Endocrinology MCQ Flashcards
Which of the following is the CORRECT pairing of a hypothalamic neurohormone and the anterior pituitary hormone it regulates ?
A somatostatin and thyroid stimulating hormone
B gonadotropin releasing hormone and luteinising hormone
C corticotropin releasing hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone
D dopamine and growth hormone
E somatostatin and follicle stimulating hormone
The hypothalamus
A acts independently of other brain centres
B is comprised of many nerve tracts, but has few nuclei
C receives both neural and humoral inputs
D communicates with the anterior pituitary gland via a neural connection
E is unable to receive metabolic signals due to the blood-brain barrier
Growth hormone release is stimulated by all of the following EXCEPT
A starvation
B deep sleep
C hyperglycaemia
D exercise
E high plasma amino acid levels
C (?)
Which of the following statements about growth hormone (GH) actions in the body is INCORRECT?
A GH stimulation of growth in children is dependent upon normal insulin levels
B Binding of GH to its receptor activates the Jak2/STAT5 signalling pathway in cells
C GH stimulates insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) synthesis and secretion from the liver
D GH effects on metabolism are dependent on insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)
E GH stimulates local synthesis of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in many target tissues
D or A ??
chat says A
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of prolactin (PRL) signalling in mammary epithelial cells?
A Janus kinase 2 is activated by phosphorylation
B STAT dimers translocate to the nucleus
C Tyrosine domains on PRL receptors auto-phosphorylate
D STAT dimers bind to STAT response elements in DNA
E Synthesis of milk proteins, such as β-casein, is increased
Comparing oxytocin and prolactin, which of these statements is CORRECT?
A Oxytocin acts on myoepithelial cells via a G protein-coupled receptor and inositol triphosphate (IP3)
B Prolactin acts on alveolar epithelial cells via a G protein-coupled receptor and inositol triphosphate (IP3)
C Prolactin acts on alveolar epithelial cells via a G protein-coupled receptor and cyclic AMP
D Oxytocin acts on myoepithelial cells via a G protein-coupled receptor and cyclic AMP
E Prolactin acts on myoepithelial cells via a G protein-coupled receptor and cyclic AMP
Which of the following statements about vasopressin (anti-diuretic hormone) is INCORRECT? Vasopressin
A is a posterior pituitary neurohormone
B is positively regulated by solute concentration of extracellular fluid
C acts to decrease water excretion in the kidneys
D causes vasodilation of arterioles
E is negatively regulated by blood volume
Which of these statements about exocrine secretion is CORRECT?
A Both merocrine and apocrine glands can continuously produce and secrete their contents, while holocrine secretory cells must undergo apoptosis
B Holocrine secretion involves vesicles that releases contents by exocytosis; merocrine secretion accumulates near the apical portion of the cell that pinches o; apocrine secretion involves the rupture and destruction of the entire gland cell
C Cells must undergo apoptosis only for merocrine secretion and cells can recover from apocrine and holocrine secretion
D Holocrine secretion does not involve ducts but secrete hormones directly into blood, while merocrine and apocrine secretions maintain contact via epithelial ducts
E The Golgi complex is destroyed by all three exocrine secretion types
Which of the following would NOT normally be observed when the pituitary stalk is sectioned (hypothalamo-pituitary disconnection)?
A decreased testosterone production in males
B decreased thyroid stimulating hormone secretion from thyrotophs
C increased prolactin secretion from lactotrophs
D cessation of menstrual cycles in adult females (amenorrhoea)
E increased insulin-like growth factor 1 from hepatocytes
Which of the following statements about the hypothalamus is CORRECT?
A The hypothalamus has neural connections with the anterior pituitary gland
B The blood-brain barrier prevents the hypothalamus responding to most metabolic signals
C Humoral inputs into hypothalamic neurons include many hormones
D Neural input into the hypothalamus involves neurohormones acting as neurotransmitters
E The hypothalamus secretes neurohormones solely at the median eminence
D (or c?) - chat says C?
Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding hypothalamic neurohormones that regulate anterior pituitary gland function?
