Epidemiology of Viral Diseases Flashcards
viral epidemiology
study of determinants, frequency, dynamics and distribution of viral disease in a population
risk of infection and/or disease is determined by
characteristics of the virus
the host/host population
behavioral, environmental, and ecological factors
infectious disease triangle components
case fatality rate
the number (%) of deaths among the clinically ill animals (number of dead) / (number of sick)
mortality rate
the number (%) of animals in a population that die from a particular disease over a specified period of time (number of dead) / (total population)
morbidity rate
the percentage of animals in a population that develop clinical signs attributable to a particular virus over a defined period of time
incidence rate / attack rate
the number of new cases that occur in a population over a specified period of time
(number of cases * 10^n) / (population at risk)
the number of occurrences of disease [old and new cases], infection, or related attributes [antibodies] in a population, at a particular point in time
(number of cases * 10^n) / (population at risk)
sporadic viral disease
viral disease occurring occasionally, singly, or in scattered instances, and in irregular and haphazard manner
enzootic viral disease
the constant presence of a viral disease within a given geographic area or population group
epizootic viral disease
the occurrence of more cases of viral diseases than expected in a given area or among a specific group of animals over a particular period of time
panzootic viral disease
a virus epidemic occurring over a very wide area (several countries or continents) and usually affecting a large proportion of the population
animals that have controlled an infectious viral disease, but display no clinical symptoms
incubatory(acute) carrier
animals that shed virus during the incubation period of the disease
convalescent(chronic) carrier
animals that shed virus during recovery from disease
inappropriate carrier
carrier state may exist in an animal with an infection that is inapparent throughout its course. most deadly
contagious disease
a disease that is spread from one person or organism to another via direct or indirect contact
period of contagiousness
refers to the time during which an infected animal sheds a virus
exotic disease
a disease not known to occur in a particular country or geographical area. no previous history
the habitat in which an infectious agent normally lives, grows and multiplies; can include human, animal, and environment
the systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of health data on an ongoing basis, to gain knowledge of the pattern of diseases occurrence and potential in a community, in order to control and prevent disease in the community
use of serological data as the basis of epidemiological investigation, as determined by diagnostic serological techniques
molecular epidemiology of viruses
use of molecular biological data as the basis or epidemiological investigation of viral diseases
horizontal (lateral) transmission
spread of an infectious agent from one animal or group to another animal or group
contact transmission
spread of infectious agent by direct or indirect contact
direct contact transmission
physical contact between infectious animal and a susceptible animal (licking, biting, touching, sexual contact, droplet)
transmission of virus in droplet nuclei (saliva or mucus) that travel less than 1 meter form the source to susceptible host
indirect contact transmission
occurs via fomites, such as shared eating containers, bedding, dander, etc. air-borne is considered indirect as well
inanimate object or substance that is contaminated with the infectious agent and is capable of transmitting the infectious organisms from one individual to another
air-borne transmission
spread of infectious agent by droplet nuclei in dust that travel more than one meter from infected to susceptible host, droplets are small
vector/ arthropod-borne transmission
arthropods carry the viruses from the infected host to susceptible host
mechanical vector transmission
passive transport of the infectious agent on the feet or other body parts of the arthropod vector
ex. mosquitos for fowlpox
biological vector transmission
infectious agent undergoes either a necessary part of its life cycle, or multiplication, in the vector before transmission to susceptible host
extrinsic incubation period
time inside arthropod vector where replication of infectious agent occurs in gut and it moves to the salivary gland (takes several days)
survival of the virus from one ‘vector season’ to the next (period during which arthropods hibernate)
transovarial transmission
the virus is transmitted from mother insect to infected eggs (to the next generation)
trans-stadial transmission
the virus is transmitted from larva or nymph to next stage of development (nmyph or adult). the virus matures with the insect
class of viruses transmitted to humans by arthropods such as mosquitoes and ticks. maintained in complex life cycles involving nonhuman primates/vertebrate hosts and primary arthropod vectors
enzootic cycle (sylvatic or jungle cycle)
the natural transmission of virus between wild animals/birds (vertebrate hosts) and insect vectors
epizootic cycle (rural cycle)
the virus is transmitted between non-wild or domestic animals and the primary or accessory insect vectors
urban cycle
the virus cycles between humans and insect vectors
amplifying host
the level of virus can become high enough that an insect vector such as a mosquito that feeds on it will probably become infectious
dead-ended host/ incidental host
a host form which infectious agents are not transmitted to other susceptible hosts. cannot be picked up by insect
bridge vector
an arthropod that acquires virus from an infected wild animal and subsequently transmits the agents to humans by secondary host
common-vehicle transmission
includes fecal contamination of food and water, meat or bone products, etc.
iatrogenic transmission
infection that is transferred during medical or surgical practice. can happen by introduction of contaminated instruments, or contaminated prophylactic or therapeutic preparations
nosocomial transmission
occurs while an animal is in a vet hospital or clinic. also known as hospital acquired infection
vertical transmission
infection transfered from dam to offspring/embryo
can cause early embryonic death/abortion
zoonotic transmission
describes infection that is transmitted from animals to humans
host factors
species, immunity, expression of critical receptors, host physiological factors, interferons, fever
virus factors
evolution/selection pressure, mechanism of genetic diversity, transmission efficiency, portal of entry, tropism, dose of infection, immune evasion
environmental factors
vegetation, deforestation, overcrowding, poor ventilation, stress, diet, level of hygiene, vector and reservoir
herd immunity
occurs when the vaccination of a significant portion of a herd provides immunity/protection for individuals who have not developed immunity
incubation period
refers to the interval between infection and onset of clinical signs
prodromal period
the first signs and feelings of illness after incubation period. just before appearance of characteristic symptoms of the disease
acute period
when the disease is at its height. severe clinical signs
decline period
period when clinical signs begin to subside
convalescent period
the body gradually returns to its pre-diseased state, and health is restored