EO 1 BLOCK 4 CCW Flashcards
CCW Essential Loads
CTMT H2 Analyzer
CCW Non-essential header
CTMT (Letdown,RCP’s)
Control Rod Drive
SFP Cooling
Waste Gas
RC Sample Coolers
BA Evaporators
Quench Tank
Seal Return
PASS coolers
What cools CCW?
Service Water
What does Nitrogen do for the CCW System?
Cover gas for the CCW surge tank
What provides make up for the CCW system?
Demin Water
What CCW valves CLOSE for an SFAS level 3?
CC1460 MUP’s and CC1495 Aux Building Non-essentials
What CCW valves CLOSE for an SFAS Level 4?
CRD and CTMT header valves
What CCW valves OPEN for an SFAS level 3?
DH valves
CCW Pump auto starts
Low flow in opposite loop of 1000gpm
SA 2
10 sec after EDG start
What do the DSA and DSB switches do on C1/D1 for the CCW pumps?
DSA removes SA start features
DSB removes CTRM control
What causes the CCW surge tank relief to align to the MWDT?
What is the relief pressure of the CCW surge tank valve?
How do you determine the alignment of the CCW surge tank relief valve?
Up position to atm
Down position to MWDT
Where does the CCW surge tank relief normally vent to?
to atm in fan alley
Which ONE of the following is a function of the Component Cooling Water System?
A. Provide cooling to the Makeup Pumps.
B. Provide cooling to the Containment Spray Pumps.
C. Provide cooling to the Station Blackout Diesel Generator.
D. Provide cooling to the Emergency Instrument Air Compressor.
The following is a list of functions for the Component Cooling Water System.
1. Provides cooling to essential systems.
2. Provides cooling to non-essential NSSS support systems.
3. Provides a barrier between radioactive systems and the environment.
4. Provides a leak detection system for Stator Cooling System.
Of the groups of numbers below, which ONE provides a list of MAJOR purposes of the CCW
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 2, 4
C. 1, 3, 4
D. 2,3,4
Which ONE of the following Component Cooling Water loads is NORMALLY supplied via essential
header 2?
A. Reactor Coolant Pumps 1-2 and 2-1
B. Spent Fuel Pool Heat Exchanger 1-2
C. Containment Gas Analyzer Heat Exchanger 1-1
D. Emergency Diesel Generator 2 Jacket Cooling Water Heat Exchanger
Which ONE of the following is a load on the Component Cooling Water, Auxiliary Building NonEssential header?
A. Quench tank cooler
B. Decay Heat Cooler
C. Control Rod Drive Motor coolers
D. Reactor Coolant Pump upper bearing cooler
Which ONE of the following is supplied from the Component Cooling Water Non-essential Header?
A. Hydrogen Dilution Blower
B. Hydrogen Analyzer coolers
C. Post Accident Sample System coolers
D. High Pressure Injection Pump Bearing Oil coolers
Which ONE of the following Component Cooling Water (CCW) loads CANNOT be supplied from
the essential header?
A. Decay Heat coolers
B. Makeup Pump oil coolers
C. Reactor Coolant Pump seal coolers
D. Containment gas analyzers
The following alarms have just actuated:
Which ONE of the following components leaking would be the MOST LIKELY cause of these
A. Decay Heat Cooler
B. Boric Acid Evaporator
C. Waste Gas Compressor cooler
D. Spent Fuel Pool Cooler
Given the following conditions:
The plant is at 100% power
All systems are operating as designed
A Component Cooling Water (CCW) Surge Tank High Level alarm has just been received The Reactor Operator reports CCW return radiation level is trending upward as well as surge tank level IDENTIFY the CCW load that is the likely source of the leakage into the system.
A. Decay Heat Coolers
B. Pressurizer Quench Tank Cooler
C. Letdown Coolers
D. Boric Acid Evaporator Condensers
Which ONE of the following components is supplied cooling by Component Cooling Water?