A They are generally small polypeptides
B They are released via exocytosis in response to depolarisation
C They are secreted at the median eminence into hypophyseal portal blood
D They act as either releasing factors or release-inhibiting factors
E They act on the hypothalamus via short loop negative feedback
During mid-lactation, oxytocin
A is released from oxytroph cells in the posterior pituitary
B is removed from negative feedback by the sucking stimulus
C is inhibited by an unknown oxytocin releasing-inhibiting factor
D stimulates milk synthesis by mammary epithelial cells
E still increases in response to the sucking stimulus
Which of the following would NOT be a characteristic feature in a patient with acromegaly?
A glucose intolerance
B enlarged mandible
C pituitary tumour
D increased IGF-1
E increased height
Which of the following is NOT a pathophysiological consequence of prolactinoma?
A low libido in males
B amenorrhoea is females
C decreased sex steroid production in both sexes
D infertility
E gynaecomastia in females
The release of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH, vasopressin) is inhibited by
A excess ingestion of salt
B decreased blood pressure
C a decrease in plasma osmolarity
D a decrease in plasma volume
E an increase in urinary flow rate
C (d?) - chat says C
In cell signalling, the levels of ‘free, biologically active’ hormone are important in determining target cell responses. Which of the following is the LEAST important factor determining the circulating concentration of free biologically active hormone?
A secretion of the hormone from the endocrine gland
B inactivation of the hormone
C binding of (some) hormones to proteins in the circulation
D binding of the hormone to receptors
E metabolism that activates some hormones
The hormonal secretion pattern of the anterior pituitary after stalk section (hypothalamopituitary disconnection) suggests that the hypothalamic influence on hormone secretion is normally
A inhibitory to all hormones with one exception
B stimulatory to all hormones except growth hormone and prolactin
C modulatory, but has no overall stimulatory or inhibitory pattern
D itself under positive feedback control by all target gland hormones
E stimulatory to all hormones with one exception
During lactation, oxytocin
A acts on mammary alveolar cells where it activates a G-protein / adenylate cyclase / cyclic AMP signalling cascade which stimulates milk protein synthesis
B acts on mammary myoepithelial cells, preventing Ca2+ influx
C stimulates milk production by inducing prolactin secretion from the anterior pituitary gland
D acts on mammary myoepithelial cells, causing Ca2+ release from intracellular stores, contraction of myofilaments and therefore milk ejection
E acts on mammary alveolar cells to stimulate gene expression by activating the JAK2 / STAT5 signalling pathway
Prolactin secretion from the lactotroph occurs spontaneously once inhibitory input from the hypothalamus is removed. This is because
A the JAK2 / STAT5 signalling cascade in lactotrophs is inhibited by cytokine-inducible SH2 protein (CIS), which is one of the suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins
B spontaneous action potentials promote the influx of Ca2+ into the lactotroph
C of inhibition of action potentials in the lactotroph
D G protein-coupled receptors become activated due to lower dopamine concentrations
E adenylate cyclase activity decreases so that cellular cyclic AMP levels decline
B (or A?) - chat says B
Which of the following mechanisms are involved in mediating the increased prolactin secretion during lactation?
A increased progesterone levels
B increased sensitivity of prolactin negative feedback
C decreased sensitivity of prolactin negative feedback
D decreased prolactin gene expression due to the effects of oestrogens during pregnancy
E increased tyrosine hydroxylase activity and expression
A cell that expresses prolactin receptors is suddenly stimulated by prolactin. Which of the following would occur within the cell as a consequence?
A Activated STAT5 dimerises and translocates to the nucleus
B JAK2/STAT5 complexes form and translocate to the nucleus for subsequent binding to DNA
C JAK2 is phosphorylated, dimerises and translocates to the nucleus
D Activated STAT5 dimerises and translocates to the cytoplasm
E Two prolactin receptors dimerise, are internalised and translocate to the nucleus
A person is diagnosed with acromegaly due to a tumour of the anterior pituitary gland. A drug designed to mimic which naturally occurring hormone would be used to treat the condition?
A dopamine
B somatostatin
C somatomedin
D growth hormone
Which of the following is the CORRECT pairing of hypothalamic releasing factor and anterior pituitary gland hormone?
A dopamine and prolactin
B corticotrophin releasing factor and adrenocorticotrophic hormone
C growth hormone releasing hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone
D corticotrophin releasing factor and vasopressin
E gonadotrophin releasing hormone and thryotrophins
Which of the following statements regarding endocrine disease is INCORRECT?
