Episodic Long Term Memory Flashcards
What are the 2 types of Episodic long term memory?
- Declarative
2. Procedural
What is Declarative long-term memory?
Memory for things that can be talked about and consciously re-experienced.
What are the 3 types of Declarative long-term memory?
- Episodic
- Semantic
- Procedural
What is episodic LTM?
Autobiographical memory often rich in contextual detail.
What is semantic LTM?
Memory for facts, concepts, often devoid of contextual detail.
What is lexical LTM?
Memory for words, including their meanings in a mental ‘dictionary’.
What is Procedural long-term memory?
Memory for how to do something.
What are 3 types of Procedural long-term memory?
- Priming
- Conditioning
- Misc.
What is priming LTM?
Processing a stimulus facilitates the processing of another similar stimulus.
What is conditioning LTM?
Operant and classical conditioning (Skinner and Pavlov).
PLTM: What is misc. LTM?
Taste-aversion learning.
Who sought to explain memory and consciousness in 1985?
What did Tulving discover about memory and consciousness?
That different types of memory are associated with different levels of consciousness, spread across a continuum.
What were the several types of consciousness discovered by Tulving?
- Auto-noetic
- Noetic
- Anoetic
What type of memory does auto-noetic consciousness use and what level of awareness does it achieve?
Episodic memory. Self awareness (as indexed by the gallop mark or mirror test)
What type of memory does noetic consciousness use and what level of awareness does it achieve?
Semantic memory.
Simple awareness.
What type of memory does anoetic consciousness use and what level of awareness does it achieve?
Procedural memory.
What kinds of creatures show anoetic awareness?
Reptiles, amphibians, fish, arthropods.
What kinds of creatures show noetic awareness?
Mammals, birds, reptiles.
What kinds of creatures show autonoetic awareness?
Humans, higher primates. elephants, cetaceans, African grey parrots.
What are mnemonics?
Mental tricks used to help us remember episodic information. E.g. associate each item on a list with its physical location.
Mnemonics provide scaffolding for which 3 memory processes?
- Encoding
- Storage
- Retrieval
How does mnemonics aid encoding?
Rehearsing items.
How does mnemonics aid storage (retention)?
Items are organised and associated with info already in long-term memory, represented in multiple modalities (verbal and visual).
How does mnemonics aid retrieval?
Provides retrieval cues and a method for checking that all items have been retrieved.
For effective long-term memory, ______, ______ and _______ must all occur!
For effective long-term memory, encoding, storage and retrieval must all occur!
In 1968, who discovered the 2 main effects of rehearsal?
Atkinson and Shiffrin
What were the 2 main effects of rehearsal, found by Atkinson and Shiffrin?
- Maintenance.
2. Transfer.
What is maintenance?
Holding info in short-term memory.
What is transfer?
Moving info from short-term into long-term memory.
In 1971, who sought to discover whether rehearsal affects long-term memory?
What did Rundus seek to discover in his experiment on long-term memory?
Whether rehearsal is predictive of long-term memory performance.
What was the method used in Rundus’ experiment on long-term memory?
Subjects attempted to free recall 20 words presented at a rate of 5 secs per-word.
They were then asked to rehearse the words aloud as they were presented.
What were there 2 main results of Rundus’ experiment on long-term memory?
Primacy portion: the more times a word is rehearsed, the more likely it ends up in long-term memory and is recalled.
Recency portion: no relationship between rehearsal and recall ability, as they are recalled first before the long-term memory his searched for the first lot of words.
What was the conclusion of Rundus’ experiment on long-term memory?
Rehearsal is linked to recall performance.
In 1972, who sought to discover the depth of encoding in LTM, as an alternative to the Modal Model?
Craik and Lockhart
What 2 theoretical questions did Craik and Lockhart seek to answer in their experiment on long-term memory?
- Are short-term and long-term memory separate systems, or are they merely part of a single unitary memory system in which the type of processing (e.g. shallow vs. deep) determines how well info is remembered?
- By using the Levels of Processing approach, is retention of info in memory determined by how deeply it is processed? (E.g. deeper processing = better recall)
What was the method used in Craik and Lockhart’s experiment on long-term memory?
Subjects were instructed to perform different types of processing on words in 1 of 3 conditions, designed to manipulate their depth of processing.
They were then asked to free recall the words.