Epidemics Flashcards
factors determine severity: (4)
no. of infected people
severity of disease
vulnerability of certain groups
ease of which spread can = controlled/prevented
- ______ occurs in more numbers than usual
- _____ in community/area
- days to years-long
What is an epidemic? (2)
- when infectious disease = rapidly spreads to many people
- affects larger area than outbreak
eg. Ebola + Zika Virus
What is a pandemic? (3)
- geographical/global outbreak
- affects more people
- more deaths than epidemics
eg. Spanish flu/Smallpox/HIV + AIDS/COVID-19
What are the types of epidemic models? (6)
basic model - simple contagious epidemics
SIR model
SEIR model
Vital dynamics
SIRD model
SIRS model
What is the SIR model? (4)
compartmental model - SIR
total population = N
susceptible people (large) = S
infected people (originally small) = I
recovered people (immune) = R
What are the assumptions about the SIR model? (3)
- no births/deaths
time = small enough
fixed population size - mild disease
everyone recovers
no deaths cause by disease - complete immunity
≠ reinfection
What is the LRD for the SIR model?
N for SIR model =
What is the function of the SIR model? (2)
- absolute quantities = ease of understanding
- normalising = adds abstraction
beta =
gamma =
S =
∫ (- infection rate) dt
I =
∫ (infection rate - recovery rate) dt
R =
∫ (recovery rate) dt
Infection rate =
How does Beta affect the infection rate? (4)
= rate @ which S + I = come into contact
= probability of infection transfer - P(S converting to I)
= product of S and I
= depends on disease + population’s characteristics
How does I/N affect the infection rate?
= proportion/rate of infected people
percentage of infected
How does S affect the infection rate?
= no. of susceptible people
Recovery rate
γ = rate of recovery
I = no. of infected people
What are the important parameters of the SIR model? (2)
- basic reproduction number
- no. of infections 1 case generates (an average) over course of epidemic
What is the formula for Ro?
SIR model for I(0) =
SIR model for
N = 1M
I(0) = 1
β = 0.2
γ = 0.1
SIR model for
N = 1M
I(0) = 1
β = 0.16
γ = 0.1
SIR model for
β = 0.4
γ = 0.1
What is the SEIR model? (5)
total population = N
susceptible people (large) = S
exposed people = E
infected people (originally small) = I
recovered people (immune) = R
σ =
sigma - exposed to infected rate constant
What is the LRD for the SEIR?
SEIR model
β = 0.4
γ = 0.1
σ = 0.2
What does the model for vital dynamics include?
Vital dynamics:
includes births + deaths
What is the vital dynamics model?
total population = N
susceptible people (large) = S
infected people (originally small) = I
recovered people (immune) = R
β = beta
γ = gamma
μ = birth rate constant
α = natural death rate constant
What is the LRD for vital dynamics?
Vital dynamics
β = 0.4
γ= 0.1
μ= 0.004
α = 0.004
What is the biggest difference for the SIRD model?
Not for mild diseases.
What is the SIRD model?
total population = N
susceptible people (large) = S
infected people (originally small) = I
recovered people (immune) = R
deaths from disease = D
β = beta
γ = gamma
μ = death rate constant
What is the LRD for the SIRD model?
SIRD model
β = 0.4
γ = 0.1
μ = 0.004
What is the biggest difference for the SIRS model?
NO complete immunity
What is the SIRS model?
total population = N
susceptible people (large) = S
infected people (originally small) = I
recovered people (immune) = R
β = beta
γ = gamma
ζ = loss of immunity rate constant
What is the LRD for the SIRS model?
SIRS model
β = 0.8
γ = 0.3
ζ = 0.004