A Hormone insensitivity relates to abnormal signal transduction
B increased activity of hydrophobic hormones may be the result of reduced plasma protein binding
C excessive signal transduction can occur, but it is a rare event
D increased clearance of hormones will result in too little hormone activity
E endocrine cell tumours often cause hormone hyposecretion
Which of the following statements is CORRECT in relation to the posterior pituitary hormones oxytocin and vasopressin?
A Oxytocin and vasopressin are secreted by the large-bodied neurons of the hypothalamus and released into the median eminence
B Oxytocin and vasopressin are expressed in both the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus
C Oxytocin and vasopressin bind to steroid receptors in their target cells for biological action
D Oxytocin and vasopressin are secreted by the small-bodied neurons of the hypothalamus and released into the posterior pituitary
E A single hypothalamic neuron that produces oxytocin is also capable of producing vasopressin
Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement? Oxytocin
A can be involved in a positive feedback loop between the uterus and hypothalamus
B is a peptide hormone
C assists in breast milk ejection for the suckling infant
D is released from the anterior pituitary in the base of the brain
E can cause the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in smooth muscle cells
Which of the following statements about oxytocin secretion during lactation is
A Plasma oxytocin levels increase about 15 min after the nipple is stimulated by the sucking
B The main source of oxytocin is the uterus
C Auditory, visual and olfactory stimuli are unable to stimulate oxytocin secretion
D Plasma oxytocin levels increase within a few minutes of the nipple being stimulated
E Plasma oxytocin levels beg
Growth hormone release is stimulated by all of the following EXCEPT
A hyperglycaemia
B deep sleep
C exercise
D starvation
E high plasma amino acid levels
Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding growth hormone?
A Growth hormone signalling happens through JAK-STAT pathways
B Growth hormone receptors are found in most tissues in the body
C Growth hormone is regulated by growth hormone releasing hormone and somatostatin,
both through G-protein coupled receptor signalling
D Growth hormone increases glucose uptake in muscle
E Growth hormone causes proliferation of chondrocytes
A growth hormone deficient child who has an inactivating mutation in the growth hormone receptor can be best treated with which option below to restore growth?
A growth hormone
B SOCS proteins
D growth hormone releasing hormone
E neither growth hormone nor IGF-1, as both will not work for an individual with a growth
hormone receptor mutant
Which of the following statements about the hypothalamus is CORRECT?
A It is comprised of nerve tracts but has few nuclei
B The only important output is via the anterior pituitary gland
C It communicates with the anterior pituitary gland via a direct neural connection
D It receives both neural and humoral (e.g. hormones) input
E The blood brain barrier prevents it from responding to humoral factors
Sudden growth of a pituitary tumour secreting growth hormone in a 25 year old man would probably produce the following symptoms EXCEPT
A increased height
B altered facial appearance
C abnormal growth of the lower jaw
D thickening of the fingers and toes
E elevated blood glucose levels
A GH stimulates local synthesis of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in most target tissues
B GH stimulation of growth in children is dependent upon insulin-like growth factor
C GH stimulates insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) synthesis and secretion from the liver
D Binding of GH to its receptor activates the JAK2/STAT5 signalling pathway in many
target cells
E GH has few direct effects of its own and largely depends on insulin-like growth factor
(IGF-1) as a mediator
E ??
Which of the following is the CORRECT pairing of a hypothalamic release-inhibiting factor and an anterior pituitary hormone respectively?
A dopamine and gonadotrophin releasing hormone
B corticotrophin releasing hormone and adrenocorticotrophic hormone
C somatostatin and adrenocorticotrophic hormone
D thyrotrophin releasing hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone
E somatostatin and growth hormone
chat says C???