A. Containment Air Coolers
B. Containment Hydrogen Dilution Blowers
C. High Pressure Injection (HPI) Pumps
D. Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Room Coolers
The following plant conditions exist:
The plant is operating at 100% power.
Annunciator Alarm 11-3-A, CCW SURGE TK LVL LO, has just come in. Component Cooling Water surge tank level indicates 42 inches.
Which ONE of the following pieces of equipment would be of concern if operating?
A. Make Up Pump 1
B. Reactor Coolant Pump 1-1
C. Waste Gas Compressor 1
D. High Pressure Injection Pump 1
The following plant conditions exist:
* The Reactor is operating at 100% power
* The Component Cooling Water Surge Tank is inadvertently drained to 42 inches while sampling the CCW system
Which one of the following would see an INCREASE in temperature until the Surge Tank level is restored?
A. A running Emergency Diesel Generator
B. Oil in a running Makeup Pump
C. All CAD Motor Stators
D. The Makeup Tank
Which ONE of the following is the normal Component Cooling Water pump lineup at 100% power?
A. - one (1) pump is running
- one (1) pump in standby
- one (1) pump electrically aligned to the running CCW pump side.
B. - one (1) pump is running
- one (1) pump in standby
- one (1) pump is electrically disconnected.
C. - two (2) pumps are running
- one (1) pump in standby electrically aligned to the side supplying non-essential loads.
D. - two (2) pumps are running
- one (1) pump electrically disconnected.
The MINIMUM continuous (greater than 4 hours) flow requirements for a Component Cooling Water pump is __ gpm.
A. 500
B. 800
C. 1000
D. 3000
The Component Cooling Water heat exchanger temperature control valve is normally set to maintain between 80°F and 120°F.
What is the desired NORMAL system temperature?
A. 80 °F
B. 95°F
C. 105 “F
D. 115 “F
Which ONE of the following is a safety grade source of makeup to the Component Cooling Water Surge Tank?
A. Service Water
B. Fire Water
C. Borated Water Storage Tank
D. Demineralized Water
The Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Control Valve will ___ _ on Safety Feature Actuation Level 2.
A. control at 125 °F
B. fully close
C. control at 95 °F
D. fully open
The temperature setpoint on the temperature controller for the Component Cooling Water Pump
Room Ventilation system is ___ _
A. 85° year round.
B. 95° year round.
C. 85° in the winter and 95°F in the summer.
D. 95° in the winter and 85°F in the summer.
Rated flow and pressure for a Component Cooling Water (CCW) pump are which of the following?
A. 6500 gpm at 78.6 psid
B. 6500 gpm at 78.6 psig discharge pressure
C. 7860 gpm at 65 psid
D. 7860 gpm at 65 psig discharge pressure
Match the load in the left column with its power source in the right column.
1. 1-2 CCW Pump
2. 1-1 CCW Pump Room Fan
3. 1-2 CRDC Booster Pump
A. E11C
B. C1
C. F11A
D. 01
E. E22A
F. F21A
- D.
- A.
- F
The following conditions exist:
* The plant is operating at 100% power.
* CCW Pump 3 is in operation as pump 1.
* CW Pump 2 is in Standby
* CCW Pump 1 is OOS for preventive maintenance.
An equipment operator, working on restoration of CCW Pump 1, inadvertently removes the close
power fuses in AC108, CCW Pump 3 Breaker.
Which of the following describes the impact this will have on system operation:
A. CCW Temperature will rise and CCW Surge Tank level will go up.
B. CCW Temperature will lower and CCW Surge Tank level will go down.
C. CCW Temperature will lower and CCW Surge Tank level will be controlled by auto makeup from demin water.
D. CCW Temperature will be unchanged and CCW Surge Tank level is stable
The following conditions exist:
* CCW Pump 3 is aligned as Pump 1 and operating
* CCW Pump 2 is in Standby
* CCW Pump 1 is OOS for preventive maintenance.
