EOY Oral Exam General Conversation - les aspirations Flashcards
Qu’avez-vous l’intention de faire après vos examens ?
Qu’espérez-vous étudier l’année prochaine ?
Savez-vous quelle carrière vous souhaiteriez poursuivre plus tard ?
- Next year, hope to study CS at Monash to get a Bachelor’s of CS.
- Since middle school, CS one of my favourite subjects
- Interested in coding but also teaching it.
- Want to become CS prof, can combine 2 passions and it pays well
Pourquoi avez-vous choisi cette carrière ?
- Can combine 2 passions and it pays well
Quelle licence / diplôme allez-vous préparer ?
Quelles études faut-il faire pour devenir… ?
- To become prof, first obtain a Bachelor’s then a pHD
- Big part of prof consists of doing resaerch, pHD will give necessary experience in this domain.
Pensez-vous qu’il soit important d’aller à l’université ?
- Imporatant for me but have to decide if it’s right for you.
- To become a doc, engineer, or lawyer, yes, very important
- But if you want to pursue another career such as an athlete or too expensive, might not be that important and no harm in doing something else.
Allez-vous commencer vos études en Mars ou allez-vous prendre une année sabbatique ?
- Would like to start in March
- Don’t really want to do other things
- Taking a gap year would mean start Bachelor’s 1 year late
- So no, would not want to take one.
Croyez-vous que ce soit une bonne idée de ne pas aller directement à la fac ?
- Not really, but personal opinion.
- Maybe some people want to work for a year to get money, or maybe other travel to see the world before studying for 3 years
- All depends on what is right for you, it’s not white or black.
Qu’allez-vous faire pendant cette année sabbatique ?
Que pensent vos parents de cette décision ?
Comment allez-vous financer votre année sabbatique ?
Allez-vous rester chez vos parents ou allez-vous partager un appartement ?
+ A votre avis, y-a-t-il des inconvénients à partir de chez ses parents ?
- During my university studies, would stay for a bit until I earn enough money to move into my own place
- Would give more freedom and can do stuff without my parents judging me
- But benefits are that don’t have to pay rent and have free homecooked meals
WHy coding interest you?