Epigenetics Flashcards
Wet-lab method to determine precise nucleosome positioning and phasing
MNase-seq and MNase-chip
Histones have ________ charged N-temrinal tails that interact with nearby nucleosomal DNA. This allows for higher order packing.
What affect does histone acetylation have on DNA?
Opens it up
(-) negates (+) tail charges
Promotes tc
What affect does histone methylation have on DNA?
Depends on where methylation occurs
K4: activated tc
K9: repressed tc
Histone modifications have _____ peaks around promoters, and _____ peaks throughout gene.
Sharp (promoters)
Broad (throughout gene)
Block deacetylation
Promote tc of tumor suppressor genes
HDAC inhibitors
2 pathways to active tc through modifying histones / nucleosomes
HATs (histone acetylases)
ATP dependent remodeling complex (remodels nucleosomes)
Cytosine ___________ at promoters leads to silencing of nearby genes.
What are some roles of DNA methylation?
Tc silencing of promoters
Protecting genome from transposition repetitive elements and viral gene expression
Genomic imprinting
X inactivation
Tissue and developmental specific gene expression
Blocking binding to some TFs
Responsible for de novo methylation (early in development)
Responsible for maintenance methylation after DNA replication
Some genes are expressed only from the maternal genome or only from the paternal genome
Maintained by DNA methylation
Genomic imprinting
DNA methylation writers
DNA methyl transferases (DNMT)
DNA methylation erasers
Tet family
passive erasing during cell division
DNA methylation readers
Methyl binding domain proteins
Identifies histone modification and protein-DNA binding sites
Cross link proteins to DNA, sonicate to shear, immunoprecipitate with Ab to TF/histone/histone modification, reverse cross links and sequence
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation
Active gene regulatory elements (promoters, enhancers, silencers, insulators, LCR, meiotic recombination hotspots) are DNase ___________
tightly wrapped DNA more resistant to DNase
Coding sequence mutation that disrupts chromatin regulator
MECP2 causes:
Rett syndrome
Coding sequence mutation that disrupts chromatin regulator
CHD7 causes:
CHARGE syndrome
Coding sequence mutation that disrupts chromatin regulator
H3F3A/HIST1H3B causes:
Noncoding mutations that impair gene regulation IGF2/H19 causes:
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Noncoding mutations that impair gene regulation CACNA1C corresponds to:
Loss impairs synaptic development in brain
Regulates long neuronal genes that are labeled by mCA (neurons accumulate on-CpG methlyatlion after birth)
Mutation leads to Rhett syndrome on X chromosome (affects mostly girls - mosaics, lethal in boys)
(neuron selectivity)
Chromodomain helicase that remodels nucleosome architecture at regulatory elements
Mutation affects neural crest cell differentiation and migration, which leads to CHARGE
(phenotype variability)