The growth hormone (GH) profile of a 60 year-old man would differ from that of a 15 year-old boy by showing
A high plasma levels with no diurnal variation
B greater pulse amplitude and frequency
C a lower 24-hour integrated plasma concentration
D decreased frequency of pulses but higher 24-h mean concentration
E increased frequency of nocturnal pulses but very low trough concentrations
Synthesis and secretion of the gonadotropins, luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle
stimulating hormone (FSH)
A is dependent upon continuous secretion of GnRH from the hypothalamus
B is dependent upon surge secretion of GnRH from the hypothalamus
C is entirely regulated at the level of gene transcription
D is dependent upon pulsatile secretion of GnRH from the hypothalamus
E occurs within and from the gonadotroph cells of the posterior pituitary gland
The pulsatile release of growth hormone (GH) is controlled by a short loop negative feedback mechanism wherein
A GH acts on somatostatin-expressing neurons to stimulate GHRH release, thereby stimulating GH release
B GH acts on somatotrophs to stimulate GH release
C GH acts via GH-receptors on GHRH neurons to stimulate GH release
D Somatostatin neurons stimulate GHRH neurons to inhibit GH release
E GH acts via GH-receptors on somatostatin neurons to inhibit GH release
Hypothalamic neurohormones that regulate anterior pituitary gland function
A are released in the posterior pituitary and then travel to anterior pituitary via portal vessels
B are continuously secreted at the median eminence, because they are unregulated
C travel by arterial vessels to the pituitary gland
D are synthesized in hypothalamic nuclei
E are mainly large polypeptides, that is small proteins
Which of the following mechanisms contributes to hyperprolactinemia during lactation?
A increased dopamine secretion at the median eminence
B increased sensitivity of prolactin short loop negative feedback
C increased STAT signal transduction within lactotrophs
D removal of the inhibitory effect of dopamine on lactotrophs
E increased tyrosine hydroxylase activity in hypothalamic dopamine neurons
A person is diagnosed with prolactinoma due to a tumor of the anterior pituitary gland. A drug designed to mimic which naturally occurring hormone would be used to treat the condition?
A dopamine
B somatostatin
C prolactin
D Growth hormone
Which of the following is NOT a matching pair: hypothalamic neurohormone and anterior pituitary hormone?
A Dopamine and prolactin
B Growth hormone releasing hormone and Growth Hormone
C Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
D Somatostatin and Growth Hormone
E Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone
The metabolic functions of Growth Hormone include all of the following EXCEPT
A an increase in glucose uptake in the muscle
B increased gluconeogenesis in the liver
C stimulation of amino acid uptake in the muscle
D inhibition of protein breakdown in the muscle
E increased lipolysis in adipose tissue
In individuals with poor energy or protein intake for prolonged periods, which of the following
best describes the somatomedin axis? [1.5 marks]
A IGF-1 production by the liver is normal
B There is a decoupling of the GH to IGF1 response
C GH pulsatility is normal
D GH pulsatility is reduced due to increased negative feedback
E Circulating IGF-1 are higher than normal
Which of the following is an anti-insulin effect of Growth Hormone? [1.5 marks]
A stimulate IGF-1 production in liver
B stimulate amino acid uptake into muscle
C inhibit protein breakdown in muscle
D inhibit glucose uptake into adipose tissue
E stimulate somatic cell growth
Hyperprolactinemia in lactation occurs because [1.5 marks]
A the lactotrophs become desensitised to dopamine
B the sucking stimulus increases oxytocin
C prolactin short-loop negative feedback is diminished
D oestrogens stimulate release of prolactin
E the prolactin-releasing factor is inhibited by sucking
Which of the following is NOT an action of oxytocin? [1.5 marks]
A Oxytocin increases smooth muscle contractility in the uterus
B Oxytocin causes milk ejection when babies suck the nipple
C Oxytocin increases cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations via G protein coupled receptors
D Oxytocin acts on receptors present on oxytocin neurons in a negative feedback loop
E Oxytocin acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system to affect trust and
Which of the following is NOT an input into the hypothalamus that affects hormonal outputs
from the pituitary gland? [1.5 marks]
A hormonal negative feedback
B humoral signals
C sensory neural relays
D motor neural signals
E metabolic inputs
The hypothalamus regulates the anterior pituitary gland by [1.5 marks]
A neural projections direct to the anterior pituitary gland
B neurohormones in portal blood vessels
C releasing factors produced in non-neural cells
D hormones that are released into systemic circulation
E autonomic nervous system inputs
Endocrine disease can result from all of the following EXCEPT [1.5 marks]
A hyposecretion by the endocrine gland
B excessive clearance of the hormone from circulation
C increased tissue insensitivity
D reduced circulating plasma proteins
E excessive build-up of hormones in endocrine glands