* Service Water Temperature is 45°F
A failure occurs in the CCW Pump 3 Breaker, and all of the breaker cubicle cell auxiliary contacts
Which of the following describes the impact this will have on system operation if this condition is
not corrected.
CCW temperature to the CAD Mechanism will ___________ _
A. rise above the allowable limit and damage the CAD stators.
B. be unaffected and operation may continue.
C. lower causing CRD Stator temperatures to fall below the minimum.
D. rise however no adverse impact is expected.
The following plant conditions exist:
* The plant is operating at 100% power
* CCW Pump 2 is running
* CCW Pump 1 is in standby
* HIS 1414, CCW Pump 1, switch has been placed in the PULL TO LOCKOUT position
The following event occurs:
* An SFAS level 2 actuation occurs
The operator needs to ____ to start CCW Pump 1.
A. turn HIS1414 to the CLOSE position
B. re-position HIS1414 from of the PULL TO LOCKOUT position to the NEUTRAL position
C. block SFAS
D. take NO action
The following conditions exist:
* The plant is operating at 100% power
* CCW Pump 3 is in operation as pump 1
* CCW Pump 2 is in Standby
* CCW Pump 1 is OOS for preventive maintenance
An equipment operator, working on restoration of CCW Pump 1, inadvertently removes the close
power fuses in AC108, CCW Pump 3 Breaker
A loss of offsite power occurs
Which of the following describes the impact this will have on system operation?
A. CCW Pump 3 will NOT restart CCW Pump 2 will start and supply essential and non-essential CCW loads
B. CCW Pump 3 will NOT restart CCW Pump 2 will start and supply essential CCW loads ONLY
C. CCW Pump 3 will restart when C1 Bus is re-energized and supply essential and non-essential
CCW loads
D. CCW Pump 3 will restart when C1 Bus is re-energized and supply essential CCW loads ONLY
The following plant conditions exist:
CC Pump 1 is running.
CC Pump 2 is in standby.
Service Water Pump 1 trips.
Without operator action, which one of the following describes the final state of the CCW System?
A. * CC 5095, 5097, and 2645 (Loop 1 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) closed
* CC 5096, 5098, and 2649 (Loop 2 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) open
* CCW Pump 2 running
* CCW Pump 1 off
B. * CC 5095, 5097, and 2645 (Loop 1 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) open
* CC 5096, 5098, and 2649 (Loop 2 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) closed
* Neither CCW pump running
C. * CC 5095, 5097, and 2645 (Loop 1 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) open
* CC 5096, 5098, and 2649 (Loop 2 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) closed
* CCW Pump 1 running
* CCW Pump 2 off
D. * CC 5095, 5097, and 2645 (Loop 1 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) closed
* CC 5096, 5098, and 2649 (Loop 2 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) open
* Both CCW pumps running
The two (2) locations for Service Water (SW) isolation valves to add water to the Component Cooling Water (CCW) system are above the Waste Gas Compressors and …
A. CCW pump room
B. Boric Acid Addition Tank room
C. CCW surge tank area
D. SW pump room
The two locations for Service Water (SW) isolation valves to add water to the Component Cooling
Water (CCW) System are in the Boric Acid Addition Tank (BAAT) room overhead and the …
A. CCW pump room.
B. SW pump room.
C. Waste Gas (WG) compressor room.
D. CCW surge tank area.
The plant was initially at 100% power, normal operation.
Component Cooling Water (CCW) pump 1 was running and CCW pump 2 was in standby.
A Loss Of Coolant Accident has occurred.
The following plant conditions now exist:
1. Reactor Coolant System pressure is 1500 psig
2. High Pressure Injection (HPI) pump 1 started. HPI pump 2 has failed to start
3. CCW pump 1 is running. CCW pump 2 has failed to start
4. Emergency Diesel Generator 1 and 2 have started
5. C-1 and D-1 bus have 4160 volts
Which of the following conditions could have prevented CCW Pump 2 from starting?
