EOY Oral Exam General Conversation - les études Flashcards
Comment allez-vous au lycée ?
- Lucky bc mom drives me because she stays at home
- But if she’s busy, I can walk bc I live not far
- 5 min by car, 20 min by foot
Pouvez-vous décrire votre établissement scolaire ?
- Concerning campus, big because in a rural zone
- Lots of green spaces
- Building for HSers rather small
- Class sizes small, 10-15 per class
- Like because teachers are very passionate and make learning easy
Portez-vous un uniforme ?
- Yes
- Uniform is very formal
- Summer: shorts with collared shirt
- Winter: long pants with long-sleeved shirt and tie
- 2 seasons have to wear a blazer, it’s very thick and a bit annoying when its hot
Etes-vous pour ou contre l’uniforme ? Pourquoi ?
- Would by far prefer what we want every day
- Not only will I look better, but it would also be more comfortable
- In certain cases though, it can be a plus because I don’t have to worry about what I must wear every day
Quelles matières étudiez-vous cette année ?
- While many of my friends take 4 subjects, I take 5.
- They are English (mandatory), Maths Methods, Specialist Maths, Chemistry, and of course, French.
Pourquoi avez-vous choisi ces matières ?
- Chose many scientific subjects such as maths and chemistry because I find the concepts more interesting and more useful than subjects such as history or literature.
- But I also chose French because necessary to have a balanced school life and useful to study a foreign language because it can open many doors for you.
Préférez-vous les matières scientifiques ou littéraires ?
- Chose many scientific subjects such as maths and chemistry because I find the concepts more interesting and more useful than subjects such as history or literature.
Pourquoi avez-vous décidé d’étudier le français ?
- Always wanted to study a foregin language because it can open many doors for you.
- Initially I studied Chinese but I found it too hard because you had to memorise all of those characters and already spoke at home.
- Jap only used in Japan.
- Chose French because its used in many countries such as France, Canada, but also African countries and I like French culture a lot.
Depuis combien de temps étudiez-vous le français ?
- Started in 6th, 2018 so it’s been 6 years now.
- Not the first time I learned a foreign language
- Learned chinese when I was younger because parents spoke Chinese
Pensez-vous que ce soit important d’étudier une langue étrangère ?
- Yes, it can open many doors for you. For example, when I go to China I can speak to people there without my parents translating.
- And it allows you to understand other cultures better
Avez-vous étudié / étudiez-vous un autre langue étrangère ?
- Learned chinese when I was younger because parents spoke Chinese
Qu’est-ce que vous avez trouvé difficile ?
- Grammar, a real headache
- Lot of rules but with rule there is an exception
- With these verbs, have to use etre as auxiliary
- But can you avoir if you’re not the subject of the phrase
Qu’est-ce que vous avez aimé etudie ? / Quel aspect de la langue/de votre apprentissage de la langue/quel theme avez-vous trouve interessant/pertinent ?
- Like to explore French gastronomy
- I love to eat
- Breakfast lunch andd inner favourite times of the day
- Love trying new foods and when learned that we were going to learn about French gastronomy, very enthusiastic and favourite subject.
Faites-vous partie d’un club ou d’une équipe sportive au lycée ?
- Captain of library committee
- Meet to plan and discuss possible events and the improvement of the library for all students
- Helped at library for 5 years when I was in middle school and I’ve been captain for 2 years
- Fun because love reading and our library is very nice.
Pensez-vous qu’il soit important de participer à des activités extrascolaires ?
- Yes!
- When I was younger I thought you had to devote all your time towards studying and that other stuff was a waste of time
- But today if I study all the time I would feel very exhausted and tired
- Activities are important for a balanced life and very good for your mental health
Comment se passe une journée typique à votre lycée ?
- Arive at school at 8
- Relax then go to roll-call at 8:35
- Go to class until 10:25, then recess, then return to class
- 1:15 have lunch
- 2:05 final classes
- 3:35 I finish
Depuis combien de temps fréquentez-vous ce lycée ?
- Started coming to my school since I moved to Australia in 2016.
- Before that, was educated in Hong Kong in school much smaller than mine with less outdoor space, but I like them both!
Quel est votre meilleur souvenir de votre vie scolaire ?
- A lot, don’t have one in particular
- Would say the times where I play sport with my friends
- Love passing the time with them and I also love sport
- So combining the 2 is often the highlight of my day if I have the chance
Avez-vous fait un stage en entreprise ?
- Yes, I did in year 10 in research labratory in a university as part of my work experience which was mandatory
- I helped test drawing robots and record their movements
Qu’avez-vous fait pendant votre stage en entreprise ?
- I helped test drawing robots and record their movements
Qu’avez-vous appris pendant votre stage en entreprise ?
- I learned a lot relating to my coding skills, but also how to work in a team and interpersonal skills because the lab was very team-based