EOY Oral Exam General Conversation - famille et amis Flashcards
Parlez-nous de votre famille.
- Nuclear family
- Mom 50, studying to be teacher, tall with black hair
- Dad 55, economics professor, tall with black hair
- Benji 5, golden retriever
- Only child and not much extended family (in Australia as well)
Pensez-vous qu’il soit difficile d’être enfant unique ?
- Wouldn’t say its difficult, don’t know what it is like to have siblings
- Feel sometimes lonely if had siblings could help
- But can talk to friends online or family so not difficult
Auriez-vous aimé avoir un frère / une sœur ?
- Having a sibling could make house life more lively
- Can do many things together
- But I feel like I am able to have a closer relationship with my parents as an only child
Avec qui vous entendez-vous le mieux ? Pourquoi ?
- Absolutely my mom
- When younger, dad was very busy with work
- Thus, developed closer relationship with mom because she took care of me
Qu’est-ce que vous aimez faire en famille ?
- Not much time now, only when we dine
- But in the past (middle school), did lots of things like board games, watching films, and dining outside
Quelle est la profession de votre mère / père / frère / sœur ?
- Mom studying to be teacher, right now takes care of me at home but because I’m an adult and won’t be around she is studying
- Dad economics professor but not always interested by finance, used to study engineering at uni but after 10 year get a masters in finance
Qui admirez-vous le plus dans votre famille ? Pourquoi ?
- Difficult, admire all members
- Had to choose one, dad
- Works very hard to assure many things
- Good work ethic, I wish to have same
Avez-vous l’intention de fonder une famille ?
- Haven’t thought of it yet
- But in future, if I meet good person, I would be open to it.
- Big decisions though, have to evaluate if I can handle it with my job
Selon-vous, qu’est-ce qu’un(e) meilleur(e) ami(e) ?
- Share same interests and easy to get along but can talk about problems.
- Be there for each other in difficult times
- Talk about Kiran
- Takes same subjects but can talk about problems and he gives good advice
Pensez-vous qu’un père ou une mère puisse être un(e) meilleur(e) ami(e) ?
- Have good relationship, but no.
- Family closer than friends, share the same blood
- Important difference between 2, there are things I would only talk with my friends or with my family.
Pour vous, c’est quoi l’amitié ?
- Connection with someone that’s not family
- Relationship (not romantique) where you spend time, share same interests, and get along with well
- Can have in relationship, friendship more casual and no romantic gestures
Etes-vous personnellement un(e) bon(ne) ami(e) ?
- Try my best but when I was younger no.
- Would often get mad and not let others talk
- Friends annoyed, but now I understand the feelings of others better (bc more mature), try to let others talk and more calm when playing together
Est-ce que les réseaux sociaux jouent un role important pour vous et vos amis/amies ?
- Yes, I use it to keep in contact with my friends because I don’t live close to them.
- I can also use it to find cool activites happening in my area and if there is something interesting can go and to relax in general
Est-ce que vos parents utilisent les réseaux sociaux ?
- No, they are old fashioned, and don’t think it is good
- They use texting apps like Whats App to communicate with their friends
Qui occupent la place la plus importante pour vous : vous ami(e)s ou vos parents?
- Absolutely parents
- Involved in life for longer and closer relationship
- I like the relationship with my friends but appreciate the most my parents because they do a lot of things for me.
Qu’est-ce que vous aimez faire avec vos amis ?
- Have very good friend group who like spending time together
- Lunch break talk amongst ourselves
- Vacation/break more free time and thus do more activities such as playing video games, going to the city or a mall, and playing Volleyball.
D’après-vous, quelles sont les qualités essentielles d’un(e) partenaire ?
- Trust and communication are necessary, without these 2 a relationship can’t work.
- Trust to be able to be more open to one another
- Communication is also essential if you feel angry towards each other speaking to one another is a good solution to repare your griefs.
Qu’est-ce que vous aimez faire avec vos amis ?
- At school or lunch, we talk amongst ourselves
- Vacation or break, more time so do more things.
- Play video games, go to the city or shopping center, and playing volleyball.