A. Low CCW flow
B. Breaker overcurrent
C. High temperature
D. Bus undervoltage
Cover gas for the Component Cooling Water Surge Tank is supplied by which ONE of the following
A. Hydrogen
B. Nitrogen
C. Station Air
D. Cover Gas
The following plant conditions exist:
* CCW Pump 1 is running.
* CCW Pump 2 is in standby.
* CCW Pump 1 trips on overcurrent.
Assuming no action by the crew, which one of the following describes the impact on the CCW
A. CC 5095, 5097, and 2645 (Loop 1 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) closed
CC 5096, 5098, and 2645 (Loop 2 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) open
B. CC 5095, 5097, and 2645 (Loop 1 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) open
CC 5096, 5098, and 2649 (Loop 2 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) closed
C. CC 5095, 5097, and 2645 (Loop 1 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) closed
CC 5096, 5098, and 2649 (Loop 2 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) closed
D. CC 5095, 5097, and 2645 (Loop 1 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) open
CC 5096, 5098, and 2649 (Loop 2 Non-Essential Isolation Valves) open
Which ONE of the following statements describes an interfacing system response if the temperature control valves for the in service Component Cooling Water (CCW) heat exchangers are adjusted to INCREASE the CCW heat exchanger outlet temperature?
A. Letdown temperature increases.
B. Seal Return Cooler flow increases.
C. RCP thermal barrier flow increases.
D. RCP hydrostatic bearing temperature increases.
Safety Features Actuation System Level 2 actuation has occurred.
Which ONE of the following conditions would PREVENT the standby Component Cooling Water
Pump breaker from closing?
A. Low flow on standby loop
B. Overcurrent on the Essential Bus
C. High temperature on standby loop
D. Undervoltage on the standby pump’s bus
All three Component Cooling Water (CCW) pumps have some common interlocks.
Which ONE of the following interlocks is UNIQUE to the #3 CCW pump?
A. LOW flow of less than 1000 gpm TRIPS the pump.
B. CCW pump breaker OPENS on a bus ground fault.
C. HIGH CCW temperature of greater than 125 °
F TRIPS the pump.
D. Service Water outlet valve FAILS OPEN when both of the #3 Component Cooling Water
breakers are racked out.
An event has caused Containment pressure to rise to 20 psia.
Which ONE of the following items will occur?
A. High Pressure Injection Pump trips
B. Control Rod Drive Booster Pump trips
C. CC1471, CCW from EDG Solenoid Outlet Valve, fails open
D. CC 1460, CCW to Makeup Pump Header Inlet Valve, fails closed
Which ONE of the following conditions will result in the AUTO tripping of the operating Component
Cooling Pump #1?
Assume NO Safety Features Actuation signal exists.
A. An overcurrent condition on Bus C1.
B. Component Cooling Water surge tank level is 40 inches.
C. Component Cooling Water pump 1-1 outlet flow is 900 gpm.
D. Component Cooling Water outlet temperature on heat exchanger #1 is 138°F.
Which ONE of the following Component Cooling Water System loads will still be in service when
the Component Cooling Water surge tank level lowers to 33 inches?
A. Letdown Cooler
B. Spent Fuel Pool Cooler
C. Control Rod Drive Mechanism cooling
D. Containment Hydrogen Gas Analyzer cooler
Which ONE of the following describes how the Component Cooling Water System will respond if
containment pressure rises to 20 psia?
A. The CCW System will continue to operate, but CC 1460 (CCW TO MU PUMP CLRS)
B. The CCW Pumps will be STOPPED by load shedding.
C. CC 1411 A(B), and CC 1567 A(B) (CTMT isolation valves) will automatically CLOSE.
D. CC 1409 and CC 1410 (Letdown Cooler Inlet Valves) will go full OPEN.
With the reactor operating at power, which ONE of the following is the most likely consequence of a
small tube leak in a letdown cooler?
A. Letdown will isolate.
B. The CCW surge tank will isolate on low level.
C. The CCW surge tank drain will realign to the RCDT.
D. The CCW surge tank vent will realign to the MWDT.
SELECT the Safety Features Actuation System (SFAS) Level actuation that will result in the
closure of ALL Component Cooling Water (CCW) system containment isolation valves.
