Epidemiology 10.1-case-control studies and other study designs Flashcards
What is ecolgic study ? how do you study population level?
Ecologic study
Descriptive studies of how to categorize communities by exposure and outcome
Population level
•ecologic, aggregate or correlational studies
What is an ecologic study ?
To include crude explorations of exposure and disease in which the group (total population, community) is the unit of analysis
What are the stregths of an ecologic study ? what does it evulate ?
- quick and inexpensive
- many populations can be studied
- Similar and different populations
- Evaluation of risk factors
- Sex, ethnic groups, socioeconomic status
How does Ecologic study get there information ?
Ecologic study
To use public data on group attributes and disease rates
•Surveillance systems
What are the limitations of a ecologic study ?
Ecologic study
- Ecological fallacy
- Problems with potential confounding variables
- Limited information
- Population mobility (migration)
- Decrease the exposure
- Masking variable effects
What is ecological fallacy? What is the problem ?
Ecological fallacy
- Association between disease and group attributes may not signify the same association at the individual level
- Cannot link individual risk with disease causality
What is a case report ? What is it used for ?
Case report
- Detailed report by one or more clinicians of the medical history of a patient.
- Unusual medical histories
- Identification of a new disease or adverse exposures
What are the limiations of a case report ?
Case report
- Limitations
- We cannot used a measure of association
- Chance(oneperson)
- Nocomparisongroup
What is case series ? how long does it occur ? What is it used for ?
Case series
- Description of the characteristics of a group of patients with that disease.
- Usually occur within a short period of time
- Possible outbreaks
- New diseases
What does a case series lack ?
Case series
We cannot used a measure of association
•No comparison group
What is a cross sectional study or prevelance study ? What does it do ? How are exposure and dieases determined ? Cases of the diease are ? And what dont we know ?
Cross sectional study or Prevalence study
- Survey a population
- Exposure and disease are determined simultaneously for each participant
- Cases of disease are prevalent cases
–Do not know the duration of disease
What is are the three things cross sectional study used for ?
Cross sectional study
- To define a population
- To determine the presence or absence of exposure for each participant
- To determine the presence or absence of disease for each participant
What is a cross sectional study used for ?
Cross sectional study
•To determine there is an association between exposure and disease
–To calculate the prevalence of disease in participants with exposure and compare it with the prevalence of disease in participants without the exposure
What is the formula for calcualte cross sectional study?
Cross sectional study
To calculate the prevalence of exposure in patients with disease and compare the prevalence of exposure in participants without the disease
What are the limitations of a cross sectional study ?
–Prevalent cases
–Not possible temporal relationship
•Simultaneous measures