia, whereas leaky epithelium is a single layer
C glands are only leaky, whereas non-glandular epithelia are all tight
D tight epithelium has many cells, whereas leaky epithelium has fewer cells
E tight epithelium maintains a strong osmotic barrier, whereas leaky epithelium allows transport of molecules more freely
One of the most important membrane proteins is the sodium-potassium pump. What would happen to a cell if this pump suddenly stopped working?
A the environment would become hypotonic and the cell would lyse
B the environment would become hypertonic and the cell would shrivel
C the environment would become hypotonic and the cell would shrivel
D the environment would become hypertonic and the cell would lyse
E nothing; the cell would function normally
In which type of epithelial cells does chronic obstructive pulmonary disease occur?
A cuboidal epithelial cells of the urothelium
B columnar epithelial cells on stomach glands
C stratified epithelium of the epidermis
D pseudostratified epithelial cells of the airway lining
E squamous epithelial cells of the airway lining
E (could be D)
The sodium-potassium pump helps to maintain electrolyte gradients through
A diffusion
B active transport
C osmosis
D filtration
E facilitated diffusion
The type of epithelial tissue that forms the most superficial layer of the skin is
A stratified cuboidal epithelium
B stratified squamous epithelium
C simple squamous epithelium
D simple cuboidal epithelium
E simple columnar epithelium
Which of these statements about exocrine secretion is CORRECT?
A both merocrine and apocrine glands can continuously produce and secrete their contents, while holocrine secretory cells must undergo apoptosis
B holocrine secretion involves vesicles that releases contents by exocytosis; merocrine secretion accumulates near the apical portion of the cell that pinches o; apocrine secretion involves the rupture and destruction of the entire gland cell
C cells must undergo apoptosis only for merocrine secretion and cells can recover from apocrine and holocrine secretion
D holocrine secretion does not involve ducts but secrete hormones directly into blood, while merocrine and apocrine secretions maintain contact via epithelial ducts
E the Golgi complex is destroyed by all three exocrine secretion types
Which of the following is NOT a function of the epithelia?
A motion
B absorption
C secretion
D protection
E excretion
Which three cell-to-cell junctions have cadherins among their components?
A tight junctions, desmosomes and adherens junctions
B desmosomes, hemidesmosomes and focal adhesions
C gap junctions, tight junctions and adherens junctions
D tight junctions, adherens junctions and focal adhesions
E gap junctions, desmosomes and focal adhesions
Which of the following is an example of a secondary active transporter?
A leaky tight junctions
B aquaporin channels
C the sodium-potassium pump
D Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter
E potassium channels
Which one of the following statements BEST describes the mechanisms by which glucose is recovered in the proximal tubule?
A the Na+/glucose cotransporter 2 absorbs 98% of the glucose in the early proximal tubule, with the remaining glucose reabsorbed by the Na+/glucose cotransporter 1 in the late proximal tubule
B the proximal tubule cells do not have the active transport mechanisms required to reabsorb glucose
C peptidases are released by the microvilli in the kidney to breakdown glucose for absorption
D the Na+/glucose cotransporter 1 absorbs 100% of the glucose in the early proximal tubule
E most glucose is reabsorbed in the gut and diluted due to the paracellular transport of water, with any remaining glucose being filtered into the urine
Of the six cell to cell junctions, which one is made up of connexons and allows for ions and metabolites to pass from one cell to another contacting neighbouring cells?
A adherens junctions
B focal adhesions
C tight junctions
D gap junctions
E desmosomes and hemidesmosomes
What is essential and the major driving force to move ions across an epithelium
A active transport of Na+ ions and Ca2+ ions
B aquaporin channels
C water on both sides of the membrane
D an electrochemical gradient
E passive diffusion of K+ ions
What is the major water recovery mechanism in the collecting ducts of the kidney?
A paracellular transport through leaky tight junctions
B release of Ca2+ ion stores from the endoplasmic reticulum
C Na+ paracellular transport
D an increase in the activity of the Na+/K+-ATPase
E transcellular transport through aquaporin channels on the apical membrane and basal
Of the five cell-to-cell junctions, which one is most involved in cell-to-cell communication?
A adherens junctions
B focal adhesions
C gap junctions
D desmosomes
E tight junctions
The mechanism of regulated recovery of water in the distal tubule occurs by
A opening aquaporin channels in the basal membrane
B altering the numbers of aquaporin channels in the apical membrane
C increasing the activity of the Na+/K+-ATPase
D paracellular water flow
E active uptake
If an epithelial cell has 140 mM intracellular K+ and 5 mM K+is present outside, what value is the closest to the equilibrium potential for chloride? (assume the cell is at room temperature)
A -20 mV
B -30 mV
C -40 mV
D -70 mV
E -80 mV
A gut epithelial cell is at a resting membrane potential of -60 mV and the chloride ion
equilibrium potential is -30 mV. What best describes the consequence of the opening of a calcium-dependent chloride channel?
A chloride ions move out of the cell across the apical membrane and the membrane
potential moves towards the chloride equilibrium potential
B the Na+/K+-ATPase is activated
C chloride ions move out of the cell
D sodium ions move through the tight junctions
E chloride ions move into the cell across the basal membrane
A or E ?? (e-4, a-3)
What conditions are necessary to move water across an epithelium?
A an electrochemical gradient
B leaky tight junctions
C Na+ channels
D aquaporin channels
E an ion gradient across the epithelium
Which is the following statements about the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is NOT true?
[1.5 marks]
A The GFR is regulated by intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms
B The filtration occurs through 3 layers: endothelium, basement membrane and epithelium
C Endothelium layer prevents plasma proteins from being filtered out of the bloodstream
D The constant filtration rate of GFR is helpful for effective reabsorption
E The net filtration pressure is the outward pressure minus the inward pressure
B or C not sure yet
Epithelial tissues have 5 basic characteristics. Which of the following statements about these
characteristics is FALSE? Epithelial tissues have [1.5 marks]
A high cellularity
B lack of attachment
C distinct polarity
D high vascularity
E high regeneration capacity
Simple squamous epithelial cells are specialised to perform which function? [1.5 marks]
A filtration and diffusion
B movement
C secretion
D sensory reception
E support