A. Level 2
B. Level 3
C. Level 4
D. Level 5
The following plant conditions exist:
* CCW Pump 1 is in standby.
* CCW Pump 2 is running.
The following events occur in this order:
* 11-5-B, CCW PMP 2 FLOW LO, alarms and stays in alarm when acknowledged.
* CC 5095, CC 5097, and CC 2645 open.
Which one of the following was the cause of this event?
A. Loss of Train 2 Service Water.
B. CCW Pump 2 sheared its shaft.
C. CCW System leak.
D. Letdown Cooler leak.
Which ONE of the following will occur when Component Cooling Water System flow lowers to less
than 1000 gpm?
A. The standby CCW pump receives a start signal.
B. CC 1328/1338, CRDC Booster pump suction valves, will close.
C. CC 1495, Aux Bldg non-essential header isolation valve, will close.
D. The Service Water System will automatically align to provide CCW cooling.
Which ONE of the following will auto start a Component Cooling Water pump?
A. Safety Features Actuation System Level 2.
B. Idle start of an Emergency Diesel Generator.
C. Operating Component Cooling Water pump less than 3000 gpm for 20 sec.
D. Operating Component Cooling Water pump heat exchanger inlet greater than 125°F.
Which ONE of the following describes an AUTOMATIC system response associated with the
Component Cooling Water (CCW) System?
(Assume CCW Pumps 1 and 2 are running.)
A. If CCW Pump 1 flowrate is less than 3000 gpm, CCW Pump 1 breaker will TRIP.
B. If CCW Surge Tank Side 2 level lowers to less than 33 inches, the essential CCW Header 2
will isolate.
C. If CCW Heat Exchanger 2 discharge temperature is greater than 125°F, CCW Pump 2
breaker will TRIP.
D. If CCW RETURN RAD HI annunciator alarm is received, a three-way valve (CC-1412) will
realign the CCW surge tank vent to a relief valve which will discharge to the Miscellaneous
Waste Drain Tank.
The plant was initially at 100% power, normal operation.
Component Cooling Water (CCW) pump 1 was running and CCW pump 2 was in standby.
A Loss Of Coolant Accident has occurred.
The following plant conditions now exist:
1. Reactor Coolant System pressure is 1500 psig
2. High Pressure Injection (HPI) pump 1 started. HPI pump 2 has failed to start
3. CCW pump 1 is running. CCW pump 2 has failed to start
4. Emergency Diesel Generator 1 and 2 have started
5. C-1 and D-1 bus have 4160 volts
Which of the following conditions could have prevented CCW Pump 2 from starting?
A. Low CCW flow
B. Breaker overcurrent
C. High temperature
D. Bus undervoltage
A Large Break LOCA occurred ONE (1) hour ago. All equipment is operating as designed.
Which ONE (1) of the following Component Cooling system valves may be operated after blocking
the SFAS Level 4 Signal by depressing the applicable component SFAS BLOCK pushbutton?
A. CC 1467, DH Cooler CC Outlet Isolation Valve
B. CC 1495, Aux Bldg Non-Essential Isolation Valve
C. CC 1460, MUP Header Isolation Valve
D. CC-1567 A, CRD Cooling CTMT Isolation Valve
The following plant conditions exist:
* 100% power.
* All systems are in a normal alignment.
* Component Cooling Water (CCW) Pump 1 is running.
* CCW Pump 2 is in standby
The following event occurs:
* Breaker AC11 O, BUS TIE FROM C2 BUS, is inadvertently opened by an operator.
Which one of the following will occur?
A. CCW Pump 2 will start due to low flow on CCW Train 1 and supply the CCW non-essential
B. CCW Pump 2 will start due to CCW Train 1 low flow, CCW Pump 1 will restart, Essential
CCW valves will oscillate between CCW Train 1 and Train 2.
