EO3 - Chapters 6,7,8 Flashcards
Learned behaviors, actions, beliefs, and objects in a visible force.
Cultural trait
A single element of a culture. Combined with many, make up a culture.
Cultural complex
Interrelated groups of cultural traits that talk about a society.
Culture hearth
Unique culture or trait developing in a place.
Behaviors heavily discouraged by a culture.
Folk culture
Small similar groups of people that often live in rural, isolated areas and are unwilling to change their practices.
Sense of place
People’s feelings toward a place.
Cultural region
Areas with similar cultural traits.
Formal region
Region defined by governments and experts.
Functional region
Regions based on interaction, mostly centered on a node.
Perceptual region
How people think about places. No defined boundaries.
Cultural landscape
Visible reflections of a culture on a landscape.
Ethnic enclave
Clusters of people of the same culture, usually surrounded by a population dominant to that region.
Culture realm
Large areas that include several regions. Defined by language families, religious traditions, food preferences, architecture, and shared history that they have in common.
Space-time compression
Development in transportation and communication that have shortened the time required for interaction between places.
Intensified interaction among people, governments, and companies of different countries around the world.
Popular culture
Culture not tied to a specific location, but to a general location based on widespread diffusion.
Spread of information, ideas, behaviors, and other cultural aspects over a wide area.
Relocation diffusion
Spread of a cultural trait by people that migrate and carry their cultural traits with them.
Expansion diffusion
Indirect or direct spread of cultural traits without migration.
Contagious diffusion
Cultural traits spread outward from its hearth through contact among people.
Hierarchical diffusion
Culture spread outward from the most interconnected places or from centers of wealth and importance.
Reverse hierarchical diffusion
Cultural traits spread from a lower class to a higher class.
Stimulus diffusion
People in a culture adopt an idea from another culture, but they alter it because they reject one trait from it.
Cultures come into contact and the less dominant culture adopts traits of the more dominant culture.
An ethnic group can no longer be distinguished from the receiving group.
Coexistence of several cultures in one society.
Anti-immigrant attitudes.
Scientists who study languages.
Language tree
Shows the relationship between language families; how they are related and how they grow out of each other.
Indo-European language family
Large group of languages. Most people speak a language from this family.
Romance language
Languages that emerged from Latin.
Boundaries between variations in pronunciation or word usage.
Regional variations of a language. Variations in accent, grammar, usage, and spelling.
Sayings that reflect the truth about life.
Lingua franca
Common language used by people who don’t share a native language.
Word or phrase informal usage by a fraction of the population.
Pidgin language
Simplified mixture of two languages with few grammatical rules and small vocabulary. Developed by extensive contact of people speaking different languages.
Creole language
Combination of two or more languages creating a language with formal structure and vocabulary.
Language created by mixing Arab and Bantu.
Official language
Language designated by law to be the language of a government.
Countries made up of largely ethnically similar people.
Membership in a group of people who share ancestry, language, customs, histore, and common experiences.
Describes people’s connection to a specific country, ethnicity, and cultural traits.
Attempt to follow a literal interpretation of a religious faith.
The Islamic legal framework for a country.
Countries ran by religious leaders and have religious laws.
Process of re-embracing the uniqueness and authenticity of a place.
Religion worshipping many gods.
Religion worshipping one god.
Idea that behaviors have consequences in the present or future life.
Caste system
Rigid class structure.
Ethnic religion
Belief traditions that show strong cultural characteristics among their followers.
Global migration of Jewish people beyond Isreal.
Universal religion
A religion that is in universal scope, which is available to everyone to convert to.
Religious journey to a sacred place to their religion.
Belief that non-living objects have a spirit.
Charter group
First group to establish cultural and religious customs in a place.
Ethnic island
Ethnic concentrations in rural areas.
Sequent occupance
Process of ethnic groups moving in and out of neighborhoods and leaving or creating their print of their culture.