Epi & biostats Flashcards
what does descriptive epidemiology look at?
who? - populations, persons, sex, age
what? - disease, events, injuries, beliefs
where? - geographical,
when? - time frames
how much?
What are binary variables?
variables that can be divided into one vs the other.
died vs survived
continuous can become binary
BP - hypertension/no hypertension
define incidence
Incidence refers to the number of new cases occurring ( = arising = incident) in a specified population during a specified time period.
define prevalence rate or proportion
Prevalence rate (more correctly prevalence proportion) is the proportion of members of a population who:
- have a disease or other attribute of interest at a particular moment (point prevalence rate or proportion)
- or at any time during a particular period (period prevalence rate or proportion).
define point prevalence
Point prevalence refers to the number of cases of a disease or other relevant attribute (e.g. smoking habit) present in a specified population at a specified time.
The cases could have occurred (i.e. arisen, become incident, begun) at any time up to the moment at which point prevalence is assessed.
what does relative risk mean?
Relative risk or risk ratio (RR) is the ratio of the probability of an event occurring (for example, developing a disease, being injured) in an exposed group to the probability of the event occurring in a comparison, non-exposed group.
risk ratio = R1/R0
so the relative risk for men/relative risk for women
0.20/0.10 = 2
the risk difference is 0.10 (10%)
with regards to risk ratios, what would the following results tell you?
RR = 1
RR = >1
RR = <1
- RR = 1 = the risk is the same for both exposed or non-exposed groups
- RR = >1 = the risk is greater in the exposed group
- RR = <1 = the risk is reduced for the exposed group
If the RR is 0.6 what does this tell us?
risk is 40% lower in the exposed group than the non-exposed group.
How do you calculate Incidence Density (ID)?
The number of new incidences of disease within a specified period (eg new cases of prostate cancer within 5 year follow up)
divided by
the total time at risk of contracting a disease for all studied (so add up the time from year one to disease onset, loss to follow up, death, or til the end of the study for all participants)
In the image 4/39. Round up to 100 person year risk
how is the relative risk calculated?
Relative risk (RR) is the ratio of the risk (or rate) of a disease or other outcome of interest occurring among people who were exposed to a risk factor or a treatment of interest, divided by the risk (or rate) of developing the outcome without exposure to the risk factor or treatment.
Describe what is meant by number needed to harm (NNH)?
The number of people who would need to be treated with the new medication for one bad outcome of the treatment to occur, which would not have ocurred if the other treatment had been used (current medication)
how do you calculate the NNH?
NNH = 1/absolute risk difference
absolute risk diff = risk with the treatment – risk without the treatment (R1 - R2)
NNH = 1/R1 - R2
how do you calculate the NNT?
NNT = 1/(risk difference)
NNT = 1/(R2 - R1)
this calculates for 10,000 subjects.
How do you calculate odd?
Odds = odds that something will happen
= probablility of event happening/probability of event not happening
total subjects 2775
female 1275 (odd being F = 1275/1500
male 1500 (odd being M = 1500/1275