C. CCW Pump 1 will restart when AC101, EDG 1 Output Breaker, closes and supply the CCW
D. CCW Pump 1 will restart when ABDC1, BD Transformer to C1 breaker, closes, and supplies
CCW loads.
Where are the controllers for the Component Cooling Water Heat Exchangers located.
What is the normal setpoint on the Heat Exchanger outlet?
A. Control Room, Setpoint - 95°F
B. Adjacent to CCW pumps, Setpoint - 85°F
C. Rear of the CCW Hx area, Setpoint - 85°F
D. Rear of the CCW Hx area, Setpoint - 95°F
Flow indication for the Component Cooling Water system is located?
A. Adjacent to Component Cooling Water pumps
B. Platform in Service Water West Tunnel
C. Next to the respective Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger outlet temp controllers
D. Platform above the Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger temperature controllers
Amperage for the Component Cooling Water (CCW) pumps can be read at which of the following
A. In the Control Room and at the CCW pumps.
B. At the CCW Pumps and at C1 and D1 busses.
C. At the CCW pumps and at A Bus and B Bus.
D. In the Control Room and at C1 and D1 busses.
With ONE Component Cooling Water loop inoperable in MODE 1, ITS 3. 7. 7 ACTION requires that
you restore the inoperable loop to OPERABLE status within ___ _
or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next ___ _
and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following ___ _
A. 72 hours, 12 hours, 30 hours
B. 72 hours, 6 hours, 36 hours
C. 48 hours, 12 hours, 30 hours
D. 48 hours, 6 hours, 30 hours
The plant is in MODE 5 at 190°
F with a plant heatup in progress.
Electrical Maintenance informs you that #1 CCW Pump Room Ventilation fan has a bad motor
They estimate it will take eight hours to repair.
Which ONE of the following describes the MINIMUM actions required for these conditions?
A. Continue with plant heatup, but do NOT exceed 250 degrees fahrenheit until the fan motor is
B. Continue with plant heatup, since the fans are 100% capacity and only one is required.
C. Stop the heatup until the outside air dampers are failed open to allow maximum air volume
exchange in the room.
D. Stop the plant heatup, since each fan is required operable for its associated CCW Train to be
Which ONE of the following statements correctly describes the Component Cooling Water cooling
to the Control Rod Drive System?
A. CCW cooling is isolated when the reactor is tripped.
B. At RCS temperatures greater than 200°F, CCW flow modulates to maintain 180F.
C. To close the CRD trip breaker A and B, CRD booster pump flow must be greater than 146
D. At RCS temperatures less than 220°F, CCW should be isolated to CRDMs when the drives
are de-energized to prevent condensation on the CRDM windings.
You have just completed placing the second Spent Fuel Pool Heat Exchanger in service at the
Primary Reactor Operators request.
The Control Room contacts you on your radio and informs you that due to operator error in refilling
#3 CCW pump, the CCW surge tank level has dropped to 43 inches but is now stable.
Which statement is correct concerning plant status.
A. The CCW Surge Tank level drop is due to improper venting of Spent Fuel Cooling Pumps.
B. Since both Spent Fuel Pool Heat Exchangers are in service, adequate cooling exists for the
current conditions.
C. The CCW surge tank must be refilled in order to restore normal cooling to the Spent Fuel Pool
Heat Exchangers.
D. Although #1 CCW pump has AUTOMATICALLY tripped due to surge tank low level, #2 CCW
pump will still be able to supply cooling water to the Spent Fuel Pool Heat Exchangers.
The plant is in MODE 1.
You are the Zone 2 Operator.
An l&C Tech. has just informed you that he is working on the ventilation for the Component Cooling
Water pump room.
Which ONE of the following is the MOST appropriate action?
A. Thank the technician and allow him to continue.
B. Turn off ventilation for the technician to support the activity.
C. Tell the technician he must stop work because it is a PROTECTED TRAIN work area.
D. Check with the Shift Manager or Unit Supervisor to determine if they are aware of the
technician’s activities.