ep6 Flashcards
what are clearance rates
The proportion of the actual
incidents known to the police that result in the
identification of a suspect, whether or not that suspect
is ultimately charged and convicted
what is crime displacemnt
The relocation—due
to effective crime prevention and crime
response initiatives—of criminal activity
from one locale to another
what is professional model of policing
A model
of police work that is reactive, incident-
driven, and centred on random patrol
what is community policing
A philosophy of
policing centred on police–community
partnerships and problem-solving
what are the three Rs
random patrol, rapid response, reactive investigation
what are the three Ps
prevention, problem solving, partnership with community
what is community based strategic policing
A model of police work that incorporates the key principles of community policing with crime prevention, crime response, and
crime attack approaches
what is crime analytics
Crime analysts use sophisticated statistical programs to create crime maps and to provide intelligence to police officers in patrol and investigative units
what is intelligence-led policing
Policing that is guided by the collection and analysis of information that is used to inform police decision-making at both the tactical and strategic levels
what is compstat
A strategy designed to increase
the effectiveness and efficiency of police services while holding police personnel accountable for achieving crime reduction objectives
what is predictive policing
The use of statistical
analysis to identify the time and location where criminal activity is likely to occur
what is primary crime prevention programs
identify opportunities for criminal offences and alter those conditions to reduce the likelihood that a crime will be committed
what is secondary crime prevention programs
focus on areas that produce crime and disorder.
what is tertiary crime prevention programs
are designed to prevent youth and adults from reoffending
what is the broken windows approach
The view that if minor crimes are left unaddressed in an environment, more serious crime will emerge
what is zero tolerance policing
a strict order maintenance approach by the police in a specific area, coupled with high police visibility and
presence, with a focus on disorder and minor infractions, will reduce more serious criminal activity
what is quality of life policing
Increased police visibility
and efforts to improve conditions in an area by targeting disruptive and annoying behaviour such as
panhandling, loitering, and public drug and alcohol use
what is problem oriented policing
A tactical strategy based on the idea that the
police should address the causes of recurrent
crime and disorder
* address the root causes of recurring problems
* fashion solutions to those problems
* often in collaboration with the community
what are crime attack strategies
Proactive operations used by the police to target and apprehend criminal offenders, especially
those deemed likely to reoffend, and to identify specific areas or neighborhoods
what is tactical directed patrol
(hot spots policing) involves saturating high-crime areas with police officers, or targeting individuals engaged in
specific types of criminal activity