Epilepsy Flashcards
What is an epileptic seizure?
A change in neurologic function that is associated with abnormal hypersynchronous discharge of cortical neurons.
What is a convulsion?
It is an epileptic seizure that includes a prominent motor component.
What is an electrographic seizure?
A seizure discharge recorded on the EEG without any associated cilnical change.
What is epilepsy?
It is a tendency to spontaneous unprovoked seizures.The simplest working definition is a patient that has had two or more unprovoked seizures. A tendency towards recurrent unprovoked seizures
What is idiopathic epilepsy?
epilepsy that has not occurred as a consequence o another condition or disorder. primary generalized epilepsies, a group of genetic epilepsies, come under this category and in this usage the term primary is synonymous with idiopathic.
What is cryptogenic epilepsy?
When the cause cannot be specifically identified but is presumed to exist
What is symptomatic epilepsy?
a seizure disorer that has a clear antecendent cause for example head trauma, stroke, cns infection
What is partial or focal seizure?
localized to one area of brain. refers to onset. can secondarily become generalized. a classic example of a partialsizure which spreads is the Jacksonian march: a seizure that egins with clonic activity in one limb or face and sequentially spreads ot the remaineder of the involved hemibody finally involving both sides with a bilterally synchronous clonic convulsion.
What is Todd’s paralysis
When a motor seizure only involved part of the body, the seizure episode may be followed by a transient weakness in the involved area. Usually resolves promptly.
What is a complex partial seizure?
there is impaired consciousness along with he partial seizure
What is a simple partial seizure?
consciousness is retained but it is partial
What are signs of seizures?
- activity that begins in one side
- preferential eye turning
- one side stiff wile other side limp
- positive vs negative (seizures are mostly positive signs, negative signs are usually other things)
- automatisms (ipsilateral to lobe will be things you do autonomically like moving your hand or brushing your hair, other lobe is still free)
What are some background features of seizures?
- early handedness (might be a sign of asymmetric brain)
- limb asymmetry (usually pretty small)
- developmental delay
What are generalize seizures?
Discharge that drives the seizure is seen in all cortical areas at seizure onset.
x: absence seizures, myoclonic seizures, clonic seizures, tonic seizures, generalized tonic-clonic seizures, atonic sizures
What are absence seizures?
pure star from 3-15 seconds with complete unawareness of the environment. accompanied by clsasic 3 Hz generalized spike-wave discharges. usually unaware
What are myoclonic seizures?
lightning like or shock like contractin of muscles. may consist of a single jerk or a quick serioes of jerks in a burst. msot common location is upper shoulder girdle. in that case the myoclonus consists of a quick series of extensor jerks at the shoulders. accompanied by poly spike on eeg
What is generalized clonic seizure?
Repetitive, synchronous, rhythmical whole body jerks
What is generalized tonic seizure?
tonic stiffening of the whole body, most often in extension
What is generalized tonic clonic seizure?
seizure sequence of whole body tonic stiffening follwed by whole body clonic jerking
What is atonic seizure?
It would manifest as a sudden loss of tone, usually of the axial musculature
may manifest. may manifest as a head-drop during which the head falls forward on the body. most dramatic is drop attack in which the patient collapses to the ground.